Monday, January 26, 2009

It Will Only Get Easier

Happy Lunar New Year!

I need to sleep soon but thought before I do that, I shall blog about the first day of the festive celebration at my home.

As mentioned yesterday, my relatives came over and from 10am onwards, I had to entertain a steady stream of guests. During lunch-time, I had to do a bit of cooking as there was not enough food to feed the many hungry individuals.

What I did in trying to connect with my relatives who came by was to tell them that I would say grace before we partake the food. I did ask whether any of them minded the idea and no one objected.

I basically thanked God for the food and said a prayer of blessings upon all present. After that we started the time of feasting.

Well, there was a certain apprehension when I proposed the idea of saying grace. I told God to take care of the rest and He did indeed. Now that I have done it, I have to say it is not that difficult to include the element of my faith to those who may not even know who Jesus is. :)

Around 2pm, I had to excuse myself from the gathering to head for Mustafa Centre to buy some groceries as the stock in my two refrigerators are running dry.

While I was looking around for a certain kind of vegetable outside the shopping centre, I bumped into this elderly Chinese couple who were collecting discarded cardboards. The lady was hunched quite badly and she was very dirty.

As I was walking towards them, I had this nudge in me to send them my new year greetings. I also knew that I had to at least shake their hands. I have to confess that there was a little hesitation. I whispered a prayer and asked the Lord to help me get out of my comfort zone and not care about anything else except to bless this couple. I also had this fear that they might think I am mad to wish them since we do not know each other at all. That I submitted to God as well. :)

Off I went to shake their hands and I also passed them a red packet each. The lady asked me why I did that. I basically laughed and answered in Hokkien, "Aunty ah, tern lang jiah lor!" ("Aunty, it is the Lunar New Year!")

She smiled. After a short conversation, we went on our separate ways.

I have to say as you keep making more connections with people, the next one becomes easier. Soon you will realise it becomes a part of you! Yay! Praise God!

Okie, time to stop here and sleep.

Hope all of you reading my blog had an enjoyable time today!

Good night!

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love." 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

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