Thursday, April 30, 2009

Think Possibility; Not Think Positive

I am now in church. I decided to come early to do some work for the Missions Ministry and also to prepare for the Committee meeting tonight. There are a lot of matters to deliberate and decide. I pray that God will lead and guide every one who will be coming - that we will all be of one mind and heart as we let God move us accordingly.

I have not been blogging as I have been tied down by a lot of work. I thought before I start preparing for my ministry stuff that I take this time to jot down some thoughts.

Lately there is this phrase that has been running through my mind - "Think Possibility; Not Think Positive." As I dwelled on this, the 5 words are beginning to make more sense. Many times inspirational gurus will tell their audiences to think positive. As much as it is good not to dwell on the negative and always being pessimistic, thinking positive does not cause a person to act upon the situation he or she is in. Just sitting there and telling oneself it is going to be alright may not necessarily be alright.

Thinking of possibilities is more pro-active and in the Christian context, it is not the "I, Me, Myself" trying to deal with the problems. It moves one to pray and surrender their problems to God and allow Him to speak and show us the way; it causes one to approach a brother or a sister for counsel; it moves one to try the various solutions offered and hopefully one of them will be the light at the end of the tunnel.

The above thought-process has caused me to be more joyful in the midst of affliction and struggles especially when hit with a road-block. It allows me to see things in perspective and when that is in place, he or she can also think of possibilities to counter the problems faced.

I guess that is all for now. Looking forward to the day ahead but I am feeling sleepy now - hopefully I will be more awake as I move along. :)

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Because Of The Risen Lord, Christianity Is Alive!

Happy Easter, everyone.

Christ has risen! He has risen indeed!
Christ has risen! He has risen indeed!
Christ has risen! He has risen indeed!

All in the congregation chanted the above-mentioned during the combined service to remind ourselves that Christ has risen! For me, this year's Holy Week has made an impact in my life and it is my prayer that in the days to come, I will follow up on what God has spoken to me and act accordingly.

Though I was busy taking pictures this morning at both the Sunrise and Combined Services, I prayed and asked God that as I move on from the Easter season that Christ will not become dead in my life again. I say this because it sometimes seems to be that way - as if Jesus is not there looking at the way I live my life. God is always alive and I will try to remember that daily - this awareness will allow me to be more conscious in the way I journey in this adventure of life so that God will always be glorified and His people edified.

I co-led in the Good Friday's Combined Service with the Assistant Pastor of my church. I was in the Worship Hall and he was in the sanctuary. Throughout the whole of last week, I was planning what to say and do at the service but I learnt a lesson that sometimes, all the plannings of man can come to naught.

There was a technical glitch of the video-feed and suddenly all sound in the hall went silent when I started singing the second verse of the first song I led. I did not know immediately what to do; the congregation were clueless as well. In the end I just had to use my discretion and go on with the service without sound.

Well, the above incident taught me one thing which brings me back to the heart of worship. It is not the song, the music, the sophistication of equipment but more so the heart of God's worshippers being in tune with Him even when the inventions of man fail them.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this brand new week though there are a lot of things in my schedules - some plannings and finalisation of work tomorrow; a meeting on Tuesday; submission of songs to the guitarist on Wednesday for the "A Day of Prayer for Missions" session on Saturday which I am leading; printing and collation of the Missions Ministry Newsletters on Thursday; Friday seems free for now; then Saturday is the prayer meeting and also the Worship Team BBQ and Sunday will be the Missions Emphasis Sunday!

They may be daunting but I guess I will have to let God lead me one task/step at a time. :)

Well, I guess that is all for now.

Remember, folks - Christ is alive! Have a lively and eventful week ahead!

“Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.” Luke 9:23-24

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Kingdom Of Power

Tonight's sermon at the Holy Week service is the last of three instalments which the guest speaker had for those who attended. If you have read my past two days' entries, probably you would say, "I think Andy is going to use the word 'Spot-on!' again." Well, you are right.

I was 'slapped' left and right as the speaker went from one point to another. Today's focus is on the "Kingdom of Power." I was humbled as the sermon served as a rebuke for me.

