Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Be Objective And Not Reactive

I had wanted to blog yesterday but after coming back from my cousin's wedding function in Malaysia, I was too tired to do anything else.

I was also fuming mad when the car I was in with my parents and uncle was stuck in a massive jam from just after the last toll-booth in Johor Bahru to the Second Link checkpoint! We arrived at the toll-booth at 6pm and we only got passed the Singapore Immigration at 8.30pm! Can you believe that - two and a half hours in a jam?! Man!

Actually it was not the jam that caused the fuse in me to explode; it was the ugly sight of many Singaporean drivers which just irked me!

My car was in the third lane and next to us was the road shoulder. As the jam got worse, that was when cars behind mine started using the road shoulder to jump queue. They were way ahead of us because of that and they were also the cause of the jam as they had to filter back to the third lane when nearing the Singapore Immigration due to the police officers who were present to direct traffic. Cars like mine in the end could not move due to this insensitive act.

I have to confess that massive jam like the one I was in can cause the dark side of an individual to manifest inself. Mine did - from being frustrated, I got angry and then it led on to judging and swearing at those ugly drivers!

It came to a point where I sensed a voice in me asking me to just quieten down and spend some moment in silence rather than to keep making unedifying comments.

I did that and there was one lesson I learnt. This phrase kept flashing in my mind - "Be Objective and Not Reactive!"

It kind of made sense to me when I pondered on these words.

I guess if I had not reacted to the situation when I witnessed what some of the above drivers did, I could have prevented anger to take the better of me. Instead of cursing and swearing and also judging, I could have been objective about the matter and prayed for these individuals.

If I had been objective when I was caught in the jam, I could have used the two and a half hours to bond with my parents and uncle instead of reacting to the similar judgmental comments they were making of those who flouted the law.

My blood pressure would have been stable if I had been walking in the Spirit because one who is in step with God will not react the way I did but would be still and know that God is still God and spend the time worshipping Him, rather than making ungodly remarks.

That was a rebuke to me! This encounter reminded me of a blog I wrote not too long ago where I said something about having to get myself back on track with God again. I guess I need to do that now!

Anyway, the wedding event went well. I took some shots with my new camera. Well, I am still learning by the day about wedding photography. This is one area I am most interested in and I hope the Lord will teach me more of the techniques and approach and improve as I go along.

I told a dear brother this afternoon that I would not go to Segamat again because the town is so dead and the ride long. If I had to go again, it would be to eat the kolo mee that people are raving about and of course, the Segamat durians! Both I did not get to eat as the shops were closed due to the Lunar New Year holidays.

I returned my sister's two rabbits just now. I will miss one of them more than the other. The younger one gave me a hard time by always toppling the pee-tray daily and soiling the whole cage. If she had stayed any longer at my place, I think Princess (the name of the younger rabbit) will be in my cooking pot served as stew. Haha.

My doggy and I will miss Prince (the name of the bigger rabbit) as he is just so adorable, friendly and considerate!

Haha. Okie dokes, time to go.

Good night, all!

"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." Ephesians 4:26-27

Monday, January 26, 2009

It Will Only Get Easier

Happy Lunar New Year!

I need to sleep soon but thought before I do that, I shall blog about the first day of the festive celebration at my home.

As mentioned yesterday, my relatives came over and from 10am onwards, I had to entertain a steady stream of guests. During lunch-time, I had to do a bit of cooking as there was not enough food to feed the many hungry individuals.

What I did in trying to connect with my relatives who came by was to tell them that I would say grace before we partake the food. I did ask whether any of them minded the idea and no one objected.

I basically thanked God for the food and said a prayer of blessings upon all present. After that we started the time of feasting.

Well, there was a certain apprehension when I proposed the idea of saying grace. I told God to take care of the rest and He did indeed. Now that I have done it, I have to say it is not that difficult to include the element of my faith to those who may not even know who Jesus is. :)

Around 2pm, I had to excuse myself from the gathering to head for Mustafa Centre to buy some groceries as the stock in my two refrigerators are running dry.

While I was looking around for a certain kind of vegetable outside the shopping centre, I bumped into this elderly Chinese couple who were collecting discarded cardboards. The lady was hunched quite badly and she was very dirty.

As I was walking towards them, I had this nudge in me to send them my new year greetings. I also knew that I had to at least shake their hands. I have to confess that there was a little hesitation. I whispered a prayer and asked the Lord to help me get out of my comfort zone and not care about anything else except to bless this couple. I also had this fear that they might think I am mad to wish them since we do not know each other at all. That I submitted to God as well. :)

Off I went to shake their hands and I also passed them a red packet each. The lady asked me why I did that. I basically laughed and answered in Hokkien, "Aunty ah, tern lang jiah lor!" ("Aunty, it is the Lunar New Year!")

She smiled. After a short conversation, we went on our separate ways.

I have to say as you keep making more connections with people, the next one becomes easier. Soon you will realise it becomes a part of you! Yay! Praise God!

Okie, time to stop here and sleep.

Hope all of you reading my blog had an enjoyable time today!

Good night!

