Thursday, January 31, 2008

Practice What We Preach!

I went again to look for the mother and child but to no avail. I am thankful to a few of my friends who read my blogs and have volunteered to keep a look-out for them. I appreciate your partnership in this - hopefully we will be able to locate them one day. Even if we cannot, I shall trust that God is taking good care of them and providing for their needs.

Today has been a long day. I was carrying out my reservist duty from morning till around 3pm. After that I went to look for the lady and her daughter. When that failed, I proceeded to Forum Galleria Shopping Centre's Spinelli Cafe to prepare for the praise and worship session this Sunday.

Though it was a public place, I was able to have a great time of fellowship with God in prayer, in reading His Word and also in singing praises (softly, that is). It got a bit loud and this lady who sat next to my table turned and wondered what I was doing - probably she might think that I am a Singapore Idol hopeful. Haha. I resorted to humming but I could see the words flashing in my mind. :)

I was unable to complete the preparation but no matter what, I am thankful to God for guiding me through the two hours I spent alone with Him.

I met two of my siblings-in-Christ at 7pm to discuss with them their wedding preparations. I had a great time of fellowship with them especially knowing one of them better since I always see her in church but hardly get the chance to speak to her. It was a fruitful session as I got all the information needed to kickstart the planning. It was also a Q&A session and I praise the Lord I was able to answer most of their queries.

We ended at around 8:30pm. I headed next to Plaza Singapura to meet another couple, also to discuss about their wedding which will be held in the middle of next month. Tonight was the final meeting with them before their big day. I am also thankful to God that all went well in our planning and I look forward to serving them on 17 February.

Two meetings in a span of three hours can be exhausting mentally but I am glad the Lord pulled me through.

This afternoon during lunch I caught a student in uniform smoking. I called him aside and asked why he was doing something which he knew was illegal and harmful. He had two other friends with him but I told them to stand aside.

He said he learnt smoking from his father and that the cigarettes he had on him was from his dad as well. Of course he took them without his knowledge. I do not know whether he was bored with the advice I gave him but I went on whether he liked it or not because I wanted him to know that I cared. Before I let him go, I asked him to take out his cigarette pack, crushed every stick and throw them away in the dustbin, along with the lighter.

He apologised and went on with his friends.

What saddened my heart and bothered me was the part about his father's influence. This reminded me that as adults, we need to set a good example to those who are younger. Yes, it may be a habit on the boy's father to smoke but if he does not want his son to follow his footsteps, he should for his son's sake, try to quit. I say this because in my encounter with youths who smoke, they have told me countless times that their parents (who are puffers themselves) do not want them to take up the habit but mere words will not solve the problem. The parents have to act upon it in order for their children to see the effect of their advice.

I hope I make sense. The above example about smoking is just one of many. We have to practice what we preach and I am measuring this in my own life too.

I remembered my Assistant Pastor telling the Youth Ministry Mentors (YMMs) in the dinner we had last Saturday - that they need to live out the lessons they are teaching the youths. If these young souls do not see us doing them, they themselves will not practise what they have been taught. How true that is! I guess this is one area that many of us have failed and it is my prayer that we will be doers of the Word and not just hearers.

Well, food for thought. Thanks be to God for this day!

"Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." John 13:14-15

"Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us." Titus 2:6-8

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Better Chance Tomorrow

I went to look for the mother and child whom I chanced upon yesterday but could not find them. I was disappointed but there was nothing I could do as I have no idea where they live. I even walked around the area but to no avail. I pray they are coping well and that the Lord has provided a way out for them.

I am going to try again tomorrow after my reservist duty and before I meet two siblings-in-Christ to discuss about their wedding plans.

I came home after the failed attempt to locate the pair. I had wanted to use the time to do a couple of stuff pertaining to the Missions Ministry, the two weddings that I am helping to coordinate in February and also this Sunday's worship-leading session. In the end I had to help my parents do some spring cleaning since the Lunar New Year is just round the corner.

Well, I just finished the housework and frankly I am drained! Well, I do not know after this entry whether I will have the energy to do some of the stuff that I initially planned to accomplish.

Anyway, it is my prayer that the Lord will help me especially when there are so many things crying out for attention. I know He will. :)

I shall keep today's blog short. Praise the Lord for today.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"Urgent" - What Does It Really Mean?

I regret not doing something for someone today when I encountered this individual near the Singapore Management University. The reason - I was in a rush. Was the matter really that urgent to actually cause me to neglect this lady with her baby? Nope. I was rushing to Parkway Parade Shopping Centre to collect some stuff from an electronic store.

Dad informed me that when he took delivery of the new TV which I ordered on Sunday, there were a few missing accessories and freebies which are supposed to be included in the purchase deal. I was on my way to collect these items when I encountered the lady. At that point of time I was also quite frustrated as I was already on my way home from my reservist duty. I came from the east and because of the missing products, I had to go back to the east again to collect them.

