Sunday, October 30, 2011

Being On The Same Boat

It has been a great weekend for me but a part of my heart is troubled and burdened over a matter concerning a loved one. Well, I can only pray about it for now (and I have been doing so for a few months already). All I can do is just hope for the better.

Anyway, since Friday it has been running of errands and ensuring that everything at home is in order before I leave for London tomorrow on a two-week getaway. I stocked up the refrigerator and also the kitchen cabinets, cleaned the house and did all the laundry.

On Friday evening, a dear friend and I went to check out some cycling shades at Parkway Parade and Queensway Shopping Centre and had dinner together at a Japanese restaurant (Sakuraya) in Anchor Point. We did that again this afternoon at Novena Square and had lunch at an Indonesian/Thai restaurant, named Bali-Thai Restaurant, but the food was not great. No matter what, I thank God for His blessings that we, as Singaporeans, still have food to consume daily.

Well, from the two days of enquiries and looking at the different brands of shades, we have decided on the one we are comfortable with. When in London I will do a price comparison and from there purchase the item accordingly.

On Saturday morning, the same friend and I went cycling together. Instead of covering the usual route to Changi, we headed towards the Marina Bay area instead. It was an impromptu plan but it was fun as we explored and found new paths leading to the Marina Barrage. After that we went to this cafe (named Loysel's Toy) in Kallang Basin and had our breakfast. We cycled back to East Coast Park after that.

Overall, I had an enjoyable time and I praise God for that! I enjoyed the time of catching up and also working out. :)

This morning as I was doing my devotion, I learnt something which humbled me. Many times I get disappointed with people because of their shortcomings but today I learn that I should not be feeling that way because of the fact that no one is perfect... not a single human being on this earth. Who am I to be disappointed with another when I myself am not perfect. What benchmark am I using to be feeling that way towards another.

What is the alternative then? I guess, first of all, we must bear with one another. This does not mean that we tolerate their shortcomings. Instead we should help one another in overcoming our weaknesses or struggles so that these can be turned to strengths. It will take time but we must not give up on each other. Instead we should walk with one another.

If we cannot have the patience and perseverance in doing the above-mentioned, then we will always remain the same and it will be a vicious cycle where the disappointment and frustration will come back to haunt us again in another circumstance.

If we are in the same boat, let us steer it in the correct direction rather than rock it and in the end have everyone fall into the water and drown.

Anyway, I will try to blog once in a while during the trip. I am going to miss cycling for two weeks but will look forward to it when I come back. :)

I guess that is all. Take care everyone and have a blessed new week ahead!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Humbling Experience

This weekend has been a humbling experience for me. Nothing serious but it has to do with my recent interest in cycling. I joined this riding group called the Fellowship of the Ride ("FOTR") - it was an invitation by a dear brother-in-Christ. It started off with a few Christian siblings-in-Christ and it now has 101 members.

Yesterday morning I decided to join some of them for a 90.5km ride from Thomson Road to the western part of Singapore. As I was looking forward to the trip the whole week, I thought it should be a breeze since I have been 'training' for the past one month or so. Having covered an average of 60km per ride and maintaining a constant speed of 28kph, I thought I was good to go.

Boy, was I wrong! Two areas I totally were not prepared for - the hills and also the mental aspect in conquering them. Right from the start already, I encountered one after another up-slope! Though my brother-in-Christ was there to pace me, I could not keep up after 30 minutes and I felt bad as we were quite far from the rest.

In the end I decided to ask him to go ahead. He respected my decision and went on. For me, it was a battle - to turn back and go home or to press on in the route I have more or less memorised. I chose the latter, knowing jolly well that there will be more hills ahead.

As I went on, I told God that I really did not think I was up to it but I was determined to cover at least the majority part of it. I went ahead to roads I have never been before and in the cover of darkness as the sun was not up yet.

I told a dear friend that I intend to cycle to my workplace which is Nanyang Technological University and yesterday I did. I was so proud of myself. Haha.

Anyway, I cycled a total of 68km. 8km more than my average and I praise God for that because that is a new record for me. I covered a couple of up-slopes which sometimes felt as if my legs were going to drop off. There was one point I had to take a pit-stop, eating my energy bar and also drinking my electrolyte enhanced drink.

