Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Thin Red Line

I did my secret cycling training last night and my legs almost fell off as I tried to maintain a constant speed of 30kph. I started from my place all the way to the Changi Coastal Road. It was when I reached the National Service Resort and Country Club ("NSRCC") that I picked up my pace and kept between the 25 to 30kph speed. I could feel my thigh cramping up but I pressed on.

I had a pit-stop at the Changi Village hawker centre where I drank a can of 100 Plus and a plate of fruits. It was here I met a veteran cyclist who owns a classic Conalgo bike. As we were travelling back the same direction, we cycled together. It was here I saw how fit he was. He is probably in his late forties or early fifties but as we ride on, he began to pick up speed. I managed to keep up but slowly I lagged behind because he went on between 35 to 40kph. I kept to my 30kph... sometimes dropping a little as my legs were sore!!!

When we reached back NSRCC, we slowed down and chatted as we cycled towards Marine Parade. We went on our separate way when I reached just opposite Parkway Parade as I needed to find out whether my friend needed me to fix her saddle. I was already at the underpass leading to her place. As she was just on her way home and mentioned that she was super tired, we did not meet and I went on my way home. During that ride, I also maintained the 30kph speed.

By the time I reached home, I was dead tired and I struggled to carry my bike up to my home though it was light. It was a great feeling though but I will probably have to tell a dear brother-in-Christ that I may not be able to keep up with him this Saturday as I joined him on a 80km ride at a constant speed of 30kph. Stamina not there yet. Haha.

Anyway, so much for the training. I like cycling and talking to God at the same time. I did that last night as I shared with Him some burdens I have for a particular loved one whom I have not spoken for a while already. I basically asked God to take away all our differences, forgive each other for the hurts inflicted, understand each other's differing views on certain issues and see how we can support one another. It saddens my heart that we are at where we are now. I also told God I am willing to wait for that day when all will be resolved and reconciled. I know He will make it happen so long as my loved one and I are willing to put away our pride, our disappointments, frustrations, etc.

Though we do not interact like we used to, I still intercede for this individual daily. It is the only thing I can do for now. :)

On another topic now - since last month I have been going through a phase where I have to be careful in a decision that I am considering. This sharing will be vague as it is not time for me to go into the details yet. It will be something which I have to be careful especially in the area of handling the matter and also not to be a stumbling block to others especially my siblings-in-Christ.

There are a couple of things I want to do but I have to weigh my motives and sometimes it is a very fine line. That is why I pray daily that God gives me wisdom and also the discernment to know what I am doing.

So far I know where my stand is and I have accounted this to some closer siblings-in-Christ just so that they can bring me back should I go off-tangent. I have been reflecting and evaluating daily and this process is also teaching me how I can use the lessons learnt to counsel others in future who may be going through the same struggle.

Well, sorry to keep you people in suspense. I may or may not share this again. I will see how as the time passes by. :) All I ask is that I will glorify God in this. :)

Time to go.

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