Now, why this remorse since I meet almost all types of people daily? Well, this lady wanted to sell her baby to me. I said no to her and went on waiting for the bus.

I could have ignored the 'urgency' of collecting the stuff and spent some time with the lady to see what other alternatives she could have taken. Anyway, selling her baby in that manner is illegal and I hope she has not landed herself in trouble with the authorities.

Isn't it sad that because of selfish reasons that I actually ignored an urgent call for help? It does not help that in my recent blogs, I wrote about my desire to minister to the people I encounter on my pilgrim's journey. Sigh.

I just wonder how many of us have passed by individuals in need but because of our busyness, we have ignored them.

Yes, the missing accessories of the television might not have made the set work but that can wait till another day to have it resolved but for a mother to want to sell her daughter away, I think that need has to be met immediately and yet I did not. What was I thinking?

I have this strong urge to want to go to that bus-stop I was at, perhaps tomorrow when I am done with my duty, to see whether the mother and child are still there. Yes, partly I want to do this out of a guilt conscience but I truly want to see how I can assist this precious individual. May the Lord guide me accordingly.

Anyway, that is all I want to share for today.

"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. "Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." Matthew 25:31-46

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Show No Favourtism!

I have to serve a two-week reservist stint, commencing tomorrow. Well, I am looking forward to it as it is also a time to meet my friends who have been serving alongside me since the day we did our National Service together.

I have to wake up very early but before I sleep, I thought I just jot my thoughts down first.

This morning's sermon by my Assistant Pastor has caused me to reflect on my impression of people in general. His message was on "Favouritism" and he challenged the congregation to go against the teachings of discrimination, pride and prejudice. All these evil practices can happen in the church, in school, in the office or even at home.

I know I am guilty of this, though many (including me) have used excuses like that of every one not being able to get along with another, etc.

I have been discriminated by others before - for being horizontally challenged, for having receding hairline, for being too old, etc. It is a lousy feeling to be judged and ostracised by others. If I am feeling that way then I should not do it to others because they too will get hurt.

I guess today's message has opened my eyes to be more sensitive in the way I treat others. As I was pondering on this topic throughout the day, I also learnt that if I see others in a negative light, I am actually telling God that His creation is not perfect. How can this be when every human being is created in His image? If a perfect God is the Creator of the world, surely His creation is perfect and who am I as one of His creation to think otherwise?!

Well, the message served as a warning to me and it is my prayer that I will see others with the eyes of God and love every one with the same love God has given to all mankind. Not easy, I have to admit but if I do not start practising it then I will always be in my wayward self.

I hope the Lord will give me more insights to the above-mentioned. :)

I want to give thanks to God for guiding me in my drumming. When the Worship Team met up an hour earlier before the service commenced for our rehearsal, I was able to get the drumming sequence for the song I struggled badly with on Friday. Thanks be to God!

It was quite funny when I was playing the first song which had a fast tempo. In the midst of doing a roll, one of my drum-sticks flew out of my hand. I had to frantically grab another by the side of the drum-set and carried on from where I left off. Praise the Lord I was able to keep to the beat and rejoin the rest. Haha.

Well, I know God would hear my prayers and those who have prayed for me. I enjoyed the time of praise though I have to admit it was really tiring.

I guess I shall share till here.

Have a blessed week, everyone! :)

My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "Here's a good seat for you," but say to the poor man, "You stand there" or "Sit on the floor by my feet," have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? Are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong? If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. For he who said, "Do not commit adultery," also said, "Do not murder." If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker. Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!" James 2:1-13

Friday, January 25, 2008

Do Not Leave God Out

When I was on my way home in a cab from supper with some siblings-in-Christ after the Worship Team rehearsal, I was just pondering whether it is okay to be hard on myself when I play the drums for the Sunday service.

Of course, the word "motive" comes to mind. Well, allow me to share why I wrote the above paragraph. During the band practice in church, I was struggling with one song which required me to play a drumming sequence. The struggle was that I was not able to keep to the consistency and the feel of the whole sequence was not there. I appreciated the rest of the team members trying to help me but I was still unable to fully grasp the song. Of course my frustration showed as I did not want to hold every one up and also to break the confidence of the whole team.

Anyway, we did not practice the song after a few failed attempts and we went on to the rest of the pieces.

It affected me so much that I was not really in a talking mood when I was eating with the rest at Chomps Chomps Food Centre.

Back to the word "motive" - well, I know in my heart that I want to give my best for the Lord in my playing. I was hard on myself as I did not want to take the whole practice session too lightly and also knowing that if my drumming sequence goes haywire on Sunday, I will be throwing everyone in the team and the congregation off.

I feel bad because I do not want my incompetence in this area to affect every one hence I am not exactly feeling very great now.