I have forgotten, more often than not, that the kingdom of power is living in me. It is not the power that most perceive it to be; not that of strength and might in order to show off or put others down. It is about the Holy Spirit living in me which gives me the power to overcome the sins in my life and also the power to transform people and situations.

The speaker mentioned that the authenticity of a person's life is in the way he lives out the power of the Holy Spirit. How true that is! Imagining a Christian who worships a victorious and mighty God living his life in defeat and depression most of the time. He should live the opposite instead - the power of God in him should create a hunger and thirst in his life.

I paralleled that to my life and my head just drooped. In fact, I have been a hypocrite, trying to pin-point other people's spiritual state and having forgotten to look at mine. One clear evident of a person living out the kingdom of power is the amount of time he sets aside for prayer. Wow! Andy Chew here dreads going for the prayer meetings for leaders and members of the church held on alternate Wednesdays. Reason - since not many people are attending, why should Andy Chew go?

I have forgotten that prayer is tranformational. If every one gives in to disappointments that since others are not interested, why should he or she, then the state of the church will always be stagnating. The speaker reminded the congregation that revival sometimes starts with a few.

I typed in my PDA this, "I WILL ATTEND THE NEXT PRAYER MEETING," and I definitely will. I will also work on my personal prayer lifestyle - instead of just praying for survival, I will now pray for revival... that I will not just content with where I am now and what I am doing but to continue to keep hungering and thirsting for more of God in my life and in the ministries I am serving in.

I want the power of God to transform my devotional life (in my attitude towards reading His Word and prayer); my ministry life (not depending on my human wisdom and strengthg but to let prayer be the source in which the wisdom and power of God flows through me as I avail myself to be instruments of peace to others); and my professional life (letting God use me in the market place).

These three days have been overwhelming for me. I think God wants me to do something more with my life and I pray He will show me more as I seek Him.

Oh yah!!! This morning, I went to my parents' room and I apologised to dad for being rude last Friday when we quarrelled. He accepted it and I praise God for that! My shoulders are so much lighter now! Hallelujah!

I shall stop here. All thanks and praise to God for always reaching out! He has been before; He is now; and He will in future! Truly the Lord is good and His love endures forever! :)

By the way, the guest speaker was Rev. Barnabas Chong from Cairnhill Methodist Church.

"And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you." Romans 8:11

"My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power." 1 Corinthians 2:4-5

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Kingdom Of Love

I came back not too long ago from the Holy Week service. I hesitated in going for yesterday's session but today's, I anticipated! I was also convicted as I listened to God's Word being preached. Yet again, tonight's sermon is another spot-on! Mainly two areas which I will share in the subsequent paragraphs.

Apart from being challenged once again about the calling to be a missionary, I was also convicted in denouncing the kingdom of comfort in my life. I felt I needed to get out of it because it has become a "me, myself and I" attitude.

I wanted to share something I am struggling with in yesterday's blog but I did not have the courage to but when the sermon on the kingdom of love was brought across to me and those who attended, I felt I needed to share it here.

The guest speaker spoke of the need for Christians to get out of their world and enter into someone else's. Of course not intrusively but sensitively.

This is one of the two areas which hit me. You see, last Friday I had a quarrel with dad over three bottles of Sprite. Yup, you did not read wrongly. :( Three days before that, I recorded a documentary on "Don't Ignore Diabetes" which touched on the elderlies drinking too much fizzy drinks and in the process contracted diabetes. I showed it to dad, hoping that he would stop drinking too much of such sugared water.

Of course, the show did not have an impact on him and he came home with three bottles of these drinks on Friday. Out of frustration but in a gentle tone, I told him that it was obvious the programme did not affect him at all. He kept quiet. I left it as it was but when I saw him open the refrigerator and drinking a glass of Sprite. Again I told him (in a calm manner) he should stop it.

That was when he said something which led me to blow up. He mentioned that what he does is his business and if he should die, it would be his death, not mine. Even if he had to suffer because of diabetes, it would be his struggle. Those words hurt me deep and it escalated to a point where unkind words/statements were used. Since then we have not spoken.

