Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Soul Lost; A Heart Sobs

I just realised it has been a couple of days since I last blogged. Well, I have been pretty tired involving myself in a couple of activities over the past few days. I enjoyed them thoroughly though.

I have also been unable to sleep as early and as well as I should. My heart has been burdened but it is not the kind where it overwhelms me but just feeling puzzled at how certain things in my life turned out the way they are now.

I spoke to a dear sibling-in-Christ about this when I was in church in the early afternoon and also in the late afternoon after I got home from church. The sharing brought a lot of encouragement to me and we reminded each other to pray about it and not to lose heart and be discouraged.

Well, I have committed all of the above-mentioned to the Lord and I shall let Him handle the situations. I know in His time, all will turn out well.

While on my way to the Music Ministry barbeque, the brother-in-Christ who gave me a lift shared with me about another brother who has turned away from the Christian faith and now embracing another religion. It saddened my heart when I heard about it as I was quite close to this dear friend of mine and he was under my care when he was younger in the Christian faith.

I wondered to myself whether I have failed in bringing him up properly when he was growing in his faith. He moved on to another church after being in mine for a few years. He was very active in the bigger and more popular church - that is why I was shocked when I heard he had fallen away. Did my church and the other one failed in meeting his needs when he needed the help and support?

I guess so. Sometimes I feel churches are too activity-based that we have failed to take notice of every one's walk. Some would argue that it is difficult since a church has a couple of hundreds of people. Yes, that is true but if a church is about touching lives - being a ministry basically - then it is vital that we focus on this area first and not on activities alone. I do not know whether I am clear in sharing this thought. All I hope is that churches would be more interested in lives than programmes.

Well, I went away for a while during the BBQ to pray for this dear friend of mine and pleaded to the Lord to bring him back. I probably will try to meet up with him soon just to catch up.

I am just discouraged. Anyway, may the Lord have mercy on all.

Well, yesterday I went with my sister to watch this Korean dance production called "B-Boys and the Ballerina" at the Esplanade Theatre. It was entertaining as we saw the various forms of modern dance mixed with ballet. Prior to that we went shopping and had dinner together. It was fun as we fellowshipped.

I am also quite disappointed with myself this afternoon for having the lack of courage to do something that has always been in my heart. My sister asked me to go for it but I am hesitant for fear that it may not be the right thing to do. I also submitted this to God. I guess I shall seriously reflect on this and see what He has to say to me. I do not want to be too rash in this pursuit - may the Lord show me the way as I continue to listen to Him.

I shall end here. Praise the Lord for everything! :)

Have a blessed week, everyone! :)

"What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost." Matthew 18:12-14

“The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever — do not abandon the works of your hands.” Psalm 138:8

"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Encounters With A Child And A Man

Before we left for the Botanic Gardens

At the Botanic Gardens Food Court. That's my sister on the top left photo.

The bread that baby Claire is holding was meant for the fish and swans but she ate it instead.

We shared the bread with the tourists around us. Claire still eating her bread. :)

These were taken at the Bonzai Garden.

Isn't Claire cute?!!! :)

On our way to Vivocity to meet up with Claire's parents.

The stuffed dog that my sister and I bought for Claire from Toys R Us!

It has been an eventful day for me. I took leave to babysit Claire with my sister while her parents went on a date to Little India. Since arriving from the U.S. three weeks ago they have not visited this tourist spot and decided to do so today since their little one is not with them.

I cannot deny that I was quite stressed out by this babysitting responsibility. Firstly, it was only on Sunday that Claire warmed up to me after two weeks of attempts to win her trust; secondly she is teething and can be temperamental; thirdly, she is someone else's child and it is not something to be taken lightly. It did not help that this morning it threatened to storm - the skies were dark and the wind really strong.

My sister and I prayed about it. I also submitted to God all the fears I mentioned above.

God really answered all my prayers and my sister's. I want to say it here rather than leave it to the last. All thanks and glory to God! First of all, the weather eased up without a single drop of rain and the sun came out from among the clouds.

I went to pick Claire up at Serangoon North with my sister - a place belonging to a Lay Ministry Staff of my church, who is also Claire's parents' good friend. Claire's dad briefed me on some pointers on how to take care of his daughter. The little one had to take a nap first. I took the time to read the papers while my sister practised her piano as she had to take her Grade 8 exams next month.

After about an hour and a half, I packed all the diapers, wet-wipes and toys into my bag. Along with Claire's stroller/pram we began our journey of being babysitters for the day. We took a cab to Botanic Gardens where we had lunch before going to the pond to feed the fish and swans.

I must say that Claire is really a big eater! Before we left, she had some toast and omelette. She also had a packet of raisins that my sister bought. At the foodcourt, Claire had hor fun, another packet of raisins and some slices of apples. I was amazed at her appetite. My sister and I had some of the hor fun too and we also ordered mutton mutarbak.

I was prepared to tackle a moody Claire but to my surprise she was very well-behaved throughout the outing except for some moments when she wanted some attention. We went on to feed the swans and fish with the loaf of bread which my sister bought. I gave Claire a slice of bread to feed the fish and swans. You know what she did to it? She ate the bread instead! Haha!

We also took a couple of pictures which are also posted on this blog. We walked around the park for a while before heading to our next destination, Vivocity, where we had to meet Claire's parents to return their lovely daughter to them.

We detoured to Toys R Us for a while as I wanted to buy Claire a toy. We got a stuffed dog for her after showing her a few other options of a stuffed duck, monkey, bear and also Barney. We also bought her a bubble blower.

Well, that marked the end of our adventure as babysitters. After bidding farewell to my siblings-in-Christ from the U.S.A., my sister and I heaved a sigh of relief as we went on with our shopping plans. We thanked God for giving us a great time and above all, for answering every single prayer of ours! Once again, thanks be to God!