I started at 5.00am and I arrived at my estate at 8.30pm. By that time, my thighs were cramping up and they felt so tight. My bum was painful due to some abrasions. My arms were a little sore too. But I was happy and satisfied. :)

Throughout the trip, from the point I cycled alone, I reflected on my walk and I was just asking God - "Lord, what can I learn from this?" Well, below are some thoughts I had.

Many times I feel that I know God enough that I do not need to know Him anymore. Whatever knowledge I have of Him, I thought it would have been sufficient for me to experience life. But the encounter I had with the up-slopes yesterday humbled me that there is never enough when it comes to knowing God. Hence I prayed and asked Him to help me not be complacent in my walk with Him so that everyday I will continue to yearn for Him by reading His Word, praying and even being still before Him.

I also learnt that in my life's journey, there are seasons to rest and seasons to press on. Just like the ride, I could have turned back when the going got tough but in choosing to press on, I learnt to trust God to show me the way and also to strengthen the areas where I am weak. The process may be slow at times but it will still get me to the destination.

Then comes the other discipline where I also need to stop to recharge... just like when I needed to eat the energy bar and drink the water. It is the same for my life. If I had gone on, I would have fainted. This is where personal retreat away from the routines is important to re-organised my life and to chuck away those areas which are not beneficial for me.

Of course, encouragements from a dear friend and my brother-in-Christ helped. I remembered what they told me and as I went on and during times when it was just so painful, having remembered their words spurred me on. :)

Well, praise God for the above-mentioned.

On Friday I was riding too. I went with my dear friend and another new friend from East Coast Park to Changi Village. I met the former earlier as I needed to repair her bike and also to pass her a couple of things. We then cycled to Bedok Jetty to chat.

The whole journey was fun and it was also food-ful as I had my dinner of nasi lemak at Changi Village.

This morning I was at Changi Coastal Road to cheer some of the FOTR members in their participation in the Cyclone Race Series 2011. For the Fun Quad Category, they came in third and that was great result as this is their first time. After that we went for breakfast before heading back to the event ground for the prize presentation. I basically the photographer for the day. :)

Okie, there are more which I did but I shall stop here as I am tired.

Good night, all, and have a blessed week ahead!!! :)

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

Friday, October 21, 2011

Memories Fading; Hope Rising

I just looked at grandma as she laid on her bed and my heart suddenly sank. Sometimes I feel sad for her especially when I see the emptiness in her eyes. Suffering from dementia, sometimes I cannot fathom what is running in her mind (if at all).

Eversince she has been diagnosed with dementia, my prayer for her has always been asking God to take away all the bad memories first so that the good ones will continue to drive her on in life (whatever that is left of it). Sometimes I also pray (which I hope is a right kind of prayer) that if there is no more meaning for her to live on, that God take her soon so that she can enjoy a life of eternity in heaven with Him.

I have ever been advised to send her to an old folks' home so that proper care can be administered. As much as that is a convenient thing to do, my love for her does not compel me to do so. I have shared this before and I will share again.

Grandma has been the one who has taken care of me since I was a baby and she is still doing so now that I am an adult. No matter how bad her condition is, I will be there for her physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually till she is no more with us. I want her to know that she is still wanted in whatever condition she is in now. All I pray daily is that God gives me that perseverance and also the wisdom to know how to care for her appropriately and also to shower love which I hope will bring a certain sense of peace and assurance in her heart.

Well, I am going to join her to do some marketing after this and hope little things like this will make her day. :)

I am also looking forward to meeting a long-time friend whom I have not met to catch up for a real long time. We are planning the venue and time now and I cannot wait to have a time of fellowship with her.

After that I have to run some errands and then a time of cycling with some dear friends. I am going to take it easy tonight as I have a 90km ride tomorrow from 5.00 to 8.00am. It is a challenge I have taken up for myself and like what a dear brother-in-Christ has encouraged me - finish or not is not the goal. It is the doing and the endurance which matter. :)

Have a great Friday, everyone and a restful weekend ahead! God bless!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Thin Red Line

I did my secret cycling training last night and my legs almost fell off as I tried to maintain a constant speed of 30kph. I started from my place all the way to the Changi Coastal Road. It was when I reached the National Service Resort and Country Club ("NSRCC") that I picked up my pace and kept between the 25 to 30kph speed. I could feel my thigh cramping up but I pressed on.

