Saturday, October 08, 2011

Being Spiritually Inflated

I was planning to go cycling alone this morning. Initially a dear friend was supposed to join me but she told me that it was quite unlikely that she could as she had to work late last night and she wanted to sleep in this morning.

Before I left, I messaged to fill her in that I was setting off and to my surprise, my friend replied and informed me that she was up and that she was going to join me. It was great to have a cycling partner.

Both of us were inspired to take up cycling when we volunteered at a Charity Bike 'n' Blade event in early September. When we came back, we went to check out road-bikes. She got hers first - a Specialised Roubaix. A while later I got mine - a Wilier Izoard XP. Through the recommendations and advice from other regular bikers, we bought them at quite a good deal. Praise the Lord!

This morning, we met at the end of Fort Road and from there we cycled all the way to Changi Village where we had a simple breakfast. We shared a table with this guy named Ming and he was a cyclist too and we talked about cycling. Wow! Not too difficult to guess that, right? Haha.

I wanted to visit this elderly lady who sells wanton (dumpling) noodles but her stall is closed today. I have known her since my army days and that was back in the 90s. Well, another day, I guess.

Anyway, my friend and I went on the Changi Coastal Road on our way back to East Coast Parkway. She has not been on the road because she was not too confident as yet and since I am riding with her today, we decided to do so. I stayed behind her to ensure that no vehicles came near her and thank God it was a pleasant one! In fact, riding on the road was much smoother than on the pavements of the Park Connectors.

Although a little tired, I am proud of my friend who made it to and fro! :)

We had a light lunch at Komalas and it was a great time of catching up and also knowing each other better since we only became friends last month. Praise God for her!

After walking my friend home, I cycled back. The sun was intense and the road was actually quite busy but thank God for His journey mercies!

I would like to share a lesson I learnt this morning when I was cycling from my place to Fort Road. Nearing the destination, I felt that the road was suddenly very bumpy. As I looked around, I suddenly noticed that my front tyre was flat. I went off the road onto a pavement and checked whether there was a puncture but I could not find any. As I observed further, I realised that the valve was loose and air was actually escaping through it. I took out the pump and started filling the tyre with air again. Thanks be to God, it was inflated fully and I was able to carry on.

The above experience can be an analogy to one's walk with God. Along the journey, some of us may have lost steam in our walk and our lives suddenly become very bumpy. The main reason could be that God is no more pre-eminent and something or someone else has taken His place. I have come to realise as I reflected on this is that the only way to get ourselves back on track is to have God injected into our lives again so that we can move on ahead! One other thing we have to note though - He cannot take second place in our lives.

Only by doing so will we know exactly what God's will is for our lives and also be aware of what pleases Him and what does not. This was my morning reflection while doing something I like. :)

That said, when I came back, I did some maintenance on my bike, followed by doing some housework by bathing my pets and also sweeping the floor and doing the laundry. At the end of it all, I was tired but I felt satisfied for an enjoyable day I had!

Oh yah! In the midst of doing all the above-mentioned, I was also watching the Rugby World Cup quarter-final matches: one was between Wales and Ireland which the former won; the other was England versus France and the latter won. I am so looking forward to tomorrow's one especially the match between The All Blacks and Argentina!

Well, I guess that is all. Time to rest and also to play the guitar... it has been a while since I touched it. :)

"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Galatians 5:24-25

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