Thursday, April 30, 2009

Think Possibility; Not Think Positive

I am now in church. I decided to come early to do some work for the Missions Ministry and also to prepare for the Committee meeting tonight. There are a lot of matters to deliberate and decide. I pray that God will lead and guide every one who will be coming - that we will all be of one mind and heart as we let God move us accordingly.

I have not been blogging as I have been tied down by a lot of work. I thought before I start preparing for my ministry stuff that I take this time to jot down some thoughts.

Lately there is this phrase that has been running through my mind - "Think Possibility; Not Think Positive." As I dwelled on this, the 5 words are beginning to make more sense. Many times inspirational gurus will tell their audiences to think positive. As much as it is good not to dwell on the negative and always being pessimistic, thinking positive does not cause a person to act upon the situation he or she is in. Just sitting there and telling oneself it is going to be alright may not necessarily be alright.

Thinking of possibilities is more pro-active and in the Christian context, it is not the "I, Me, Myself" trying to deal with the problems. It moves one to pray and surrender their problems to God and allow Him to speak and show us the way; it causes one to approach a brother or a sister for counsel; it moves one to try the various solutions offered and hopefully one of them will be the light at the end of the tunnel.

The above thought-process has caused me to be more joyful in the midst of affliction and struggles especially when hit with a road-block. It allows me to see things in perspective and when that is in place, he or she can also think of possibilities to counter the problems faced.

I guess that is all for now. Looking forward to the day ahead but I am feeling sleepy now - hopefully I will be more awake as I move along. :)

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

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