Well, one lesson I did learn from here was this - when I was struggling, I depended very much on my human understanding and ability to deal with it. I guess I could have asked God to help but I allowed my frustration to get the better of me.

I apologised to the rest of the team for all that had happened. I thank God for the grace shown towards me and the encouragement they gave in reply to my sms.

That said, it is my prayer that the Lord will guide my hands, feet and mind as I struggle through this one song. I know He will help me. The problem is sometimes I forget He is always there to assist.

For those who know me and are reading my blog, please keep me in prayer as I prepare to serve God this Sunday at the 11:15am service.

I guess I am tired too - it has been a long day. I was with the youths, who have committed to the TRACkers programme that I mentioned about in my previous blog, till noon at Bedok Methodist Church. We had an overnight retreat and I was with them since last evening.

I left the retreat for a briefing for my reservist stint which will be for the next two weeks. It started at 2pm and ended about 4pm.

I headed for church after that though I did think of going home first. I decided against the idea as the bed would have been too tempting. If I had napped, I probably may not have the desire to go out of the house again.

Anyway, I shall stop here and go to bed. My conclusion to the question I asked myself at the beginning of this blog - I guess it is okay to be hard on myself when I am serving the Lord in the Music Ministry but I must not forget that I have to depend on my God Almighty to lead and guide me accordingly.

Good night.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men..." Colossians 3:23

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Service Industry - Serve God and His People

I just got a call from a friend this morning asking me to sing for her wedding service which will be in March. The interesting thing is this - the song she requested for is one which I recently heard of it after a real long time and it was when I was in the church office last week.

The only problem now is I do not have the accompaniment trax and I am hoping someone who has it will lend it to me. I asked a couple of friends but to no avail so far. I thought I have the minus-one but I could not find it when I looked through my CD and cassette collections. Haha.

Well, I have about one month to react. I hope the Lord will provide a copy for me in time to come. It has been a while since I played the guitar - perhaps I will attempt to try playing and singing the song at the same time. Haha.

The next few months will be wedding galore - I am coordinating two big-scale ones next month (two weeks in a row); in March I am doing photography for one and singing for the other; in April and May, I am coordinating one each. Haha. I am glad to be able to serve all my siblings-in-Christ on their big day! :) I sure hope I will not disappoint them. May the Lord be our help. :)

The 'O' Level Examinations results will be released tomorrow. A couple of my younger siblings-in-Christ are getting the jittery. They were sharing their anxieties over the MSN earlier. Well, I guess they have given their best during the exams and now it will be the Lord's turn to reward them accordingly. I pray they will give thanks no matter what the outcome will be. I shall keep them in my prayers and hope they will have a peaceful sleep tonight.

It has been a tiring day at work but thanks be to God for pulling me through it - three meetings in a day is no joke but I am glad that all went pretty well. I was able to go back home around 6pm. As I wanted to speak to the Lord about certain things, I decided to go for a walk with my dog again. I had a great time fellowshipping with the Lord.

During our stroll, I chanced upon four strangers - one was a Chinese national with her mother. The daughter had a cast on her left leg and was struggling to walk. When Sasha and I walked past them, the injured lady decided to stop and play with my doggy. We chatted for a while. As we departed, I prayed for healing on the lady's leg.

We next bumped into this elderly lady who was walking with her maid. She had difficulty moving around as well - she was aided with a walking stick. Again, Sasha played joy-giver. I was happy to see the smile on the lady's face. I prayed for the Lord to strengthen her legs after we bade farewell to each other.

Good night, everyone!

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Do Good Is Good

It has been a long while since I walked my doggy. Since I am on leave today, I decided to take her out for a stroll at the park opposite my estate. As usual, I would let her run around while I spent some moments in reflection and also in prayer to the Lord for a few people and also for the ministries I am involved in.

While I was heading home from Chinatown, I boarded a bus and as I would usually do to all drivers, I smiled and thanked this particular gentleman behind the wheel. Usually they would return a smile but not for this individual.

I walked on as there were other passengers behind me. As I moved towards the middle of the bus, I wondered to myself how come this man was so rude. Of course negative impression of him started to emerge.

While I was pondering on this incident at the park, I realised that I should not harbour any evil thoughts against this driver. Yes, he should have smiled back; he should have said something... there are of course a lot of "should haves" that I would like to receive but my motive should not be this way. As mentioned in my previous blogs, in giving one should not expect to receive. Of course if he does receive something in return then that is a bonus - thanks be to God for that!

Anyway, I prayed for the bus captain and trust that God will take care of him if he is struggling in any way.

I was reminded from this experience that there will be more of these kind of incidents in future and it is important that I do not take it to heart and start to bear grudges and pass judgments. Instead I should continue to do good to all and find the joy of doing so. I guess the chances of the majority being blest are higher than those who do not appreciate it. Why let one or two unpleasant encounters stop me from blessing others?

