Sunday, October 25, 2009

Make Your Blogs Public

I am blogging now at MacRitchie Reservoir while waiting for the running gang to finish their exercise. I am still nursing my knee and ankle injuries of old - still not able to run which I really yearn to do soon.

Anyway, my tummy has been unwell for the past two days or so. I have been having bouts of diarrhoea. I took some medication - hopefully that will solve the problem.

At the Youth Ministry session this morning, the lesson taught was on "Blogging and Facebook." I was asked to share about how and why I started my blog and in the course of the sharing, it served as an evaluation for me.

I was once again reminded of the objectives. Over the months, my blogging has not been as regular as when I first started - not that the interest is waning but more so, I want to give more thoughts to what I write. I still want to share my pilgrim's journey with people especially in testifying to them of God's goodness in my life as I struggle with life as a human who has his shortcomings and struggles.

Up till now, I still have to say my God has not failed me and He has now seen me through 24 years as a Christian. All thanks and praise to Him for that. I can also confidently say that God will still be walking by my side till the day I die. Amen to that!

To those of you (especially if you are a Christian) who are reading this and have a blog of your own, may I challenge you to make your blog public. Not that you want attention to yourself but more so for others to be drawn to Jesus as you share of His goodness and faithfulness. Whether others believe this Jesus as you do, we will leave it to them to decide as forcing someone to believe in Him will never be the same as he experiencing God himself.

Do not be ashamed to share your struggles (but do watch your words used especially when you are in the midst of one) because life is afterall a journey. Do not just dwell in your struggles though but share also how you intend to deal with them, with God as your help. Then when you have overcome the trials, blog again about it so that others who may be going through the same predicament can learn from you.

I guess this is one way we can make God known to the world without even having to force it down someone's throat. :)

Well, that is what I want to share for today.

I will write again soon. My God-son is back from his walk and I shall entertain him now.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Keeping Passion In Check

My heart is very heavy as I am blogging my thoughts.

Two things which happened this evening reminded me not of myself but others whom many would categorise as "unfortunate"; "not so blest"; "unlucky."

I was supposed to go for a dinner but there was a sudden change of plan where the timing was to be brought forward but I was not too keen of that alternative as I felt it was too early. I suggested cancelling the appointment. Of course I was disappointed as I was looking forward to a great evening of feasting and fellowship.

Anyway, as I was dwelling on that, it reminded me of the people in Cambodia whom I know many are finding it tough to even afford a dinner. In fact, some families may not even have the luxury of at least one meal a day. That led me to not let the cancellation of the evening's plan affect me. Instead I took some time to pray for the Khmers and others in the world who are starving.

Then I got a short message to inform me that a plan which the mission teams were planning to do for the next two Sundays may need a permit from a particular governing authority. As much as I know God will make a way, I was still discouraged.

Sometimes I wish there is an ideal world which I can live in where there is perfect trust in every human being but of course there is no such place, except heaven, because of the fallen nature of man.

Anyway, I am just saddened that while trying to help others in need, there need to be justification of this and that which take time to process. In the course of these all, we sometimes forget the urgency in rendering aid to those suffering, while back here in the land of lesser suffering, we are busy answering queries to the cause.

Well, I also spent time praying about this.

I also learnt another lesson today - to not let my passion for something cause me to sin against God and others.

I have to confess lately I have been feeling that way - I want to do so many things to bless the people around me but when faced with the limitations, it affects me and in turn, I affect others by the way I react.

I need to change this attitude because then I am not trusting God, who is the Provider of all things, to open the floodgates of blessings.

Anyway, these are just some thoughts I have for today.

“I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.” Psalm 40:8

"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Luke 12:32-34

Friday, October 09, 2009

Our Sole Business Is Soul Business

I do not know why I am having the inertia to blog though I want to. Anyway, rather than not, I will try.

The past one week, my knees are giving me problems. They are painful. The right one is quite bad - it is not just painful but also loose. I am now wearing a knee-guard to alleviate the pain and discomfort. It is actually helping. Praise God. :)

I came back from Cambodia three days ago. I was there for only two-day one night. I basically needed to go to Phnom Penh to bring back some children's clothings to be sold at a fair next week. Thank God I was able to bring quite a bit back.

Other than that, I had a fruitful time catching up with my missionary-friends. It is times like this that I cherish the fellowship as it is difficult to correspond via email. Though the trip was very short (I wish it could have been longer if not for some prior appointments I have made), it gave me the urgency to make full use of every minute. At the end of it all, I thought it was a great time spent! :)

One topic which we spoke about is my desire to go to Cambodia as a tent-maker. I am still praying about it but this trip sort of confirmed my desire. I shall continue to seek God in this in the months to come. It was great to have been given counsel by my missionary-friends. I have noted their points and shall ponder on them.

Well, I was sad to have to leave so soon but I am looking forward to the next trip in December when I go with the Youth Ministry Mission Team. It will be a six-day trip and I think it is going to be a blessed one for all. :)

Lately I have been thinking about this phrase - "Our Sole Business is Soul Business." How true that is if we are called God's children. It gave me the challenge to make that my business. It is my prayer that I will experience God every day to the point that I want to share the joy of knowing Him to the people around me. Whether they choose to believe or not, I cannot force but if they do, then all thanks and praise to God!

It is also my desire that in living out my faith, my life will also challenge my other siblings-in-Christ to see that God can work through us if we allow Him to and if our walk is alive. I have concluded that I cannot be a witness for God if my walk is dead. God has given me life and I think I should live it that way. Not easy but I will try. Haha. :)

Anyway, looking forward to the weekend.

Have a restful weekend, everyone! :)

“It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.” Deuteronomy 13:4