I dare not say that I have learnt all about parenthood after one day of caring for a little child but one lesson I was taught from this experience is this - to instruct a child, we need to continually affirm him or her for the right things done. For the mistakes made, we need to point them out along with an explanation and also offer a solution or an alternative. Yay! Child Education 101! :)

Anyway, that was the encounter for the day part. In the evening after seeing my sister home, I was on my way to have laksa for dinner along Tanjong Katong Road. Suddenly I heard a couple of honkings from cars on the opposite side of the road. I caught sight of a man in a wheelchair on the side of the road. He has only one leg and was using the remaining one to drag the wheelchair.

I rushed to his side, asked whether I could help push his wheelchair and bring him to the place he had planned to go. He told me he wanted to visit the shops near Parkway Parade Shopping Centre. With that, I wheeled this dear individual to his destination. As we walked, I prayed for the man. I also tried to strike a conversation with him but he was not too opened. He even refused to give me his name when I asked for it. He said it was not important. Anyway, when we arrived, I asked him whether he had eaten dinner. He shared that he has not consumed anything the whole day. Since there was a hawker centre in the vicinity, I offered to buy him some food. Both of us had noodles and I praise God that he had his fill at least for today.

I was humbled by this encounter. I also felt sad and burdened for this poor individual, not knowing whether he will have something to eat tomorrow. Anyway, before we went on our separate ways, I gave him whatever cash that was left in my wallet. Hopefully that will sustain him for a while. I also pray he will soon find his place in society again. The mere fact that he refused to tell me his name, citing reasons that it was not important, speaks volume. Is he ashamed of himself?

Well, this short moment spent with the man suffering from diabetes has reminded me not to take the blessings God has given me for granted. I have to admit that many times I do, by the kind and amount of food I eat; by the way I spend my money; forgetting that there are many out there who do not even have rice to enjoy.

Anyway, praise God for little nudges like the above-mentioned to help others who are in need! I pray I will serve these persons as they come along and to do so regularly and not during times when God gives me a kick in the butt!

Okay, I have written enough for today! I am quite tired actually. My respect to all parents with children! It is truly a daunting responsibility to bring up a child but it should be a joyful task to do so!

Good night, everyone! :)

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stigma Of Being Single

I experienced some pretty unpleasant encounters in the past few days. As the title of this blog states, it is the stigma of being single at the age of 36. Though this does not bother me much, I am still saddened by some who make assumptions which, at the end of the day, can be unfair to me. Hence the disappointment and sadness I feel in my heart.

One encounter has got to do with an impression some individuals have of me that I have ulterior motives when I am closed to someone of the opposite gender who is much younger than me. By this I meant the concern that I am actually going after a young individual, as in courtship. I am okay about the concern aspect but not to the point where conclusions are drawn when I did not have that kind of motives in the first place.

Anyway, I have concluded that if my conscience is clear then I should not be too bothered by this. If I begin to behave awkwardly, then it would show others that I am actually guilty. Hopefully time will show these persons that they have made wrong conclusions and assumptions.

The other encounter was truly an insensitive remark being made. I was asked whether I am a gay because I am still single at this age. The sad thing is this person actually knows me. When I heard that statement being made, I was hurt but so be it. Every one is entitled to their opinion of another and I cannot always defend what they think of me.

Then another remark was made in the subsequent conversation which did not help me either. Another individual commented that perhaps it could be due to my weight; that I should go on a diet so that girls will come after a slimmer Andy Chew. If that is the case, I would rather remain single for the rest of my life because I know superficiality will not bring two parties far.

Why are we so superficial? I use "we" because I am equally guilty of being insensitive and assuming at times.

Well, another interesting part of my pilgrim's journey. Anyway, it is not that I do not want to change my status from being single to married. I cannot, because of what others think of me, rush into a relationship which, if not handled properly, will cause two lives and a friendship to be broken. I would rather maintain the friendship than to break it just because I want to be accepted in society as a married individual; to succumb to peer pressure; to cheapen the love God has given and taught me just because the world has a warped idea of what love is.

I guess I have shared enough. May the Lord be my help in all things!

Time to sleep. I have to babysit Claire tomorrow though I have no clue yet as to the time and place of meet. I am looking forward to it and I pray we will all have fun together.

"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:18

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cultivation Takes Time

I had a very long day. I have been out all the way - from going to church in the morning to attending my cousin's wedding in the evening. In between I had to attend a farewell get-together for a family from U.S. who have been in Singapore since three weeks ago. I had to also rush through the Missions Ministry Newsletter which needs to be in print before this coming Sunday, in time for the Missions Emphasis Week.

During the get-together for our American siblings-in-Christ, I was surprised that their little daughter, Claire, whom I shared about in one of my recent blogs, allowed me to hold her. By this, I mean I was able to carry her. The Americans use "hold" in place of "carry." I was stunned when she opened her arms up to me to allow me to hold her around the Plaza of the church. I even fed her the Japanese pizzas that we ordered and also to let her drink from the water-bottle! That moment brought a lot of joy and I praise the Lord for that.

Oh yah, the parents allowed me to babysit her on one of the coming days this week. They basically wanted to go on a date without their daughter and since Claire has trusted me, they are at ease to put their little darling under my care. I think it will be on Wednesday but I have to confirm with them again as I may have to be in office for a meeting in the late morning. I am crossing my fingers that there will be no meeting.

Anyway, the above experience has taught me something - that in all relationship, there need time for one to trust the other; for one to develop the friendship with the other by communicating; and that both must make an effort and not expect friendship to happen without doing anything about it from either party. It took me almost two weeks or so to win the trust of little Claire. I did not give up. Whenever I see her, I will make conversation and play with her. I guess she has reached a point where she is able to trust me, hence the opportunity to hold her.

I still smile whenever I recall the moment when Claire just lifted her arms towards me. I will always cherish that. :)

That was the happy part of the day. I also experienced two unpleasant and sad moments - one was a remark being made against me for having missed someone's birthday get-together. It was not that I purposely missed it. I even took the initiative to inform this individual I was unable to attend as I had an important meeting that evening. In the end, I got this "we had fun without you" statement when I asked how the get-together went. When I heard that, frankly I was not angry but disappointed. Well, so be it.