I had a pit-stop at the Changi Village hawker centre where I drank a can of 100 Plus and a plate of fruits. It was here I met a veteran cyclist who owns a classic Conalgo bike. As we were travelling back the same direction, we cycled together. It was here I saw how fit he was. He is probably in his late forties or early fifties but as we ride on, he began to pick up speed. I managed to keep up but slowly I lagged behind because he went on between 35 to 40kph. I kept to my 30kph... sometimes dropping a little as my legs were sore!!!

When we reached back NSRCC, we slowed down and chatted as we cycled towards Marine Parade. We went on our separate way when I reached just opposite Parkway Parade as I needed to find out whether my friend needed me to fix her saddle. I was already at the underpass leading to her place. As she was just on her way home and mentioned that she was super tired, we did not meet and I went on my way home. During that ride, I also maintained the 30kph speed.

By the time I reached home, I was dead tired and I struggled to carry my bike up to my home though it was light. It was a great feeling though but I will probably have to tell a dear brother-in-Christ that I may not be able to keep up with him this Saturday as I joined him on a 80km ride at a constant speed of 30kph. Stamina not there yet. Haha.

Anyway, so much for the training. I like cycling and talking to God at the same time. I did that last night as I shared with Him some burdens I have for a particular loved one whom I have not spoken for a while already. I basically asked God to take away all our differences, forgive each other for the hurts inflicted, understand each other's differing views on certain issues and see how we can support one another. It saddens my heart that we are at where we are now. I also told God I am willing to wait for that day when all will be resolved and reconciled. I know He will make it happen so long as my loved one and I are willing to put away our pride, our disappointments, frustrations, etc.

Though we do not interact like we used to, I still intercede for this individual daily. It is the only thing I can do for now. :)

On another topic now - since last month I have been going through a phase where I have to be careful in a decision that I am considering. This sharing will be vague as it is not time for me to go into the details yet. It will be something which I have to be careful especially in the area of handling the matter and also not to be a stumbling block to others especially my siblings-in-Christ.

There are a couple of things I want to do but I have to weigh my motives and sometimes it is a very fine line. That is why I pray daily that God gives me wisdom and also the discernment to know what I am doing.

So far I know where my stand is and I have accounted this to some closer siblings-in-Christ just so that they can bring me back should I go off-tangent. I have been reflecting and evaluating daily and this process is also teaching me how I can use the lessons learnt to counsel others in future who may be going through the same struggle.

Well, sorry to keep you people in suspense. I may or may not share this again. I will see how as the time passes by. :) All I ask is that I will glorify God in this. :)

Time to go.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Living With The Leaving

I am trying to rush an article which I am to submit to my faculty by tomorrow. I am almost done but I am not satisfied with one portion. Anyway, I should be able to get it done just slightly after lunch time. I want to have it sent out by today so that tonight I can concentrate on my cycling training. Weather permits, that is.

Praise the Lord for the weekend which has just passed. Yesterday I participated in the World Hospice Day ride from Tan Tock Seng Hospital to East Coast Parkway Carpark F2. Prior to that I cycled to Marine Parade to link up with a dear friend who was riding, for the first time, a longer distance on the road. I thought I accompany her just to ensure that she was safe.

Well, praise God for His journey mercies upon my friend and I... and not forgetting the 300 over other cyclists. For the both of us, it was our first time riding with such a big group and we both concluded that it was just too congested. It was an experience though.

One thing I felt upon reflection of the event is that the focus was more on the cycling rather than on the work of the hospices. I thought it would have been more meaningful if we could have visited some of the patients and bring a little cheer to their lives. Probably that may move some to do volunteer work at the different hospices in Singapore.

Towards the end of the event, my friend and I left for lunch at the East Coast Lagoon hawker centre. We both had bak kut teh with pork knuckles and also tau pok. They were delicious. We chatted as we ate and it was another great time of catching up.

The ride home, after walking my friend back to her place, was torturous as I was pretty full and the weather was so hot and humid. Thank God I made it back alive. I had to hydrate myself along the way though.

A cold bath was so heavenly and the bed looked tempting but I had to resist a nap as I needed to rush to church to join the youths in the mission trip planning. I was very encouraged by their enthusiasm in brainstorming the activities together. It was just so heartening to see most of them did not lose steam even though we have not met for a month due to the examinations. I am so looking forward to serving the Lord and the Khmers in December. :)

Next was The All Blacks vs The Wallabies match of the Rugby World Cup semi-final 2. The former won! I cannot wait for next Sunday when they play against France, It should be a good game and I hope The All Blacks will win the trophy!

