Monday, June 16, 2008

A Testimony In The Making

This morning I went to the hospital for my CT scan. The result showed that I have a mild case of slipped disc. All along I suspected it has been this problem but I did not want to come to term with it. I guess my fear has come true. Well, it makes no difference now that I know about it actually.

Anyway, the specialist did some primary tests prior to the scan. One of them was to take my blood pressure. It was on the high side. He suspected I was nervous and advised me to relax. As the scan was scheduled in the early part of the afternoon, I decided to go to Botanic Gardens. I sat by the pond and spent some time reading God's Word and praying. I also bought some bread from a provision shop in the hospital to feed the fish. I gave some to a few kids around me and it was nice to see them having fun.

I tried my best to calm myself down. My sister also messaged me around that period and gave me a few verses to read. One of the passages can be found at the end of this blog. She also told me that she would be praying for me. That helped and I praise the Lord for her.

Well, I submitted to the Lord my fears and basically closed my eyes and kept silence before Him.

Anyway, my blood pressure did go down when the nurse took the measurement again. The scan was done.

After everything was over I went to Millennia Walk Coffee Bean for a drink. I also spent the time to do the Missions Ministry's budget proposal. I was hungry but did not have the appetite to eat. Even now as I typed, I still do not feel like eating. Very rare for Andy Chew, I must say. Perhaps I can shed a few kilos today.

I was on the MSN while I was at the cafe. I was chatting with a dear sister-in-Christ from another church. She was working in the vicinity and decided to come by to have tea with me. She knew about my medical examination and the result.

Her presence and encouragement did help make me feel better. One thing she told me, which I remembered someone telling it to me before, helped me see this experience differently again. She told me when God eventually heals me, it is another testimony I can share with others when the opportunity arises. How true that is.

I cannot deny it will take me a while to overcome this frustration and disappointment I am experiencing now but I am hoping I can glorify God even at this roadblock of my pilgrim's journey. I definitely need Him to help me pull through this because I myself cannot handle it.

Well, I shall end here.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

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