Sunday, October 02, 2011

So What If We Are Now Adults?

I am actually very tired but I guess I shall blog a little before I sleep.

It has been a great weekend of workout. Yesterday was the first time I went riding on a longer distant - 47km in total. I rode to the east to link up with a dear brother-in-Christ, Timothy, and then it was off to East Coast Parkway and then to the Changi Coastal Road and back.

I really went by faith, asking God to protect me as I was travelling on the road most of the time. I was a little nervous as I have not done this for a while. Anyway, I told myself it is now or never so with all the courage I could muster, off I went!

The ride was very pleasant and I have to say I am very pleased with the bike. Though to me 47km was really a feat, I managed to do so with much ease as in I did not experience much of a pain to my thighs or other parts of my legs. I was also afraid that my butt would hurt but nope, nothing of that sort... thanks to the invention of biking shorts with the padding. :)

I started at around 4.00pm and got home at slightly part 10.00pm. It was not all the time that I cycled. We took pit-stops and also had dinner at East Coast Hawker Centre. Tim's wife, Val, joined us there by car and it was a feast. I wanted to eat my favourite wanton noodles which my sister and I used to eat regularly but it was closed yesterday. Sigh.

On my way back I messaged a few friends to see whether they were home as I was passing. I managed to get hold of two of them (who are a couple) and I popped by their place for a chat. It was a great time of catching up. :)

After I got home, it was maintenance time as I cleaned the bike and did my laundry. I was so exhausted after that. I slept pretty early as I had to be in church by 8.00am just now.

Today is the distribution of t-shirts for those who ordered in support of the Youth Ministry's mission team's fundraising effort. We were hoping that all would collect by today but apparently not. Looks like we have to set up the booth for another Sunday to give out the remaining ones.

Overall praise God for a great time in church!

In the evening I went for a run. There was an inertia to do so but I felt the need to do so and off I went on a 5km jog. I did not want to strain my knees so I took it slow and steady. It felt good after I reached the finishing point. :)

In the morning before I left for church, I took some time to pray for some people and matters I am burdened about. One thing I learnt is this - reaching adulthood does not mean that one can always tell right from wrong. The motive of the heart usually blurs the line. Have the humility to seek the godly counsel of others so that one's decision made is wise and informed.

We must not fall into the trap that once we become adults mean we know all. We are always learning and we must constantly seek the counsel of others who may guide us through certain phases of our lives. This will then show us whether the decisions we are about to make on certain matters are in accordance to will of God.

It is those times when we refused to seek counsel that we know certain decisions made are not right hence we did not want to listen to the right advice which others would give us.

Well, that is the danger of entering into adulthood thinking that we can do what we want and that no one can control us anymore. We can choose not to be accountable to others but eventually we have to be accountable to God Himself.

I am just burdened by the above-mentioned and it pains my heart that while trying to help some of these individuals that they still choose to go against what they already know or have been told about.

I can only keep praying whenever I am affected by this.

Anyway, I shall end here.

Have a blessed week ahead! :)

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