It can be hurtful - that I cannot deny when some people, be it friends or strangers, ignore me. I am a human and I have feelings too hence it will be natural for me to be affected. When I reflected on this further, I was also cautioned not to ignore others which sometimes I do. Just as much as I am troubled by it, I am sure they too will feel likewise.

Well, I guess the conclusion is this - be sensitive to one another.

Anyway, I was out with a few brothers and sisters-in-Christ for a sushi buffet at Orchard Cineleisure. This was planned quite sometime ago - that's why I took leave to join them in fellowship especially since one of them will be going back again to Australia for his studies. Well, it was a great time spent together though it was only for about two hours or so. Praise the Lord for every single one of them. :)

I had to do run some errands after that - did some banking stuff; bought groceries, paid some bills and of course bought some Lunar New Year goodies.

Well, I guess that is all for now. Got to get some work done for a meeting tomorrow.

To God be the glory!

"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody." Romans 12:17

"Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech." 1 Peter 3:8-10

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Be God's Instrument Of Peace

I came back not too long ago from dinner with the MacRitchie Running Fellowship (MRF) members. I was unable to join them last Sunday and yesterday for dinner so I decided to make time to catch up with them just now. We went to Novena Square 2 Food Court for our meals.

I thank God for pulling me through this day especially in the morning when I was involved in a couple of ministries. I joined the youths for the Youth Ministry session. After that I went for the Worship Team rehearsal. I was quite anxious when the team was still figuring out how certain songs were to be played though it was just half an hour away from the service.

I spent some time in prayer asking God to help us and as always, God never failed in answering my cries. Everything went as well as it could. All glory and praise to God.

The preacher today touched mainly on James 1:26-27 and I was challenged to make a difference in at least one person's life daily. From the passage, the speaker urged the congregation to live out the three "Be's" - Be Peaceable (always bringing God's peace to the people around and of course the main thing is not to find fault with our neighbours); Be Present (always ready to render help to those in need); Be God's People (always living out the kind of life that God wants us to live and not be poisoned by the teachings of the world).

Even as I type now, I just received a message from a Cambodian pastor whose church is being supported by mine. He shared with me how his wife just went for an appendicitis surgery and how he had to pay for the operation and also the purchase of milk powder for his 3 1/2-month old son. All these cost a lot in Cambodia and I am trying my best now to see how we can help him financially. For now, I pray the Lord will protect his wife and son and also provide for this dear Khmer brother-in-Christ.

I guess it is important to look beyond our needs especially for us Singaporeans. Yes, I cannot deny that there are some who are poor even in this affluent island-nation but for the majority who are richly blest, we still complain that we have not enough - basically never contented! Can you imagine that?!

I know this may not be right for me to say but I will still state the point - I guess it is only in experiencing poverty will our eyes then be opened to see how blest we are. For those who read my blog-site, please tell me whether this sentence makes sense. I am also trying to grasp what I just stated.

Anyway, when I led the congregation in singing the closing song, the words just hit me hard and my heart was moved (refer to the end of my blog for the lyrics). I think it is time for us, Christians, to start behaving like one and truly live our lives in a manner where others can see Christ in us.

I do not know about you but the two verses from James 1 basically touched on the essence of Christian living and if all of God's children are able to practise this lifestyle, many lives can be touched and transformed. When we see other people's needs being met, I guess ours will just pale in comparison. I guess it will also cause us to be more thankful instead of always complaining because then we realise that our daily living is not just about meeting our own needs and desires but others as well and mind you, theirs may be real and more serious!

I hope I make sense in what I have written so far.

Before I go, I want to share a testimony regarding an encounter with an elderly man in the bus. I was in bus service 16 yesterday heading toward Suntec City. It was crowded and along the way, this man boarded. I did not notice him as my seat was positioned in such a way where it faced away from the entrance. Anyway, when I took notice of this elderly gentleman, I offered my seat and he thanked me for it. A conversation sparked off between us. He shared that he is 65 years of age, now working as a cleaner. He was grateful that I gave my seat up for him as he was tired after a long day of work. He looked and sounded exhausted as he spoke. We did not talk for long as I needed to alight at my destination. Just before we ended our chat, I basically wished him well. What I said next was something I never imagined saying it to a total stranger. I told him I would pray for Jesus to refresh his body as he went back to rest. He smiled and shook my hand. We departed. I do not know when will I ever be able to see him again - may God's peace be with him, I pray.

I am not trying to boast about what I did but this is one example where when one deliberately does something for someone will he then know the needs of that person he is reaching out to. If I had ignored that elderly man, I would not have known that he was struggling physically. At least now I can do my bit by praying for him and I know God will meet all of his needs!

Well, before I go, here are the lyrics as promised...