The other incident was my backache. The pain came after the get-together when I was in the church office ready to do the newsletter. It was quite unbearable but I took the two painkillers to alleviate the discomfort. It was better after 10 minutes. Praise God for that!

Well, I had to rush to my cousin's wedding at Furama Hotel along Havelock Road. It was a simple wedding reception of a small group of family members and closer friends from my cousin's church. Mum gave me a couple of wrong timings throughout the day - when I was leaving for church this morning, she said the reception was at 4pm; then when she called me in the afternoon, she mentioned that it was 5pm. Because of the last information, I had to rush like a mad dog as I was running late. I had to grab a cab in the end. When I arrived at the function room, all I saw was this group of my cousin's church friends rehearsing for the wedding service. Mum walked towards me and apologised. In the end, the whole event was to start at 6pm. Sigh.

Anyway, it was a good time of catching up with my relatives, especially my cousins. I did not eat much as I was not that hungry.

Well, it has been an eventful day.

Thanks be to God for both the pleasant and unpleasant encounters.

"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:18

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29

Friday, June 20, 2008

Pain Is Not About Suffering But Awakening

My back feels sore even as I type now. Anyway, I know the Lord is still in the process of healing me and I shall wait for that day to come when all the discomfort will go away once and for all. Just took the painkillers.

Sometimes I wonder why God created pain. Frankly I do not have the answer but it was a thought that came to mind just now.

Perhaps, it is to remind us that we are humans. Sometimes we think that we are invincible but I guess pain brings us back down to earth and cause us to see that we are not. Pain also warns us of the need to take care of our bodies - to be a good steward of it and not subject it to abuses in the way we eat, exercise, rest. Pain also humbles us to empathise with others who are suffering as well so that we can offer care to that person and also to pray for that individual. Of course, hopefully others will do likewise for us when we ourselves are in need.

I do not know - the above-mentioned are just some reflections. Anyway, I promised my sister that I would tell my parents about the accident. Just now I shared it with them and naturally they were concern. I also told grandma and she panicked but I managed to calm her down. I basically reminded her that God has pulled me through several physical struggles in the past couple of years and He will continue to do so. She is so cute - she started taking out all the ointments she has been using on herself when she suffers from rheumatism and asked me to use them when the pain comes. I told her medication has been prescribed for me and that I will use hers when mine runs out. She then took back everything and placed them on her table.

Well, at least this is a load off my shoulders.

Anyway, I had to chair the Missions Committee meeting last night. Prior to that, I was all prepared for a long-drawn meeting since we were discussing about the proposed budget of the ministry for the next financial year. I was in church earlier and I basically went to the fire-exit stairways to spend some time in prayer and also reading God's Word.

What I was prepared to face did not happen. Instead God surprised me when the discussion of the budget matters only took 30 minutes. Two issues were brought up by the Committee members. We discussed and dealt with them. After that the whole Committee endorsed the proposed budget and we went on with the other three two items in the agenda. Next year's budget will increase considerably but I have faith that the Lord will help us raise this targetted amount.

We started at 8pm and we ended all brainstorming by 9:15pm. We then took some time to pray for all the missionaries and local field workers of my church; the pastor, leaders and members of the Cambodian church we are supporting; and also one another who are serving in the Missions Committee. After the closing prayer I looked at my watch and it was only 9:40pm.

Thanks be to God that we included a considerable amount of time for prayer as I always believe that in the ministry of missions it is not about the administrative matters that are crucial but that of prayer. The work of missions always involves spiritual warfare. It is not the administrative aspect of the ministry which will help those in it fight the evil principalities but the spiritual aspect where God will reign over all things. Ultimately He will be the One who will help us triumph and triumph we will! :)

I went home relieved and thankful for all that God has done for me yesterday.

I am actually feeling bored but I will not let that put me down. I shall go find something to do after this.

"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." 1 Peter 4:12-13

"And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." Revelation 21:3-5

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Friends - Always Love; Always Build!

I went trekking with my sister and her sister at Bukit Timah Hill this morning. It was not a strenous kind of bashing through the forest but a stroll from Dairy Farm Road to Hindhede Quarry (Former). It was rather refreshing as we admire the beauty of God's creation. I was very conscious of my neck as we trekked and I am thankful to God for His protection. Along the way we saw a lot of durians lying along the dirt tracks. I picked up a few, hoping that some were riped enough for consumption but sadly, none were.

I remembered the last time I walked past the same area to do a recce for the Youth Ministry's Spiritual Retreat, I had one which was very yummy - the yellow and bitter kind. Yumz. Though passers-by were looking at this weird guy (Andy Chew!) eating the king of fruits, I was oblivious to their presence and enjoyed the rich creamy flesh of this spikey fruit! I remembered offering some to them but they just gave me that you've-got-to-be-kidding smile and declined.

Anyway, the weather was conducive for the above activity. It was not too hot and did not threaten to rain though I was all set for it by bringing disposable ponchos for all three of us. When we reached the quarry we just gazed at the beautiful rock features. The water in the quarry was so nice that we were tempted to just dive in! We also had smoked salmon sandwiches which I made with whatever ingredients I could find in the refrigerator. Sadly I did not have much salmon left.

We decided to have Japanese food after our work-out and we were off to Miramar Hotel where we ate at this restaurant called Ikoi. It was an ala-carte buffet lunch and we ate till our hearts' content. We also had a good laugh as we shared about some funny segments of our lives.

As we needed to plan for my sister's sister's 21st birthday party, we went to Vivocity to get some inspirations. Well, it did give us a few ideas. We also did some shopping where I was amazed at how these two ladies were trying so many clothes and enjoying the time spent together. I learnt quite a bit from them. Haha.

Well, what I did the whole day took the focus off the pain that I am still experiencing around my neck and back areas. Thank God though that they are not as bad as those experienced a few days ago.

Anyway, yesterday I almost lost my wallet. In fact lost it for a moment. The funny thing was I thought I left it at home when I rushed out to meet my sister at the MRT Station. In actual fact, I dropped my wallet on the grass-patch. When we were heading to my place and just when we were about to go up the flight of steps, a prompting caused me to look towards the grass-patch and there it was, my wallet!