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love." 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Operation Connect

It feels weird not having reunion dinner with my extended family on the eve of the Lunar New Year. Well, this year is slightly different because one of my cousins cannot make it tonight as she is getting married on Tuesday in Malaysia. My family held the gathering two days ago before she left for Segamat with her fiance.

I cooked dinner just now for every one at home though. I did hot and sour soup; another round of yusheng (my fourth already); steamed kailan with abalone in oyster sauce; steamed pomfret with salted vegetables, tomatoes and sour plums; and wantons with sesame oil and fried shallots.

After that, I had to do some house-work: changing the curtains in grandma's room; ironed some clothes; bathed all the animals in my house - one lawry, one dog and my sister's two rabbits (man, I felt like a pet groomer and it was no joke!!!); mopped the house.

Thank God that I am done with the above-mentioned and looking forward to a good night's rest later!!! :)

I had initially planned to go to Chinatown to join in the festive celebration but after mulling over it, I decided I should just stay at home. The whole place will be so packed and I think it would be tough for me to take any nice shots of the fire-crackers.

Anyway, I am too exhausted to do anything else basically. :)

Tomorrow onwards will be busy for me. My relatives will be coming to visit grandma. The whole day will probably be entertaining guests - serving drinks, snacks and even lunch. Then in the evening I have to visit my grand-aunty at her place. It will probably be another round of eating and talking.

I hope to have an early night tomorrow. The following day I have to leave for Malaysia at 7am to head for Segamat to attend my cousin's wedding. I am also doing photography for the couple. I guess it will be another tiring day. Haha.

Well, while I was doing my house-work, I took the time praying. I basically asked the Lord to use this Lunar New Year to help me connect with the people whom I will be in contact with. It is going to be challenging (based on my own human ability and wisdom) but God may prove me wrong. I guess with Him, I can do all things! ;)

I hope to share some interesting testimonies in a couple of days' time of any encounters in the course of this Lunar New Year.

I shall rest now.

A God-blessed Lunar New Year to all of you! :)

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:8-10

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Be On Your Guard, Andy Chew!

While I was ironing some clothes just now, I was reflecting on how my life has been in this new year of 2009. One alarm bell sounded off loudly from within me and it was basically a warning - "Be On Your Guard, Andy Chew!"

Why so? Well, lately I have been rather complacent in the way I live my life - easily agitated when things do not turn out the way I hope they would; snapping at my family members (especially at my parents) when they do not heed my advice; not reading God's Word as regularly as I should; not being conscious of the way I speak especially when certain undesirable words are mouthed when reacting to a certain situation.

I am disappointed as I pondered on the above-mentioned. I just have to be on my guard. If not, the devil, who prowls like a roaring lion, will devour me easily and happily.

This week will be a busy one for me as I have to do a lot of house-work in preparation for the Lunar New Year. Of course, in the midst of the spring-cleaning, it does not help when sometimes I would blow up at every one at home for always being so untidy and keeping things which are useless hence making the place like a rubbish dump.

I guess I am exhausted in all sense of its word - physically, mentally and emotionally. It is my prayer that God will help me handle matters at home more calmly and sensitively though sometimes I needed to make a point at home so that there is a certain order.

Anyway, these are my struggles lately and I know God is trying to teach me some lessons from here. I covet your prayers for those who are reading my blog that at the end of the day, God's name be glorified and the people around me edified.

Time for me to key off. Till the next time, God bless and good night!

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings." 1 Peter 5:7-9

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gratitude And Kindness To All

I am so happy that my doggy is peeing and pooing on the new pee-tray. Yesterday I was at a pet shop in Telok Kurau, owned by a brother-in-Christ. He was the one who taught me a trick which worked almost instantly. He said my doggy needs to be confined in a smaller area so that she has no choice but to go up the tray to do her business. It is basically an instinct for her not to do it on her sleeping area, no matter how small that space is.

Well, I came home, took out one side of the metal grill and pushed it in to as close to the tray as possible and as mentioned above, it worked. Instantaneously, this princess of the house had no choice, went up on the tray and relieved herself.

I guess I will continue to train her for the next few days though my parents felt pity on her having to sleep in such a small area. Well, I explained to them that it is for the doggy's good and ours since we cannot always be cleaning her urine and faeces everywhere and every time in the house. Haha.

Yesterday was a tiring day as I was again doing more shopping: I got some new clothes for myself in anticipation of the imminent arrival of the Lunar New Year; I also needed to get some household items and foodstuffs for the festive occasion which can be a big thing for my family since grandma is staying with us.

I was very grateful to my sister who drove me around when we did the grocery-shopping at Giant Supermarket in Tampines.

Oh yah, I had a pleasant encounter with a janitor when I was at Vivocity. As mentioned in my earlier blogs, I make it a point to thank all personnel in the service industry for what they are doing for shoppers/customers like me. Yes, they are paid to do their job but that does not mean I should not show my gratitude for their services rendered.