I was tired when the match ended but I wanted to do photography of the moon. Two dear brothers-in-Christ joined me for dinner at Ramen Champion in Iluma and then it was off to Marina Barrage but the moon rise was at 10.09pm. We decided to go to Singapore Swimming Club to bowl first in the meantime.

Well, the photography attempt was a failure. The moon was not round. We were on a pedestrian bridge which had vibrations when people walked past. The wind was strong and the lens kept swaying. None of the shots were clear enough. After a while we gave up.

Well, an eventful day I had.

Okie, back to my article. :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

An Enjoyable Day

I woke up early this morning as I needed to go for a shooting practice as part of my reservist obligation. I almost forgot about this until an army buddy of mine reminded me. Praise God all went well and by about 10.30am, I was done.

I left for Marine Parade to meet a dear friend to pass her some items and also to re-assemble her cyclo-computer which measures speed and cadence. The last time I did it for her, I made a mistake and since both of us are going on a cycling campaign tomorrow to commemorate World Hospice Day, I thought I get them rectified.

Once that was done, I also helped her clean and lubricate the chains so that tomorrow's ride will be a smooth one.

We had lunch at my favourite Japanese joint - Sakuraya. It was a great time of catching up and getting to know one another as we chomped on the yummy sashimi and a couple of other dishes. While eating both of us concluded that we prefer the Sakuraya at West Coast but it has since closed down.

Next was to a bicycle shop along Race Course Road where my friend needed to get her road-bike's handle-bar and saddle adjusted. The boss of the shop, whom we both like, helped us with that. We also met some representatives from the Wilier group, Italy, who were there to negotiate some deals with the shop owner.

Well, thank God that everything has been settled. My friend gave me a lift home while she went on to meet her good friend for their weekly activities. Looking forward to riding with her tomorrow along with some other cycling buddies from the Charity Bike 'n' Blade group.

I came home and did some housework while I watched the Wales - France match of the Rugby World Cup Semi-Finals 1. Well, I was hoping for Wales to win but they lost by one point. The final score was 8 - 9.

I am going to sleep early tonight as I need to be up by 5.30am to meet my friend at 7.00am. I am riding to the East to meet her first before we head for Tan Tock Seng Hospital. I am so looking forward to it. :)

Well, enjoyed myself today. In the morning, I was burdened for someone but I committed that person to God. :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today is dad's 77th birthday. We had a simple celebration over dinner at a Japanese restaurant, named "Shin Yuu" located in Greenwood Avenue. Mum had a craving for Japanese food and since dad did not mind, all six of us (dad, mum, grandma, brother, sister-in-law and I) had a great time of feasting together.

I had my birthday celebration in the same restaurant and it was with a dear brother-in-Christ back in June. It would have been my third time there but the second one did not happen.

Anyway, in the late morning and whole afternoon, my parents and my uncle with another friend were in Johor for shopping and eating. I am glad they all had fun and I praise God for sustaining mum, who is physically weak, throughout.

Well, this morning after I prayed for dad, I wrote a short poem which I read to him over the dinner table. It read, "A God-blessed birthday to you, dad. The sacrifices you've made for me, I will always remember that. You watch me grow from a babe to an adult, your love for me is without a doubt. Our relationship as father and son have never been prefect but this is a reminder that our lives are works in progress. I'll praise God always for Georgie Chew, for giving me a unique father like you."

Dad and I have our differences but over these past few months, things have improved and I want to thank God for that. I feel that it is pointless to bicker over matters which are sometimes trivial but blown out of proportion. Instead I want to channel those energy to building relationships not just with dad but with everyone at home. There is still room for improvement and with God's help, I know our bond will be much closer in the near future.

We are supposed to celebrate dad's birthday yesterday as I have cell group meeting tonight but I decided that we should celebrate on the actual day itself. Cell group meetings fall every fortnightly but one's birthday comes only once a year. I guess missing one meeting is alright for the sake of family bonding.

I guess that is all.

Happy Birthday once again, dad!

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Being Spiritually Inflated

I was planning to go cycling alone this morning. Initially a dear friend was supposed to join me but she told me that it was quite unlikely that she could as she had to work late last night and she wanted to sleep in this morning.

Before I left, I messaged to fill her in that I was setting off and to my surprise, my friend replied and informed me that she was up and that she was going to join me. It was great to have a cycling partner.