It is amazing how the Lord just gave me the nudge. If not, I would have to go through the hassle of having to cancel and reapply for all the cards lost and there were also a considerable amount of money in it as they were meant for my parents and grandma.

Well, God is truly gracious! Okie, I am drained physically.

I will try to sleep early as I need to be in office tomorrow morning for a meeting. It will be a long day as I also need to be in church in the evening for the Missions Committee meeting.

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command." John 15:12-14

Monday, June 16, 2008

A Testimony In The Making

This morning I went to the hospital for my CT scan. The result showed that I have a mild case of slipped disc. All along I suspected it has been this problem but I did not want to come to term with it. I guess my fear has come true. Well, it makes no difference now that I know about it actually.

Anyway, the specialist did some primary tests prior to the scan. One of them was to take my blood pressure. It was on the high side. He suspected I was nervous and advised me to relax. As the scan was scheduled in the early part of the afternoon, I decided to go to Botanic Gardens. I sat by the pond and spent some time reading God's Word and praying. I also bought some bread from a provision shop in the hospital to feed the fish. I gave some to a few kids around me and it was nice to see them having fun.

I tried my best to calm myself down. My sister also messaged me around that period and gave me a few verses to read. One of the passages can be found at the end of this blog. She also told me that she would be praying for me. That helped and I praise the Lord for her.

Well, I submitted to the Lord my fears and basically closed my eyes and kept silence before Him.

Anyway, my blood pressure did go down when the nurse took the measurement again. The scan was done.

After everything was over I went to Millennia Walk Coffee Bean for a drink. I also spent the time to do the Missions Ministry's budget proposal. I was hungry but did not have the appetite to eat. Even now as I typed, I still do not feel like eating. Very rare for Andy Chew, I must say. Perhaps I can shed a few kilos today.

I was on the MSN while I was at the cafe. I was chatting with a dear sister-in-Christ from another church. She was working in the vicinity and decided to come by to have tea with me. She knew about my medical examination and the result.

Her presence and encouragement did help make me feel better. One thing she told me, which I remembered someone telling it to me before, helped me see this experience differently again. She told me when God eventually heals me, it is another testimony I can share with others when the opportunity arises. How true that is.

I cannot deny it will take me a while to overcome this frustration and disappointment I am experiencing now but I am hoping I can glorify God even at this roadblock of my pilgrim's journey. I definitely need Him to help me pull through this because I myself cannot handle it.

Well, I shall end here.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

I woke up this morning with a burden in my heart for someone. Immediately I took some time to intercede for that particular individual. I am still concerned for that person but I shall trust that God is already doing something about it.

After that I headed to church to join the youths in a time of watching a DVD movie entitled "Facing The Giants." I have shared about my thoughts on this movie quite some time ago when I first watched it. Though this is the second time, I was still ministered to and I cannot deny that I was again moved to tears.

I was reminded once more that God can do the impossible. All I need to do is to take a knee and pray for anything or anyone and basically trust that God will carry on from there. Well, again His timing was so appropriate due to my burden for the sibling-in-Christ and also for my neck injury especially the scan which I am going for tomorrow morning. All thanks and praise to God for His assurance that He can do all things which many times far exceed my imagination.

I joined my Godson and his parents after church. They gave me my belated birthday present. Praise the Lord for His blessing through this dear family. :) We did something quite unusual - we went to Lower Pierce Reservoir to catch fish. Well, we caught three guppies and three freshwater prawns. I almost caught a Yabbi - a lobster kind of creature but failed. I was so close and yet so far. I hope I got the name right. Well, it was pretty fun. I think I was the only big kid there - all around me were children doing the same thing. "Malufying" but nevermind - all done in the name of fun.

After that we joined the running gang for dinner in Serangoon Gardens where we ate at the market. Every dish except one we ordered had sambal in them - BBQ Sambal Stingray, Sambal Sotong and Sambal Kangkong. The non-spicy one was the oyster omelette. We headed to a Chinese dessert place after that where I had a bowl of mango sago.

Well, while waiting patiently to catch the fish and prawns, I learnt something about evangelism. I was reminded that I need to be patient when I desire to share with others about God. I should not be stuffing the message of the Gospel into people's throats and expect them to believe. Just like I had to wait for a while to catch the six aquatic creatures, I guess it goes likewise when it comes to outreach matters.

I have a couple of friends whom I am eager to reach out to but what matters now is the way I live my life. First of all, I need to have credibility in sharing the Good News to others. If others do not see Christ in my life, then it is no point for me to tell them about Christ. I guess lifestyle evangelism still stands and I shall trust that God will help me in this.

Well, I know someday I will be able to bring another person to the saving knowledge of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The time will come but I shall leave it to God to determine when. May He use me as and when possible.

I bought dad a cake just now to celebrate Father's Day - he loves mango so I got him a mango-laden cake. I am glad he enjoyed it when mum cut a big piece for him. I also hope he will enjoy the gift I passed him which is to be enjoyed with mum. Haha. Well, shan't say what it is. :)

Anyway, I guess I shall stop here. I am looking forward to the week ahead! May the Lord lead and guide me accordingly.

“The father of a righteous man has great joy; he who has a wise son delights in him.” Proverbs 23:24

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cultivate The Relationship

This morning I went strolling again in the park opposite my home. I brought along my ever-faithful companion, Sasha. As I sat under a tree reading God's Word and praying, I let my doggy run around. She did not venture too far away. Once in a while she would turn back to see whether I was still under the tree. Occasionally she would go slightly beyond sight. When that happened, I would call out to her and she would just come running back to my side. There were moments when she would take a longer time to return but eventually she responded, probably knowing that it would be safer for her to be in the Master's care.

I spent some time before God in silence. Then it dawned upon me that we are all like Sasha, not as in we are animals, but more so the kind of relationship we should have with God. He would give us the freedom to roam around His creation. He would not dictate what we should do. Despite of this, we know our Heavenly Father is always by our side.

