Sunday, October 30, 2011

Being On The Same Boat

It has been a great weekend for me but a part of my heart is troubled and burdened over a matter concerning a loved one. Well, I can only pray about it for now (and I have been doing so for a few months already). All I can do is just hope for the better.

Anyway, since Friday it has been running of errands and ensuring that everything at home is in order before I leave for London tomorrow on a two-week getaway. I stocked up the refrigerator and also the kitchen cabinets, cleaned the house and did all the laundry.

On Friday evening, a dear friend and I went to check out some cycling shades at Parkway Parade and Queensway Shopping Centre and had dinner together at a Japanese restaurant (Sakuraya) in Anchor Point. We did that again this afternoon at Novena Square and had lunch at an Indonesian/Thai restaurant, named Bali-Thai Restaurant, but the food was not great. No matter what, I thank God for His blessings that we, as Singaporeans, still have food to consume daily.

Well, from the two days of enquiries and looking at the different brands of shades, we have decided on the one we are comfortable with. When in London I will do a price comparison and from there purchase the item accordingly.

On Saturday morning, the same friend and I went cycling together. Instead of covering the usual route to Changi, we headed towards the Marina Bay area instead. It was an impromptu plan but it was fun as we explored and found new paths leading to the Marina Barrage. After that we went to this cafe (named Loysel's Toy) in Kallang Basin and had our breakfast. We cycled back to East Coast Park after that.

Overall, I had an enjoyable time and I praise God for that! I enjoyed the time of catching up and also working out. :)

This morning as I was doing my devotion, I learnt something which humbled me. Many times I get disappointed with people because of their shortcomings but today I learn that I should not be feeling that way because of the fact that no one is perfect... not a single human being on this earth. Who am I to be disappointed with another when I myself am not perfect. What benchmark am I using to be feeling that way towards another.

What is the alternative then? I guess, first of all, we must bear with one another. This does not mean that we tolerate their shortcomings. Instead we should help one another in overcoming our weaknesses or struggles so that these can be turned to strengths. It will take time but we must not give up on each other. Instead we should walk with one another.

If we cannot have the patience and perseverance in doing the above-mentioned, then we will always remain the same and it will be a vicious cycle where the disappointment and frustration will come back to haunt us again in another circumstance.

If we are in the same boat, let us steer it in the correct direction rather than rock it and in the end have everyone fall into the water and drown.

Anyway, I will try to blog once in a while during the trip. I am going to miss cycling for two weeks but will look forward to it when I come back. :)

I guess that is all. Take care everyone and have a blessed new week ahead!

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