Instruments of Peace

Lord make us instruments of Your peace;
where there is hatred, let Your love increase.
Lord, make us instruments of Your peace;
walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
when we are Your instruments of peace

Verse 1:
Where there is hatred, we will sow His love;
where there is darkness, we will shine His light.
Where there is striving, we will speak His peace
to the people crying for release;
we will be His instruments of peace.

Verse 2:
Where there is blindness, we will pray for sight;
where there is darkness, we will shine His light!
Where there is sadness, we will bear their grief
to the millions crying for release;
we will be His instruments of peace.

"If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:26-27

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Be A Bridge-Builder!

My doggy just swallowed one of mum's gold earrings. It is not small and one end of it is sharp. I am concerned that it will not be passed out. I pray the sharp end will not puncture her intestines. Sigh. Well, I cannot do much until later in the morning to see whether the earring is in the stools.

Anyway, I came back not too long ago after going out with two brothers-in-Christ to a restaurant where one of the youths is working in. We basically had smoothies and finger food. We fellowshipped as we ate and drank. Though this was not planned since it was only decided after the Worship Team rehearsal for me and the Youth Ministry jamming for my two siblings-in-Christ, we had fun chatting.

Yesterday when I had lunch with my colleagues, one of them asked whether I feel out of place whenever I am with the youths in my church. She knows that I am involved with the Youth Ministry and asked whether there is a generation gap between us.

Well, frankly I do not really sense the gap as I have been actively bridging it. This generation gap that seems to be evident everywhere is the cause and fault of both the young and the old. If both could just make an effort to bridge it, then this term can be taken permanently out of the thoughts of every single person alive on this earth.

I always hear of one party blaming another for this gap. To me it takes two hands to clap and I feel both the young and old must make the effort to understand each other better. Yes, it will take time and energy but it is at least better than not doing anything at all - thus causing the chasm between both parties to widen, which I must warn is rampant.

I am not saying that I feel totally easy when I am with the youths (sometimes I do ask why I am doing it and I have no qualms sharing this) but I cannot let this awkwardness stop me from networking with them; from interacting with them; from letting them know that I am there for them anytime, anywhere and in whatever situation they may be in. I have done and will continue to do my part as an adult and as a brother-in-Christ, in the context of the church that is. The ball now rest on the side of the youths' court to see whether they want to be opened to me or not. Of course it is my prayer they will.

In my growing up years, I have adults, who have given their all to bridge the gap, ministered to me and I saw how it worked effectively and successfully. Now I am doing likewise and hope next time, as the youths grow up, they too will do the same.

My plea to both the young and the old is this - just take the first step and then the second and then the third... slowly the gap will close up and that is when there will be an engagement of sorts between both parties.

There is a need to act upon this NOW! If not, values will be diluted and relationships soured; some lives destroyed and many disillusioned. Please put aside pride and clothe humility and grace - start working on building bridges and experience the joys of walking with one another in our lives' journeys!

Even God has done His part to draw His people close to Him. If He has not stopped doing so, why should we? Let us all be instruments of God's peace to one another - the old can teach the young; the old can also learn from them.

Let us take on another occupation - let us all be Bridge-Builders!

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Vulnerability Is Not A Weakness!

I am ready to sleep but I shall endure for a little while more to jot this blog down. I started the day at 6am - I had to go to Bedok area to meet my first accountability group. Today is basically a day of accountability - just now I met my other group over dinner. The morning one was over breakfast.

As always, I enjoyed the fellowship as we shared about our joys and struggles. Through these two sessions, I actually got a confirmation over an issue of my life that I am dealing with now. I may share this in time to come but not now.

I am always thankful to God that I am able to relate my life with a few brothers-in-Christ who are like-minded. It makes my life's journey easier to trod and it also affirms certain decisions that sometimes I am unsure whether they are the right ones made.

Though it has been a long day for me and I am actually quite drained physically. Spiritually and emotionally I am actually refreshed by the fellowship. Thanks be to God for that. :)

Anyway, I went back to office after lunch as I needed to settle a document which had some discrepancies related to a research that my team and I did. It was an omission basically. I needed to add the missing paragraph before submission to the top management.

Today is actually an off-day for my team after we had a major meeting yesterday with our boss. He was pleased with our work and having taken into consideration the time spent in the research, he told us to take a day's break!

After the morning meeting with the more senior group, I attended the training session of the TRACkers programme - this is a missions initiative by the Trinity Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore to encourage youths who are in transition of their studies to participate in the work of missions.

I was surprise to see a member of my Young Methodist Leaders' Conference mentor group participating in this programme and we caught up a little. I also met 7 youths from my church who are also involved. I thank God too for having known a few new siblings-in-Christ from other churches. I praise the Lord for 39 of these young lives who have taken a step of faith to serve. I pray the Lord will touch their lives as they prepare to minister to others in various countries.