For those of us who are enjoying a close walk with the Lord, we would sometimes turn to see whether God is still there. Because of the communion we have with Him, we know He is.

Then there are yet some of us who have strayed but in our hearts, we know He is still there. Sometimes we could even hear God crying out to us, "Andy, come back!" A few would respond immediately but others would take some time to do so, preferring to venture on their own still. Only when we have come to our wit's end, we realised there is no other way out except to turn back to our Master.

Of course I cannot deny that there are some who will never come back but every day I pray for my siblings-in-Christ that they would never take that route of no return.

Sasha and I can be so close to each other because of the time spent together - rewarding her when she does something right; taking out the cane to smack her buttocks lightly to show her that she had done something wrong; go for walks with her whenever I am free; playing "fetch"with her when I come home from work; etc.

I guess it is important for us to also cultivate a relationship with God so that the line of communication between God and us will not be broken.

Well, I cannot deny that these few days I have been struggling quite a bit - there were frustrations; I get irritated easily; there were also moments when I just wondered what God is trying to do with my life by giving me this pain in the neck.

Though these are all my reactions to a situation, I still go back to Him seeking for His healing on my neck; reading His Word and praying to give me assurance; and carrying on with life despite of the discomfort. Guess what? When I fix my eyes on Him, all the negative feelings slowly transformed to a pleasant experience and most of the time, I would tell myself how bad can my trials be when Jesus, my Lord and Saviour, is always there to carry my burdens. How comforting to know that! Thanks be to God!

Well, the whole day I went on with my life's journey as normal. I met my sister for a time of shopping since she just finished her exams yesterday. We also had tea. Then came her sister and friend and together we walked along Orchard Road. We also went to Haji Lane to check out the interesting shops located in that vicinity. At the end of it all we bought quite a bit of stuff.

We went to Brewertz next to have dinner - just my sister, her sister and I. We had a great time feasting and talking. I thanked them for a belated birthday gift they got for me. Praise the Lord for the gift and for these two dear individuals!

In all, I had an enjoyable day! I am grateful to God that I did not experience any pain around my neck or back! I hope this is a sign of healing already done upon my body!

Time to sleep now! Good night to one and all!

"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." Psalm 55:22

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Power Of Friendship

My back hurt quite badly this morning when I woke up. It is the longest ever pain felt so far. After a while it got better and I went on with my plans. Not much of a plan actually.

Oh yah, I have to go for a scan on Monday morning. A medical assistant called me this afternoon to confirm the appointment. I sure hope it is nothing serious. Well, I am very used to going to hospital and all these medical examinations... another one would not kill, I guess.

Anyway, I went to the PC Show. As I had a couple of vouchers from StarHub, I decided to get myself a new Samsung PDA-Phone which in the end was free after using the vouchers. I needed to replace my current phone as the features are limited - not able to do a couple of stuff pertaining to work and all. Sounds like a whole bunch of excuses but it is true. Heh.

The day was also spent praying for my sister's last paper. Well, she was not too pleased with it. I just hope she is feeling better now.

I bumped into a couple of friends along the way. One of them is a dear brother-in-Christ from another church. As we spoke, I told him about my injury and he said he will pray a word of healing upon me daily. I was very encouraged by that because we hardly get to fellowship much but when we met, it felt as if the connection has never been lost. Praise the Lord for that!

I came home to rest. I was burdened for a moment but overcame that down feeling after I prayed.

I meddled with the new phone for a while then went to the park with my dog to exercise and also to commune with God. I met an old lady who was also strolling with her dog and we spoke for a while. Glad to have known Madam Koh. She is a cancer patient but I admire her strength. May the Lord have mercy and be gracious to her.

Well, I guess that is all.

Thanks be to God for all things!

"Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are in agony." Psalm 6:2

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Church Camp Photos!

More than 400 campers!
Biggest camp ever for my church!!!

Some mad sisters-in-Christ I encountered. Haha!
From left: Jillian, Christabel & Dionne

Caught in action!

Sleeping during the speaker's session?
That boring, huh? Haha!

Some kids whom I played a lot with during the camp.

One of my good friends' children
Trevor (Top) and Natalie (Bottom)

I asked Trevor to show me an angry look.
This was what he gave me. Haha!

Claire is just so cute!!! I love her eyes!!! Her mother, Eve, is in the middle picture.

Claire's Father, Keith and another sister-in-Christ, Laura, eating durians for the first time!
They disliked the king of fruits!

Caught a brother-in-Christ, Richard, while he was savouring his durian!

The youths celebrating my birthday.

A group of closer friends celebrating my birthday and that of another brother-in-Christ, Brian!

Here's the whole camp celebrating those whose birthdays fall in the month of June!

A Pain In The Neck!

I am back at the Coffee Bean cafe in Ngee Ann City to get some work done. Prior to this, I decided to go to the beach along East Coast Parkway to spend some time with the Lord. It is always refreshing to commune with Him when my spirit is down. I am not totally depressed but thought I go somewhere quiet to be with my Father.

I wanted to bring along my guitar but in the end, the thought of lugging it around after that made me decide against the idea. Lazy-bum, I know! Haha. Well, that did not stop me from worshipping the Lord in songs with my voice. Singing praises allowed me to put aside everything else and to focus my eyes on God and God alone. Learning to give thanks in the midst of my struggles also allowed me to accept them as a time of learning and growing.

I sang a chorus - though old but the words are still ever so powerful. Here goes:-

Give Thanks

Give thanks with a grateful heart.
Give thanks to the Holy One.
Give thanks for He has given Jesus Christ, His Son.
Give thanks with a grateful heart.
Give thanks to the Holy One.
Give thanks for He has given Jesus Christ, His Son.

And now, let the weak say "I am strong."
Let the poor say, "I am rich."
Because of what the Lord has done for us.
And now, let the weak say, "I am strong."
Let the poor say, "I am rich."
Because of what the Lord has done for us.
Give thanks.

I also read God's Word from Psalm 73:25-26 - "Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

This passage brought a lot of assurance to my heart as it reminded me of God being my strength when I fail Him. I am always thankful to the Lord for giving us His Word to comfort us. He never fails though many times we have failed Him.