Anyway, as I walked out of the toilet, I saw this janitor who is Chinese-speaking. I thanked him as I left and his response showed me how he has been taken for granted, I guess, almost all the time. He told me that never once has someone thanked him for a lowly job he is doing. My encouragement to him in Mandarin (surprised! surprised!) was this, "Brother, what you are doing is as important as any other job in this world." We smiled and departed our ways. I prayed for him as I walked away. May God grant this gentleman satisfaction and purpose in what he does.

I also thanked an elderly cleaner at IKEA foodcourt as he was clearing the table for my sister and I. My heart sensed that he did not feel comfortable in what he is doing as his head was always down as if he did not want people to know who he is. As he lifted his head to ask me whether he could clear two plates next to me, I quickly looked into his eyes and said "thank you." He smiled and went on with his work. I do not know how much those two words meant to him but I trust that God has affimed in him that he is doing just fine.

Make a deliberate attempt the next time you visit a shopping centre or a foodcourt or a hotel or an airport or a hospital or a school to thank the person who is serving you. Your gratitude shown to these individuals will affirm in them that what they are doing is vital and important. It should also make their day because they are definitely bound to encounter ugly shoppers/customers who always feel they have the right to everything. Though I make it a point to be grateful, I have to confess that sometimes I fall into that customer-is-always-right mentality and probably have hurt someone along the way.

Well, it is the weekend again! Yay! And wow! It is already the middle of the first month of the new year! Time flies indeed.

Time to go do some housework.

Have a restful and enjoyable weekend, everybody! :)

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:1-8

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Re-Training Is Not Necessarily Bad

I learnt two lessons just a while ago from the interaction with my pets - an Australian Silky Terrier and a lawry. These lessons serve more as a reminder - so simple yet important for me to be mindful of as I continue with my pilgrim's journey.

Last week I changed the pee-tray for my doggy, Sasha. Thinking that she would continue to do her usual toilet business by going on the new tray to poo and pee, I was wrong. Instead she has been doing them on the floor. Till date, she is still not doing them right. Of course, her owner now becomes her maid, having to clean all the poop and urine.

Of course I have been rather agitated and disappointed. Once in a while I would scold her for being so stubborn.

Well, in the course of the above-mentioned, the reminder to me is this - I am basically no different. God has taught me several things from His Word and He expects me to practise what I have learnt but like Sasha, sometimes I am being stubborn and refuse to do what I know is beneficial for me.

I am sure He is disappointed with me at times but I also know He is loving and gracious to give me time to be re-taught and re-trained.

While I was doing some ironing about an hour ago, I reflected on what areas in my life which I need to revise and there are definitely a few. I will not share them here for now but will do so eventually.

As for my lawry, the bird that flew into my home last year, I learnt that when I am in need, I should call out to God for help and guidance, with persistence. Same as my lawry would do - when it notices that the cup containing its food has run out, it will chirp and chirp till it catches my attention and will only stop when I fill the cup with food.

I guess when I call out to God and sometimes it seems like He is taking His time to answer my cries, I should persist and wait upon Him to lead me in the next step.

What I have shared above are two reminders which we sometimes forget easily but our God is good to sound them off to us once in a while so that we do not fall into the trap of being complacent and also being self-sufficient.

Well, Sasha just got on my nerves again - she just puked on my bed while I was playing with her. All her dinner on my mattress. Thanks be to God that I bought a new mattress protector today from the Great John Little Sale in Singapore Expo. Haha... maybe this is one reminder from Him to ask me to change my old protector and bed-sheet.

I guess life is fun afterall in the midst of all the inconveniences and frustrations. :)

All glory to God!

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him." 1 John 5:14-15

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Finding Momentum

A dear brother asked me how come I have not been blogging. Well, frankly I have yet to find the momentum since entering this new year of 2009. It is not necessarily bad, just that I need to find time to sit down and really see where God wants me to go for the next 11 months and 17 days. Wow! Two weeks have gone by.

The past 14 days have been dealing with a lot of family stuff - helping my brother with his business; making sure mum watch what she eats since the condition of her diabetes has worsened recently; taking care of the needs of grandma whose memory seems to be fading now that she is 85 years old; assisting my cousin who is getting married at the end of the month; cleaning up the house in preparation for the Lunar New Year; retraining my doggy to poo and pee onto the new tray which I just got for her.

Well, the above-mentioned are enough to tire me out. Of course, on top of all these, there are matters concerning the Missions Ministry which I have to look into. It is not that I am already burning out, just that I need to get some stuff at home and ministry in place so that the road ahead will be easier for me.

Haha. I have not even sat down to consider my resolutions for 2009 but there is one which I hope the Lord will help me - that is my temper. It is still rather short and I need to overcome this so that I will not be a stumbling block to all around me.

I have been finding solace in God daily and those moments have been refreshing and thought-provoking. I hope to begin blogging what I have learnt soon and prayerfully others who are reading my blogs will be blest and encouraged.

Oh yah, last Christmas I got myself a new camera. I sold my old one to fund this new equipment which is amazing. I have been using it regularly since and hope I can bless others by capturing all the precious moments in pictures. :)

Time for me to end here. I pray this will be the beginnning of a regular blogging on my part.

Good night, everyone!

"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3