What convicted me both yesterday and today is this - first I need to get out of the "me, myself and I" mode and just do the right thing by apologising (though frankly I felt it was not my fault). I needed to say sorry because I used words which probably had hurt dad as well. I need to bring the kingdom of love into the family and love even when it hurts. I was challenged to get out of my world and enter into dad's world.

Well, I have not had a chance to speak to him yet as he was already asleep when I came home but it will be something I will do as soon as possible. I cannot let anything or anyone to break the family bond which God has given me right from birth. It is an effort especially in the above incident I shared but do it in the correct way, it will strengthen the bond amongst family members. God be my Mediator as I strive to do this. Apart from dad, there are also a couple of my other friends whom I need to seek reconciliation. I shall do it one at a time.

The other area which spoke to me is again on the topic of the kingdom of love. Though I have been the Missions Ministry chairperson in my church for the past 5 years, I have to confess I have not been actively touching lives especially those who have yet to know the love of God. It is not a matter of forcing it into the throats of others but even just living it out, I struggle to do.

Tonight as I prayed, I told God I need a transformation - to be who He has made me to be since the day I knew Him. Basically to testify of what He has done for me and let others also experience it. Of course I need to live it out first and I hope this would be the first step of the renewal process.

Well, I hope I make sense in the above sharing. I just could not stop writing after typing the first word. It is just so amazing that when God speaks so clearly, I have no choice but to act upon it.

To God be the glory!

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34-35

Monday, April 06, 2009

Kingdom Of Comfort

I was hesitating in the evening whether to attend the Holy Week service at 8.00pm. The reason was just pure laziness. I had wanted to use the word, "tired," but deep down, I know it is not the main reason.

Anyway, I did not regret making the decision to go. Tonight's sermon by the guest speaker was spot-on for me.

I shared in the blog after I came back from Cambodia last month that I felt a nudge from God to serve in the mission field. Since then, I had been thinking about it but not really acting upon it. There were many things to consider - how will I be able to support my parents and grandma? Who will take care of their medical needs? What can I do in the mission field should I make up my mind to go? Am I ready to let go of my kingdom of comfort here in Singapore?

There are many other questions and at the end of the day, it brought about more confusions and fears than affirmation? Of course some would say wouldn't those questions be an affirmation that I am not ready and maybe being a missionary is not my calling. As much as there is truth in that, I also know that it could be God's way of asking me to let go and let Him take care of those worries and fears and uncertainties, etc.

The sermon based on the Bible passage of Mark 10:17-27 reminded me of the rich man who asked Jesus what he should do to inherit eternal life and Jesus response was to sell the man's possessions and follow Him.

The rich man had a desire to follow God but it ended there and then when challenged to let go of his kingdom of comfort. Well, I am in that man's shoes at the moment.

The speaker urged those in the congregation to let go of their kingdoms of self and shelf (of the wants and desires for material wealth) and seek the Kingdom of God instead. What brought a refreshing insight to the Kingdom of God was this - it consists of people. Hence when I am able to seek after the Kingdom of God, I would also be naturally drawn to people - loving them, caring for them and providing for them.

I hope I am making sense because the above-mentioned spoke of my current search for God's calling in my life.

I need to start letting go and I think it would be a bold and fundamental step.

I like the words of this song by Delirious because it speaks of what most lives are now...


Save me, save me
from the kingdom of comfort where I am king;
from my unhealthy lust of material things.

Verse 1:
I built myself a happy home,
in my palace on my own.
My castle falling in the sand.
Pull me out, please grab my hand!
I just forgot where I came from.

Verse 2:
I rob myself of innocence
with the poison of indifference.
I buy my stuff at any cost -
a couple of clicks and I pay the price
Coz what I gain is someone else's loss.

"As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone. You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother.'" "Teacher," he declared, "all these I have kept since I was a boy." Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." At this the man's face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth. Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!" The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." The disciples were even more amazed, and said to each other, "Who then can be saved?" Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." Mark 10:17-27