As I was pondering on the above verses and also on my neck injury, I realised I can literally be a "pain in the neck" to God at times. Haha. Though that happens pretty often in my pilgrim's journey, God, in His grace and mercy, still bears with my nonsense. I praise Him for being patient with me and allowing me to learn from my mistakes.

The past two days have not really been that great for me because of the sores I am experiencing. Last week was not that bad but these few days the condition seems to have worsened. Though occasionally I get a little frustrated, I would try to divert it to God and ask Him to give me a heart of thanksgiving.

A dear brother-in-Christ encouraged me in one of his messages to trust in the Lord and from His observation in what I have gone through these few years, he said God's track records in my life are pretty remarkable. He asked me to dwell in His goodness and find peace and rest in the Lord.

Being quiet before God also brings healing to the soul and I could literally feel it - from a heart of heaviness, slowly I could feel the load being lifted as I was brought back to the knowledge of His omnipresence in my life. Peace then comes along and that was when I know God has brought about His healing of emotions in my life.

The moment spent on the breakwater was not just about me. I also took the time to pray for my sister's exam. I am thankful that she pulled through today's paper though she has been physically and mentally drained from revising and having not recovered from the lack of sleep last week when she stayed vigil at her grandfather's wake.

Tomorrow is her last paper and I am already excited for her as it would then mean she can rest all she wants and be recharged!

Well, the sun got hotter as the time drew closer to noon and that was when I decided to leave and come here to do my work. It is great to meet the staff of the cafe who are now my friends. One of them heard that I was on medical leave that she gave me a glass of hot chocolate. Slowly word got around and more of the crew came by to wish me well. Haha. Praise the Lord for them!

I am almost done - did some work on the Missions Ministry's Newsletter and also drafted the budget proposal for the next financial year.

I shall heed my sister's advice and go home soon to rest.

Thanks be to God for this day! God is good and His love endures forever! Amen to that! :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Giving Thanks Changes Perspectives

Today has not been an exceptionally good day... not that it is bad though. I went to see a neurologist at a local private hospital to have my neck examined. After the bus accident I was involved in last week, the right side of my neck has been sore. This morning at around 5:30am, I was again paralysed for a moment as I tossed in my bed. I could not move for a couple of minutes basically. After that I was okay.

My sister has been encouraging me to see the doctor but I have been procrastinating, thinking that it would be well after a while. Apparently it did not. It feels the same and the frequencies of being paralysed momentarily have increased.

Well, I decided to heed her advice. I basically went to the Accident and Emergency department. X-rays were taken. The specialist told me I have a 1.2cm hairline crack. As for the temporary paralysis, he said probably a nerve has been affected. He will monitor my condition for a period. He will then decide whether further tests like CT Scan or MRI be carried out if situation does not improve. He is not ruling out the fact that my spinal cord is injured. Anyway, they also took my blood sample.

Anyway, I have to apply ice on my neck area in the morning when I wake up and in the night just before I sleep. I was given pain relievers and was warned not to strain the right side of my neck too much. I was also given one week of medical leave.

I am feeling a little lousy because I seem to be so accident-prone - mostly not due to my own doing. Haha. Anyway, I have been told before by others that I am a jinx. Am I? I guess not. To be called that means one is being superstitious - that I am unlucky; that I bring misfortune.

Well, I am a child of God and I do not believe in luck or fortune. The fact that I am still alive basically means one thing - that God's grace and mercy have been evident and all thanks to Him for being so good as to protect me from death. Even if I were to get killed one day, it is basically God's timing that I should go and not due to other reasons.

Anyway, I went to the Botanic Gardens to spend some time in quiet before the Lord - giving thanks for all that had happened; submitting to Him the concerns of my heart; and also to be refreshed by the beauty of nature, created by the Master Himself. I also took the time to pray for a few people I have been burdened for. I trust that God has answered my prayers and that He is already working in the lives of these my siblings-in-Christ.

I went next to the Coffee Bean cafe in Ngee Ann City to do some work. I was bored but thank God I was able to find things to occupy my time.

I went next to Borders and Kinokuniya to read some books and magazines. I ordered a couple of books and also bought a photography magazine.

Well, it was home next. I do not know why but when I put down everything, I suddenly felt sleepy. I napped. I was re-energised after that. :)

Enough said. Thanks be to God for everything!

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

When It's All Been Said And Done

I turned 36 yesterday. Time really flies. I will always remember when I was in my teens, I wondered how life would be like when I am in my 30s. Well, now that I am there, I know how it is and I praise the Lord for bringing me thus far in this pilgrim's journey. I do not know how long I will be trodding but one thing I am sure - I am going to enjoy every bit of my remaining days here on earth.

Three groups of people celebrated my birthday at the church camp - one was from the youths; the other from closer friends; and the third was the whole church. I am thankful to God for these my friends. Their kind gestures have encouraged and blest my life richly. The fact that they are my friends and family are already a blessing! Hallelujah!

Two questions were posed to me - one was "Are you afraid of growing old?" and the other was "Do you know at this age you are on a downward curve?"

My answer to the first question was a "No!" I do not mean to sound arrogant but a person who is afraid of growing old is one who does know what life is about for him or her. By this I am not saying that I know full well what life is for me but one thing I know for sure is the purpose of my being here on earth - I will let God use my all to serve Him and also His people. It has been a joy trying to live my life to be a blessing to others. I used the word "trying" because I am not perfect and at times, I do let people down because of my weaknesses and shortcomings. Though I struggle with that constantly, I am not going to be put down by it but let God continue to mould me accordingly. Hopefully over time I will be more refined. :)

As for the second question, am I really on a downward curve? Why should it be that way? Should it not be upward since as each day draws closer to death, I am closer to heaven?

The world may scare every individual about aging. That's because their end point is death on earth. For God's people, there is life after death. If that is the case, then where I am now is just a transit. I am looking forward to what is ahead - may the Lord continue to be a light unto my path! :)

I had three different kinds of cakes during the celebrations at the camp - two chocolate cakes and one mixed-fruit cake. I guess it is time to work out and burn off those extra calories. Haha.