Both of us were inspired to take up cycling when we volunteered at a Charity Bike 'n' Blade event in early September. When we came back, we went to check out road-bikes. She got hers first - a Specialised Roubaix. A while later I got mine - a Wilier Izoard XP. Through the recommendations and advice from other regular bikers, we bought them at quite a good deal. Praise the Lord!

This morning, we met at the end of Fort Road and from there we cycled all the way to Changi Village where we had a simple breakfast. We shared a table with this guy named Ming and he was a cyclist too and we talked about cycling. Wow! Not too difficult to guess that, right? Haha.

I wanted to visit this elderly lady who sells wanton (dumpling) noodles but her stall is closed today. I have known her since my army days and that was back in the 90s. Well, another day, I guess.

Anyway, my friend and I went on the Changi Coastal Road on our way back to East Coast Parkway. She has not been on the road because she was not too confident as yet and since I am riding with her today, we decided to do so. I stayed behind her to ensure that no vehicles came near her and thank God it was a pleasant one! In fact, riding on the road was much smoother than on the pavements of the Park Connectors.

Although a little tired, I am proud of my friend who made it to and fro! :)

We had a light lunch at Komalas and it was a great time of catching up and also knowing each other better since we only became friends last month. Praise God for her!

After walking my friend home, I cycled back. The sun was intense and the road was actually quite busy but thank God for His journey mercies!

I would like to share a lesson I learnt this morning when I was cycling from my place to Fort Road. Nearing the destination, I felt that the road was suddenly very bumpy. As I looked around, I suddenly noticed that my front tyre was flat. I went off the road onto a pavement and checked whether there was a puncture but I could not find any. As I observed further, I realised that the valve was loose and air was actually escaping through it. I took out the pump and started filling the tyre with air again. Thanks be to God, it was inflated fully and I was able to carry on.

The above experience can be an analogy to one's walk with God. Along the journey, some of us may have lost steam in our walk and our lives suddenly become very bumpy. The main reason could be that God is no more pre-eminent and something or someone else has taken His place. I have come to realise as I reflected on this is that the only way to get ourselves back on track is to have God injected into our lives again so that we can move on ahead! One other thing we have to note though - He cannot take second place in our lives.

Only by doing so will we know exactly what God's will is for our lives and also be aware of what pleases Him and what does not. This was my morning reflection while doing something I like. :)

That said, when I came back, I did some maintenance on my bike, followed by doing some housework by bathing my pets and also sweeping the floor and doing the laundry. At the end of it all, I was tired but I felt satisfied for an enjoyable day I had!

Oh yah! In the midst of doing all the above-mentioned, I was also watching the Rugby World Cup quarter-final matches: one was between Wales and Ireland which the former won; the other was England versus France and the latter won. I am so looking forward to tomorrow's one especially the match between The All Blacks and Argentina!

Well, I guess that is all. Time to rest and also to play the guitar... it has been a while since I touched it. :)

"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Galatians 5:24-25

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Cycling, Reading, Praying And Chatting!

It has been a couple of days since I blogged. I thought this week would be freer for me since I am not helping out at a dear sister-in-Christ's office as she is away on a holiday with her hubby. As I sat down and looked at my schedules, I realised there are a couple of research which I need to do this week as they are due next Monday.

Well, thank God I managed to get most of them done. My fingers are basically numbed from all the typing and now as I close my eyes, all I see are words and more words. Looks like I am not used to all these since I have been away from work for a while but this is a good preparation for me as I look forward to going back on 2 January 2012. :)

Today has been filled with meetings - three in all. Two I had to chair as they come under my purview and one was a long one which I had to attend as it would involve my area of research. It does not help that when I woke up this morning, my thighs weighed like a ton of bricks. Haha. Thank God towards the evening, they are more relaxed and I am already looking forward to an evening of cycling tomorrow with a dear friend - weather permits, that is.

I felt the strain on my legs this morning as I cycled about 60km in total yesterday. 30km to and from my place and another 30km with three brothers-in-Christ from another church. We started from East Coast Parkway carpark F2 all the way to the end of Changi Beach and back to East Coast Parkway hawker centre where we had a drink together.

The ride along the coastal road alongside the runway of Changi Airport was long and straight but it was mentally challenging as the stretch felt like infinity. When you think you are reaching the end, the next thing you know you see another set of street lamps. Certain places were quite dark too, as warned by a dear friend, and one has to be careful especially in spotting a bend. It is quite strange that in the dark, a bend looks like a straight path so one had to be alert. One of my friends fell off his bike because of that. He had some superficial wounds on his arm but thank God he was alright generally.

