Wednesday, September 01, 2010

God Will Make A Way

Before I write on further, I have a confession to make. Just now while at the peak of trying to deal with a conflict between my parents and grandma, I wish they would all die sooner than later. Sorry that you have to read this but it was really my desire then as that would probably solve all of their old-age problems.

Grandma, who is suffering from dementia, has been accusing every one at home for stealing her things when in actual fact, she has been misplacing her things all over her room. Just now, she blamed mum for taking her things and instead of understanding grandma's psychological condition, mum bore a grudge against her.

Initially I kept my cool but when both parties started ding-donging at each other without trying to find a solution to the situation, I had to say my piece.

I basically told them that having grievances against each other will not ever solve a problem. I told mum that she knowing full well that grandma was merely forgetful should not make matters worse by trying to defend herself by shouting back at her. Instead do the most sensible thing by helping her locate the missing items.

I volunteered to do so as I was very confident the items could be found and in a matter of fifteen minutes ravaging through grandma's stuff, I found a stack of money and her jeweleries. I showed them to every one and told them that things can be solved peacefully if pride is not in the way.

Dad just had a fall. Sigh. While solving the conflicts between mum and grandma, I forgot to lay the hose of the washing machine to the toilet while doing laundry. Water was all over the kitchen. Dad slipped while entering it. He said he is okay except for a slight sore on his left hip area. I am praying he will be alright. I shall monitor his condition tomorrow.

I am just so stressed up with things at home. Sometimes I wonder why such situations must happen in my family though I know I am not the only one in the world who is facing struggles. Every one is.

I basically need to surrender every one at home and all the burdens I have to God because He is the only One who can "make a way when there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see. He will make a way. He will make a way." I shall take comfort in the lyrics of this song, "God Will Make A Way."

I shall stop now and spend some time being still before the Lord: seeking His forgiveness for the confession I made in the first paragraph; surrendering my troubles to Him.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28