I managed to finish my work by 3pm. I left for town to buy two rechargeable batteries for my mouse. I also met my sister for tea after her exam. The Lord has been good to her because this afternoon she was panicking about her paper. We prayed and the Word of God also gave her assurance. When she did her paper, she was calm enough to complete all the questions except one within an hour. This was a three-hour paper, mind you!

When I got a call from her at 4 plus in the afternoon, me of little faith thought that she was not able to deal with the questions. I was proven wrong and I felt so happy for this dear sibling! Truly this is a testimony of how God can calm our hearts when anxieties set in. So long as we fix our eyes on Him, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

Well, time for me to end here and just listen to some music as I surf the net.

Good night, everyone! Look forward to each day - there are new treasures to be unearthed!

Oh yah, the words of this song came to mind yesterday as I reflected on my life at 36!

When It's All Been Said And Done
By Don Moen

When it's all been said and done,
there is just one thing that matters.
Did I do my best to live for truth?
Did I live my life for You?

When it's all been said and done,
all my treasures will mean nothing.
Only what I've done for love's reward
will stand the test of time.

Lord, Your mercy is so great -
That You look beyond our weakness
and find purest gold in miry clay,
making sinners into saints.
I will always sing Your praise,
here on earth and ever after,
for You've shown me Heaven's my true home
when it's all been said and done.

You're my life when life is gone;
Lord I'll live my life for You.

"Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize." 1 Corinthians 9:19-27

Making Connections

I am supposed to be on leave today but decided to go to work instead. I thought I had better clear my backlog of work first. Well, the Church has come and gone and I am back in Singapore again after spending 4 days and 3 nights in Malacca, Malaysia.

The camp was one of the biggest ever for my church. There were more than 400 members who attended. To me, it is a good sign of how these persons want to integrate with the rest of the church - basically to connect. That was the theme basically - to connect to God; to ourselves; to the community.

I praise the Lord for the lessons I have learnt. They reminded me of the importance in integrating the three components together and not see them as separate entities.

Every Christian must connect with God first. If not, there is no relationship between us and Him. Ever wondered how weird it can be to say we have acknowledged God as our Lord and Saviour but we have no inkling of who this Person is? Therefore it is important for God's children to connect with Him so that we know what His will is for our lives; what He wants us to do; and how we can use our lives to impact and minister to another and also to those who have yet to know who Jesus is.

I was also reminded that the Christian's journey is not that of a hermit where he is all by himself. The pilgrim's journey is to be walked together; to be connected to one another. I like a quote that the camp speaker used, "If you want to travel fast, go alone; but if you want to travel far, go together!" How true that is! I am glad to have known a few siblings-in-Christ better during the camp. Many times in church I see them but there was no effort to go beyond the usual greetings.

I happened to bump into a dear brother-in-Christ whom I have been serving in the Worship and Music Ministry. He is an Australian but holding a Permanent Resident status in Singapore. He is a trumpeteer and a drummer in the band. Though we have served a couple of months together, I hardly knew this brother. It was when we made a conscious effort to sit down and catch up that I got to know him better.

We always think that it is difficult to open ourselves up to one another. Through this camp and also in the number of years I have spent in my pilgrim's journey, it is actually as easy as just taking the first step to say it is not difficult and just do it by approaching a sibling-in-Christ to strike up a conversation. The rest will flow naturally.

After being able to connect to God and to ourselves as a church, it is also important to connect to the community! A church is not a church till the people are involved in activities outside church. I do not know whether that sentence makes sense but I have learnt recently that the church is not just about the people inside but also those outside whom many are crying for help. The cup within us must overflow so that those outside the church walls will also be filled as well! How I wish sometimes the church has no walls because that is what a church should be. Again, I was reminded of the quote that I read not to long ago, "The mark of a growing church is not about the number of people in it but the number being sent out!"

It is my prayer that this is the beginning of a revival in my church and in all the churches around the world!

Well, I just had my lunch of a couple of sandwiches I made. I should be able to be done with work in an hour's time. I praise the Lord for giving me the ability to clear so much stuff on my desk!

I shall write again later.

"For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:14-21

"Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:19-25

"Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:16-20

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Please Multiply My Five Loaves And Two Fishes, Lord

I just came back not too long ago. I decided to spend some time in quiet by the beach along East Coast Parkway after walking my dear sister to her place. I felt a little dry when I was strolling to the bus-stop, planning to go home. Along the way I was prompted to turn back and head for the beach to commune with the Lord by reading His Word, praying and being silent.

Well, I did and I guess it was a good move as I felt much fresher spiritually as well as being challenged to not be contented with where I am now in my walk with the Lord. In fact I should never be contented as it would then simply mean I have become complacent and in a state of stagnation.

Throughout the whole day my heart was not at peace as I was thinking about many things - how sometimes my walk with the Lord can be hot and at another time, cold (whether I am serious about my relationship with my God Almighty); my views towards life and people (whether I have become more judgmental and also discriminating); the ministries I am serving in (whether I am comfortable with the amount I am doing now or should I do more but not fearing the load that comes along with it); and my role as a brother-in-Christ or friend to another (whether I can be one whom others can share their lives with me or that I simply do not care enough).

I do not really know why I have become reflective again about my life's journey. It could be due to the accident I encountered two days ago. I guess it was a wake-up call for me.

I mentioned earlier about evaluating my role as a brother or friend to another because lately I have been feeling burdened for many siblings-in-Christ and friends. I also feel ineffective in meeting their needs.

Some are going through personal struggles (not willing to release some baggages they are carrying); some have relationship issues (having the urge to go into one without considering the commitment involved or just wanting to be in one to feel good and accepted); others have struggles with their families (pertaining to unforgiveness and pride); and many (referring to Christians here) who are not communing with the Lord daily because they put other areas of their lives before God hence altering their views towards life.

I sometimes question whether I have the guts to confront these matters with people whom I actually regard as a brother-in-Christ or a sister-in-Christ or a friend. In several occasions I feel I have failed.

