Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Humbling Experience

This weekend has been a humbling experience for me. Nothing serious but it has to do with my recent interest in cycling. I joined this riding group called the Fellowship of the Ride ("FOTR") - it was an invitation by a dear brother-in-Christ. It started off with a few Christian siblings-in-Christ and it now has 101 members.

Yesterday morning I decided to join some of them for a 90.5km ride from Thomson Road to the western part of Singapore. As I was looking forward to the trip the whole week, I thought it should be a breeze since I have been 'training' for the past one month or so. Having covered an average of 60km per ride and maintaining a constant speed of 28kph, I thought I was good to go.

Boy, was I wrong! Two areas I totally were not prepared for - the hills and also the mental aspect in conquering them. Right from the start already, I encountered one after another up-slope! Though my brother-in-Christ was there to pace me, I could not keep up after 30 minutes and I felt bad as we were quite far from the rest.

In the end I decided to ask him to go ahead. He respected my decision and went on. For me, it was a battle - to turn back and go home or to press on in the route I have more or less memorised. I chose the latter, knowing jolly well that there will be more hills ahead.

As I went on, I told God that I really did not think I was up to it but I was determined to cover at least the majority part of it. I went ahead to roads I have never been before and in the cover of darkness as the sun was not up yet.

I told a dear friend that I intend to cycle to my workplace which is Nanyang Technological University and yesterday I did. I was so proud of myself. Haha.

Anyway, I cycled a total of 68km. 8km more than my average and I praise God for that because that is a new record for me. I covered a couple of up-slopes which sometimes felt as if my legs were going to drop off. There was one point I had to take a pit-stop, eating my energy bar and also drinking my electrolyte enhanced drink.

I started at 5.00am and I arrived at my estate at 8.30pm. By that time, my thighs were cramping up and they felt so tight. My bum was painful due to some abrasions. My arms were a little sore too. But I was happy and satisfied. :)

Throughout the trip, from the point I cycled alone, I reflected on my walk and I was just asking God - "Lord, what can I learn from this?" Well, below are some thoughts I had.

Many times I feel that I know God enough that I do not need to know Him anymore. Whatever knowledge I have of Him, I thought it would have been sufficient for me to experience life. But the encounter I had with the up-slopes yesterday humbled me that there is never enough when it comes to knowing God. Hence I prayed and asked Him to help me not be complacent in my walk with Him so that everyday I will continue to yearn for Him by reading His Word, praying and even being still before Him.

I also learnt that in my life's journey, there are seasons to rest and seasons to press on. Just like the ride, I could have turned back when the going got tough but in choosing to press on, I learnt to trust God to show me the way and also to strengthen the areas where I am weak. The process may be slow at times but it will still get me to the destination.

Then comes the other discipline where I also need to stop to recharge... just like when I needed to eat the energy bar and drink the water. It is the same for my life. If I had gone on, I would have fainted. This is where personal retreat away from the routines is important to re-organised my life and to chuck away those areas which are not beneficial for me.

Of course, encouragements from a dear friend and my brother-in-Christ helped. I remembered what they told me and as I went on and during times when it was just so painful, having remembered their words spurred me on. :)

Well, praise God for the above-mentioned.

On Friday I was riding too. I went with my dear friend and another new friend from East Coast Park to Changi Village. I met the former earlier as I needed to repair her bike and also to pass her a couple of things. We then cycled to Bedok Jetty to chat.

The whole journey was fun and it was also food-ful as I had my dinner of nasi lemak at Changi Village.

This morning I was at Changi Coastal Road to cheer some of the FOTR members in their participation in the Cyclone Race Series 2011. For the Fun Quad Category, they came in third and that was great result as this is their first time. After that we went for breakfast before heading back to the event ground for the prize presentation. I basically the photographer for the day. :)

Okie, there are more which I did but I shall stop here as I am tired.

Good night, all, and have a blessed week ahead!!! :)

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

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