On my way home just now after the second accountability group meeting, there was this gentleman in his 20s who was seated next to me. Usually it is a common thing to have another person share the same seat in the bus but for the encounter just now, I had a hard time "breathing" - not that I had some medical problem but I had to endure a rather foul smell from the young man. I suspected it was from his T-shirt which was probably not sunned properly. Anyway, I struggled as to whether I should change seat which I could have done as the bus was not that crowded. As I was considering, I asked the Lord what He would have done if He was in my situation. Well, the prompting was to remain where I was and remain, I did. I also made sure I did not make obvious move like covering my nose or leaning away from the man.

Well, there are probably a few opinions towards the above-mentioned. I shall leave it as that.

Praise the Lord I finished preparing the main bulk of this Sunday's service which I will be leading. I am looking forward to serving the Lord and His people and also working with the Worship Team - may He be our guide!

Time to go. Good night, everyone! :)

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." James 3:17

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron's beard, down upon the collar of his robes. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore." Psalm 133

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Be An Adventurer!

I give thanks and glory to God that my blog is being read by a considerable number of people. I say this because at the church leaders' meeting just now, the District Superintendent (DS)commented that he chanced upon it and now the whole leadership of the church know I have one. Well, though I do not publicise to the masses about my blog-site, it is my prayer that those who read my entries will be blest as I share the joy and pain of my pilgrim's journey.

I was speaking to the new Assistant Pastor of my church about this. My objective of blogging is still the same since Day One of my entry - to remind all that life is actually not bad though along the way, we will face setbacks, anger, frustrations, disappointments, hurts, etc.

We always think that all these are a drag but if we can see the positive side of our struggles, they are actually part and parcel of character-building - being on the anvil, constantly hammered to shape to become the masterpiece that God has always planned us to be.

Of course life is not just about braving the storms. Many times we let the trials we face to cloud the many blessings that have been bestowed upon us. Hence I also want to testify of God's goodness.

Our journey here on earth will always be adventurous and it will be so till we die. Since this is a fact, why live life negatively and make ourselves miserable?

We must remember that God is always there to help us when in need - this knowledge will allow us to overcome obstacles with less strife. This will make our journey easier to trod. I do not know about you but I am assured of this one thing - God never fails! Since the day I knew Him in 1985 till now, never once has He failed to pull me through. Hallelujah!

During the meeting, the DS reminded the leaders to live in poverty - can be taken literally. In doing so, our dependence is not on self but on God. It is also to teach us not to let pride get the better of us especially in the ministries that we have all been entrusted with.

I am grateful to God for this timely reminder.

It has been a busy day for me especially in the morning. I had to attend two meetings back-to-back and I was able to catch a breather during lunch-time. It was a wonderful break. I actually walked to Wesley Methodist Church to spend some time in worship and fellowship with the Lord - seeking Him as to what songs to lead for this Sunday's service. I was refreshed in the process and it made a lot of difference as in the area of my attitude towards work.

I sent out the songs to the Worship Team and am looking forward to our Friday's rehearsal and also the time of praise and worship with the congregation on Sunday.

I have to sleep now - another day of adventure ahead. :)

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position, because he will pass away like a wild flower. For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich man will fade away even while he goes about his business. Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Don't be deceived, my dear brothers. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created." James 1:2-18

Monday, January 14, 2008

Remember: No One Is Beyond Hope!

My heart is burdened for a few siblings-in-Christ. I just prayed for them and trust that God has heard my cries. I pray He will intervene in the struggles of these inidividuals and that He will make good of the circumstances. It is my desire that all of them will learn from their situations and grow to be a better person especially in the area of character-building and also being sure of their identity in Christ.

I am not at liberty to share in details the above-mentioned but it just affected me.

I was reminded of one of the main challenges in Christian ministry - the area of affirmation. Many times we put people down or take people for granted. We are quick to judge and slow to affirm. We always look at the weaknesses of an individual and use them as weapons to shoot that person down. Though we also see his or her strengths, we always seem to have this inertia to affirm.

Many times we give up on an individual because every one has done so but we so often forgot that the God whom we worship and who created everything can actually transform this one precious soul. There is no such thing as a person being beyond hope. Who are we to conclude that when God Himself did not give up hope on us? In fact, He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to take our place of death on the cross so that we might have hope for the future.

If we can just grasp this very fact, then we will not give up on someone, who has been branded for damnation by the majority, so easily.

Allow me to push this a little further... if we are too quick to judge someone as hopeless, it is evident that we, ourselves, have not fully understand our very identity in Christ - that of being redeemed people!

Well, this is one area where we, as Christians, need to be mindful of - we always open ourselves for the devil to attack when we are not careful. How to touch lives and win souls when there is condemnation in the body of Christ?