The answer I got to this burden is just be there for them - even if initially they are not willing to confide with me, that is alright. If I have begun the process with prayer for these individuals, I have already begun performing my duty as a sibling-in-Christ or friend.

Well, there are a few other personal stuff which I shared with the Lord - I shall not jot them down as yet in the blog till I think I am ready to.

I was on one of the breakwaters for about an hour and a half. I was in my pair of jeans. Though a little stuffy but the time of worship and fellowship took the attention away from the heat I was experiencing. :)

Time to go! Praise the Lord for this day!

Oh yah! Tears welled up when I was listening to the words of this song. I was ministered because they speak of what I am going through now. I hope you too will be touched as you meditate on it. :)

Five Loaves And Two Fishes
By Corrinne May

A little boy of thirteen
was on his way to school.
He heard a crowd of people laughing
and he went to take a look.
Thousands were listening
to the stories of one man.
He spoke with such wisdom,
even the kids could understand.
The hours passed so quickly,
the day turned into night.
Everyone was hungry
but there was no food in sight.

The boy looked in his lunchbox,
at the little that he had.
He wasn't sure what good it'd do,
there were thousands to be fed.
But he saw the twinkling eyes of Jesus
the kindness in His smile
and the boy cried out
with the trust of a child.
He said:

"Take my five loaves and two fishes.
Do with it as you will
I surrender.
Take my fears, my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions,
You can use it all
to feed them all"

I often think about that boy
when I'm feeling small
and I worry that the work I do
means nothing at all.
But every single tear I cry
is a diamond in His hands
and every door that slams in my face
I will offer up in prayer.
So I'll give you every breath that I have
Oh Lord, you can work miracles
All that you need is my "Amen"

Take my five loaves and two fishes,
Do with it as you will.
I surrender.
Take my fears, my inhibitions,
All my burdens, my ambitions,
You can use it all.
I hope it's not too small.

I trust in you.
I trust in you.

Take my five loaves and two fishes,
Do with it as you will.
I surrender.
Take my fears, my inhibitions,
All my burdens, my ambitions,
You can use it all;
no gift is too small.

"Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them saying: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:1-16

Trusting God's Plans

My back hurt badly this morning when I woke up from a dream. The right side of my neck was very stiff and when I tossed to the other side of the bed, the lower spinal area had this sharp pain that I could not move for a moment.

During that short period of immobilisation, I cried to God to release me from the ordeal. Of course He did after about a minute or two. I had to slowly adjust my posture to a comfortable position. I decided to walk around the house just to warm up the muscles and all.

I continued to commune with God as I exercised a little. I was asking Him what was the purpose of the accident I encountered which now brings discomfort to my neck and lower half of my body.

Of course there was no immediate answer. As I continued to remain quiet and pondered on the question I asked, I realised I need not query Him if I am sure He is the Lord and Master of my life.

In less than a span of one month, I have encountered two accidents - thank God the previous one was a near-miss but both incidents showed how God has protected me from harm as in serious injuries. If it were not for Him, I guess I may have landed myself in hospital already.

I also remembered during the accident, there was this middle-aged lady who fell. I went to help her up. I asked whether she was alright - her elbow was grazed but generally she said was okay. While we were waiting to give a statement, I spoke to her and found out that she too had another accident about a week ago when she fell while walking.

She said she has been unlucky lately. I do not know why but instinctively, I blurted out these words, "I will pray for you." She was quite surprised when she heard me say that but thanked me for doing so. She asked me what religion I embrace and I told her that I am a Christian. She smiled.

Well, I hope those mere words would have caused her to think about God.

Anyway, yesterday there were a couple of prayers being answered almost immediately when I received a couple of smses and emails pertaining to a few matters.

I received an email requesting for some help for certain individuals and as I was praying as to how the Lord could provide, I got a sms from a dear brother-in-Christ informing me that he wishes to donate some money. I was so happy that I shared this with my dear sister who was with me.

I also got a sms from a brother-in-Christ informing me that he might not be able to attend the church camp this Friday. I was supposed to hitch a ride from him to Malacca. Anyway, I asked the Lord to help me find a solution. Another sibling-in-Christ's name came to mind. I messaged him and immediately he replied that I can follow his car. Then this morning, the brother whom I was supposed to get a ride initially messaged to say that he is going afterall. As I look back, though there were a couple of ding-donging, God answered my prayer! Hallelujah! :)

Well, I guess that is all I have to share for now. Time to get back to doing some work.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you..." Jeremiah 29:11-14a

Monday, June 02, 2008

Life Is Fleeting

On my way to town this evening, the bus I was in met with a minor accident but enough to throw standing passengers like me off-balance. My reflexes basically caused my muscles to tense up and because of that I sprained one finger of my left hand. My neck was also a little strained. Other than that I was alright. Praise the Lord for that!

Well, not a good start to a brand new week but God is still good to have protected me from serious injuries! :)

I had a lot of stuff done the whole day - I decided to work out of office. I was with a dear sister doing our respective work. She had to revise for her examinations while I was replying to a couple of emails pertaining to a meeting I conducted last week. I also need to settle some Missions Ministry's matters.

The next few days will be busy as well - have a couple of reports to complete before I leave for the church camp in Malacca on Friday.

Though my sister and I had our work to do, we also had a good time of fellowship as we shared about how God has been good to us. It was a very edifying time and I praise the Lord for that!

Well, after giving a police report, I headed to Plaza Singapura to buy some toiletries for the trip. My neck is still a little sore and the finger stiff. Just applied some Deep Heat cream - hopefully tomorrow they will feel better.

This evening's encounter of the collision reminded me that life can end that suddenly but I guess through God's grace and mercy, I survived and am able to jot down this account. I guess I cannot always myself that I will live to a ripe old age - I may be dead the next day. Who knows? Only God, I guess.

Well, a good reminder of how fleeting life can be.

Here's looking forward to the next few days! :)

"Show me, O LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath. Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and fro: He bustles about, but only in vain; he heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it. "But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you." Psalm 39:4-7