Friday, June 13, 2008

The Power Of Friendship

My back hurt quite badly this morning when I woke up. It is the longest ever pain felt so far. After a while it got better and I went on with my plans. Not much of a plan actually.

Oh yah, I have to go for a scan on Monday morning. A medical assistant called me this afternoon to confirm the appointment. I sure hope it is nothing serious. Well, I am very used to going to hospital and all these medical examinations... another one would not kill, I guess.

Anyway, I went to the PC Show. As I had a couple of vouchers from StarHub, I decided to get myself a new Samsung PDA-Phone which in the end was free after using the vouchers. I needed to replace my current phone as the features are limited - not able to do a couple of stuff pertaining to work and all. Sounds like a whole bunch of excuses but it is true. Heh.

The day was also spent praying for my sister's last paper. Well, she was not too pleased with it. I just hope she is feeling better now.

I bumped into a couple of friends along the way. One of them is a dear brother-in-Christ from another church. As we spoke, I told him about my injury and he said he will pray a word of healing upon me daily. I was very encouraged by that because we hardly get to fellowship much but when we met, it felt as if the connection has never been lost. Praise the Lord for that!

I came home to rest. I was burdened for a moment but overcame that down feeling after I prayed.

I meddled with the new phone for a while then went to the park with my dog to exercise and also to commune with God. I met an old lady who was also strolling with her dog and we spoke for a while. Glad to have known Madam Koh. She is a cancer patient but I admire her strength. May the Lord have mercy and be gracious to her.

Well, I guess that is all.

Thanks be to God for all things!

"Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are in agony." Psalm 6:2

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