I received another call from a representative of NETS Pte Ltd to follow up on what I wrote in the forum last week. Well, I stand by my decision not to name the retailers whom I encountered as I still believe they were victims of circumstances. The reason why NETS wanted the details is so that these shops will be advised accordingly but in my opinion it does not solve the bigger issue of helping all retailers understand certain decisions taken by the authority.

Anyway, today has been quite easy-going at work. Praise the Lord for that. Tomorrow onwards will be manic as I have several meetings held in the day and night and this will go on till Friday.

I have yet to choose the songs for the praise and worship session on Sunday. I hope I will have some time tomorrow and on Wednesday to prepare.

Time to go! Good night and have a blessed week ahead! :)

“If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.” 1 John 4:20-21

"If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:26-27

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Importance of Corporate Worship

I have a confession to make - I missed service this morning as I chose to meet two siblings-in-Christ to plan for their wedding which will be held next month. It is not their fault to have made me missed worshipping the Lord. I could have told them to meet after the service but I did not.

What is the big fuss about the above-mentioned? Well, to me it is. When I was on my way home from church, I was just reflecting on this. It scared me because this is not the first time and if I continue to compromise in this, it will be sooner than later that I will just skip service altogether and do other things.

Well, I feel that every Christian must see himself or herself as part of the corporate body of Christ. Coming to church is not about accomplishing tasks; it is about God's people coming together to worship Him - in praising Him with songs; in praying; in listening to the Word; and in fellowshipping with Him and one another. If this is being overlooked, then coming to church makes no difference as going to office or school, just so that work is done.

Going to church is, like it or not, about God. That should be the primary objective. Everything else, to me, is secondary.

Well, this realisation has served as a rebuke to me. I pray I will overcome all distractions and put God first at all times.

After lunch with a few siblings-in-Christ, I headed home as I felt quite weak suddenly. I napped and felt better after that.

My family and Uncle's family celebrated grandma's birthday over dinner. It was a last-minute decision because every one suddenly could make it. It was initially planned for next week though grandma's brithday was last week.

Well, we all had a great time feasting together. I enjoyed the time of fellowship and I am glad I can use this word since now all of us, except my brother, are Christians. We talked about the ministries we are involved in, our walk with the Lord, etc.

I will try to sleep soon as I have a busy week ahead with lots of meeting at work and in church. I have to lead worship this coming Sunday and I pray the Lord will just guide me accordingly.

"Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy." Psalm 99:5

Saturday, January 12, 2008

God Is The Audience

It has been a super long and tiring day for me - physically, that is. Spiritually I was refreshed from a Worship Leaders' Training Workshop that I attended from 8:30am to 6pm at Serangoon Gardens Country Club.

A few days I informed the band leader and a few members of the Worship and Music Committee that I have decided to step down from drumming from April onwards. The reason is basically to concentrate on my primary ministry which is the Missions Committee. I also want to pay more attention to the Youth Ministry. Of course there were other factors involved: workload in office; spending time with my family; and also to have some time for myself.

I will still remain as a Worship Leader though. Today's seminar has excited me in this ministry that I have been serving for over 15 years already.

We were challenged by the trainer to think out of the box and also to be creative in leading worship. Of course we were also reminded of the fundamentals of this service: that first of all I have to be a worshipper myself; that I need to maintain my relationship with God; that I need to be more interested in the concerns of the church; that I need to pray and seek the Lord as to how He can use me to touch the lives of some members of the congregation, having this understanding that I can never reach out to all; that in preparation, I should not just go through the motion but to really ask God where He wants to me to go and what to do for that Sunday's worship service.

The one thing that I always like concerning worship is this - that God is the audience, the congregation are the actors/actresses and that Worship Leaders are prompters. How true that is! The sad thing is we always tend to mix a few things up - many times, God becomes the prompter, the congregation the audience and the Worship Leaders as the actors/actresses.

Thinking out of the box is something new to me. As a Worship Leader, I was warned I should not be contented with the norms and standard operation procedures of the ministry. Instead I need to continue to consult God what is the one thing, at least, that I can suggest or do which will leave a lasting impression in the lives of the congregation so that they too will break from the routine of each Sunday's worship.

I spoke to the Lord and ask of Him to open my heart and mind so that I know what other things I can do for Him and His people. I am excited as to what He will be teaching me in this new year with regards to the Worship and Music Ministry.

Well, I came back not too long ago from a brother-in-Christ's 21st Birthday Party. We had a good time of fellowship over food. I decided to go home early as my energy level has dipped to almost zero.

Thanks be to God for an eventful and fruitful day!

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:23-24

Friday, January 11, 2008

God Works In Mysterious Ways

I have to share this because I know it is the Lord's intervention and help.

