Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cultivate The Relationship

This morning I went strolling again in the park opposite my home. I brought along my ever-faithful companion, Sasha. As I sat under a tree reading God's Word and praying, I let my doggy run around. She did not venture too far away. Once in a while she would turn back to see whether I was still under the tree. Occasionally she would go slightly beyond sight. When that happened, I would call out to her and she would just come running back to my side. There were moments when she would take a longer time to return but eventually she responded, probably knowing that it would be safer for her to be in the Master's care.

I spent some time before God in silence. Then it dawned upon me that we are all like Sasha, not as in we are animals, but more so the kind of relationship we should have with God. He would give us the freedom to roam around His creation. He would not dictate what we should do. Despite of this, we know our Heavenly Father is always by our side.

For those of us who are enjoying a close walk with the Lord, we would sometimes turn to see whether God is still there. Because of the communion we have with Him, we know He is.

Then there are yet some of us who have strayed but in our hearts, we know He is still there. Sometimes we could even hear God crying out to us, "Andy, come back!" A few would respond immediately but others would take some time to do so, preferring to venture on their own still. Only when we have come to our wit's end, we realised there is no other way out except to turn back to our Master.

Of course I cannot deny that there are some who will never come back but every day I pray for my siblings-in-Christ that they would never take that route of no return.

Sasha and I can be so close to each other because of the time spent together - rewarding her when she does something right; taking out the cane to smack her buttocks lightly to show her that she had done something wrong; go for walks with her whenever I am free; playing "fetch"with her when I come home from work; etc.

I guess it is important for us to also cultivate a relationship with God so that the line of communication between God and us will not be broken.

Well, I cannot deny that these few days I have been struggling quite a bit - there were frustrations; I get irritated easily; there were also moments when I just wondered what God is trying to do with my life by giving me this pain in the neck.

Though these are all my reactions to a situation, I still go back to Him seeking for His healing on my neck; reading His Word and praying to give me assurance; and carrying on with life despite of the discomfort. Guess what? When I fix my eyes on Him, all the negative feelings slowly transformed to a pleasant experience and most of the time, I would tell myself how bad can my trials be when Jesus, my Lord and Saviour, is always there to carry my burdens. How comforting to know that! Thanks be to God!

Well, the whole day I went on with my life's journey as normal. I met my sister for a time of shopping since she just finished her exams yesterday. We also had tea. Then came her sister and friend and together we walked along Orchard Road. We also went to Haji Lane to check out the interesting shops located in that vicinity. At the end of it all we bought quite a bit of stuff.

We went to Brewertz next to have dinner - just my sister, her sister and I. We had a great time feasting and talking. I thanked them for a belated birthday gift they got for me. Praise the Lord for the gift and for these two dear individuals!

In all, I had an enjoyable day! I am grateful to God that I did not experience any pain around my neck or back! I hope this is a sign of healing already done upon my body!

Time to sleep now! Good night to one and all!

"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." Psalm 55:22

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

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