Anyway, I spent some time with God at the Bedok jetty before I met up with the cycling gang. I basically read the Bible on my iPhone and prayed for a few matters and people. Though in my postings and generally in my blogs, I have been joyful and having fun doing the things I like but in my heart, I still have my burdens for certain people whom I cherish a lot. I also prayed about something which I hope one day will come to fruition but I told God also that it is alright if it does not. Well, He knows what is best for me and I shall trust Him to give me what is beneficial. :)

In my burdens for certain of my loved ones, I told God sometimes I do not know what to do. I am sometimes confused as to whether certain things I do or say will make matters worse. Then when I choose not to do anything about it, I also do not know whether these loved ones will think that I am holding a grudge against them which I am not.

Well, I will continue to keep praying and hope one day everything will fall in place. :)

Oh yah, before I headed home last night, I popped over my god-sis's place and had a chat with her elder sister. I am so happy that she is happily engaged and in the process of looking for a home. It is always a joy to see two individuals coming together and preparing to spend their lives in marriage. :) We did not chat for too long as it was very late and I needed to cycle home but it was a great time spent. Praise God for that!

Okie, I shall stop here. I need to really sleep now.

Good night all and have a great TGIF tomorrow! :)

“Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal.” Isaiah 26:4

Sunday, October 02, 2011

So What If We Are Now Adults?

I am actually very tired but I guess I shall blog a little before I sleep.

It has been a great weekend of workout. Yesterday was the first time I went riding on a longer distant - 47km in total. I rode to the east to link up with a dear brother-in-Christ, Timothy, and then it was off to East Coast Parkway and then to the Changi Coastal Road and back.

I really went by faith, asking God to protect me as I was travelling on the road most of the time. I was a little nervous as I have not done this for a while. Anyway, I told myself it is now or never so with all the courage I could muster, off I went!

The ride was very pleasant and I have to say I am very pleased with the bike. Though to me 47km was really a feat, I managed to do so with much ease as in I did not experience much of a pain to my thighs or other parts of my legs. I was also afraid that my butt would hurt but nope, nothing of that sort... thanks to the invention of biking shorts with the padding. :)

I started at around 4.00pm and got home at slightly part 10.00pm. It was not all the time that I cycled. We took pit-stops and also had dinner at East Coast Hawker Centre. Tim's wife, Val, joined us there by car and it was a feast. I wanted to eat my favourite wanton noodles which my sister and I used to eat regularly but it was closed yesterday. Sigh.

On my way back I messaged a few friends to see whether they were home as I was passing. I managed to get hold of two of them (who are a couple) and I popped by their place for a chat. It was a great time of catching up. :)

After I got home, it was maintenance time as I cleaned the bike and did my laundry. I was so exhausted after that. I slept pretty early as I had to be in church by 8.00am just now.

Today is the distribution of t-shirts for those who ordered in support of the Youth Ministry's mission team's fundraising effort. We were hoping that all would collect by today but apparently not. Looks like we have to set up the booth for another Sunday to give out the remaining ones.

Overall praise God for a great time in church!

In the evening I went for a run. There was an inertia to do so but I felt the need to do so and off I went on a 5km jog. I did not want to strain my knees so I took it slow and steady. It felt good after I reached the finishing point. :)

In the morning before I left for church, I took some time to pray for some people and matters I am burdened about. One thing I learnt is this - reaching adulthood does not mean that one can always tell right from wrong. The motive of the heart usually blurs the line. Have the humility to seek the godly counsel of others so that one's decision made is wise and informed.

We must not fall into the trap that once we become adults mean we know all. We are always learning and we must constantly seek the counsel of others who may guide us through certain phases of our lives. This will then show us whether the decisions we are about to make on certain matters are in accordance to will of God.

It is those times when we refused to seek counsel that we know certain decisions made are not right hence we did not want to listen to the right advice which others would give us.

Well, that is the danger of entering into adulthood thinking that we can do what we want and that no one can control us anymore. We can choose not to be accountable to others but eventually we have to be accountable to God Himself.

I am just burdened by the above-mentioned and it pains my heart that while trying to help some of these individuals that they still choose to go against what they already know or have been told about.

I can only keep praying whenever I am affected by this.

Anyway, I shall end here.

Have a blessed week ahead! :)