Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Trials Build Up Character

I sent mum for her first radiotherapy session this morning. I thought it would take a long time. We arrived at the hospital at 8:30am for her to change into the various outfit needed for the procedure. At 9:00am they started the treatment and by 9:30am, everything was done.

I asked mum how it was and she said she did not really feel anything throughout the session. I spoke to the Radiation Oncologist and was informed that mum may develop rashes in the subsequent sessions. It is normal apparently. The specialist told me that we can only react when the side-effects surface as they may differ with individuals.

Well, I thank God that mum pulled through the first session. There are at least 7 more to go. I hope the Lord will continue to sustain her during this period.

I am in church now. I just finished preparing the second workshop. Praise the Lord! I arrived here after sending mum home and cooking lunch for every one at home. I went to the family clinic to ask the doctor about grandma and was told that she has shingles of the mouth. This explains why she is suffering so much pain. This morning she was still groaning. Sigh. I hope the Lord will take away this misery and heal her soon.

Last night I was corresponding with a sister-in-Christ on the MSN and she asked me how come I can still encourage others when I myself am going through crises.

Well, now that I have reflected on that, I thought I share some thoughts on this.

The reason why I am still encouraging others when I am in crises myself is because of the many trials I have experienced in my life. I found it hard to deal with crises when I was a younger Christian because I just could not understand what God was trying to do with my life. But after going through a few major crises like failures in my studies, the rift with mum, my kidney ailment, a break-up with my girlfriend (we were so close to considering marriage but it did not happen due to the uncertainty of my ill-health then and her plans to go overseas to study) and subsequent failures in two other relationship attempts, and also my stomach ulcers, God taught me lessons which made me grow deeper in my faith.

He also showed me what it means to love and care for one another through the very love and care showered upon me by my siblings-in-Christ and friends.

Though I have shared the above-mentioned, I am not saying that I am immuned to disappointments and frustrations and at times, doubts. I am, after all, still a human.

Struggles and crises will always be there till I die, I guess I cannot possibly let them immobilise me all the time. By playing a part in other people's trials also reminds me that I am not the only one suffering in this world. It allows me to be reminded that sometimes the struggles I see as major pales in comparison when I see other people's crises.

I always see fellowship as fellow Christians in the same ship - when we have this picture in mind, it basically tells me that I cannot distant myself from helping others. I have also learnt to be a blessing to others since I myself have been so richly blessed by God. I guess the Golden Rule ("Do to others what you would have them do to you") in the Bible must be practised in this life's journey that all have to travel.

In sharing with one another our crises, we also learnt from one another the various ways in overcoming them. It then makes the trial period much easier to bear.

I am not trying to trivialise or make it sound as if it is easy for all to go through the trials of life. What matters is that we must not let them put us down. Do not forget that we have God and our friends behind us - in going through the valleys and mountains together our struggles will eventually come to pass.

Well, time for me to practise what I have shared above - I am still tired physically, mentally and emotionally but I take comfort that now I have people running alongside me in prayer, in encouragement and in guidance.

Thanks and glory be to God always!

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." Acts 2:42-47

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