In my last blog, I mentioned that I was able to revive my old computer and was in the process of downloading important datas to my external hard-disk. Guess what? I managed to transfer every single one of them and about 5 minutes after I was done, the computer hung. I was not able to turn it on again.

It is amazing how I saw the Lord's hand in all these. In the morning, a brother-in-Christ came over to my place to see whether he was able to salvage the datas. He could not because the new computer was unable to read the disk. My blood brother's computer was the alternative but we could not use his too as it was running suspiciously slow.

As my friend needed to rush for a lunch appointment and I needed to go back to office, the whole salvage operation was suspended.

While I was at work, I got this prompting to fix back all the hard-disks to the old computer and keep trying till the system worked. Well, that was what I did when I got home but it was only after three hours that I was able to resuscitate the machine. And the story goes on, as mentioned in the first paragraph.

God never fails to amaze me. I guess that is why He is God and I am His creation. I can never fathom His thoughts. I guess I will continue to keep trusting Him.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Some Excitement Is Good!

I just finished a report to be handed in tomorrow. Thanks be to God for allowing me to complete it though initially I forsaw some obstacles which was eventually cleared with the assistance of my team members.

I just realised one of the articles I wrote to the Forum page of the Straits Times has been published - not the print version but on the Straits Times Online Forum instead. It was one of those times when I got frustrated with certain things and felt that I needed to sound off my concerns to the press and hopefully the relevant authorities.

It was about the NETS facility available at many of the retail shops in this island-nation. Singapore is striving to be a cashless society but due to the fees imposed by the very authority providing this service, many shops prefer cash payment. There were many occasions where I was directed by the shops to an ATM machine to withdraw money so that I can do my purchases by cash. Can you imagine that? They have the NETS service but because the purchase amount was low, it was not worth it for these shops to pay the charges for each NETS transaction.

This is really a one-step-forward-two-steps-back case. The relevant body has made things difficult for both the customers and retailers. Both have to carry large amount of cash - one to make payments for purchases made; and the other had to go to the banks to deposit the money because their receipts for the day were mostly by cash.

This is a lesson that I have never put to practice - ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR DATAS! Please do not take it for granted that all computers last for eternity. They can just die on you, like mine. No warning whatsoever and it went bonkers.

Well, I am glad that so far there were a few responses to the article and many shared the same sadness and frustration.

A colleague asked me how come I was so brave as to make such comments. Well, what has to be said, has to be said! If my one comment can change things for the better, not just for me but for all, why not? Moreover if my remarks are factual, there is nothing to be afraid of when I write to a public forum.

Yes! My old computer has been revived! I am now transferring datas from my old hard-disks to my back-up external hard-drive. As I know the old system is unstable, I pray the Lord will sustain it, at least till I am done with the transfer.

This is a lesson that I hardly put to practice - ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR DATAS!!! Do not take for granted that all computers will last for eternity. Sometimes it will suddenly die on you, just like mine. No warning whatsoever and it breathed its last!

Thanks be to God it has come back from the dead - hope it can last long enough for me to do what I need to do.

Well, that's my life for the past few days - trying to salvage my datas; fixing up a new computer and at the same time, rushing reports. Haha. Thrilling and exciting but I hope this experience will be once in a blue moon. :)

So far, the old computer is behaving itself. I have instructed every one in the family not to touch anything on the table where the computer is sitting on; not to go near the table and to pray.

I am mad! I have to. Haha.

I shall write again tomorrow.

Good night to one and all!

"Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." Psalms 145:3

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Computer Is Also A Blessing From God!

It has been three days since I last blogged. I have been down with flu, cough and sore throat. I am still unwell. My computer has also decided to follow suit. The only difference is that it died. Yupz, it decided to call it quits after 7 years. I guess it is time for it to retire after serving me since 2000.

Along the way, it went through a few transplants - two major operations to remove and replace motherboards. One change of processor. There was also a memory lapse so it had to be implanted with more RAMs. It also underwent plastic surgery where the CD-writer was replaced with DVD-writer and then DVD-Writer Double-Layer took its place.

The appetite of the machine has been very good - two hard-drives were added to accommodate the many information that it has been consuming. It vomitted once because of over-eating and many information got lost.

This computer has been with me when I had to burn midnight oil doing my dissertation for my Masters programme; the many reports I had to do for work; the many emails I sent to friends both in and out of church; preparing lessons for both ministries in church and at work; writing my blogs since late 2006.

It is quite interesting to note that I started my journal-entry in 1996 and 10 years later I progressed (actually I do not know whether that is the right word to use) to blogging.

Well, I am a bit nostalgic now. Though my computer was just a machine; it was a blessing. God has given it to me so that I can use it for His purpose. All thanks and praise be to Him!

I have just completed building a new computer - Gigabyte S-Series GA-P35-DS3 Motherboard with a 2.33GHz Core 2 Duo E6550 Processor; a Leadtek PX8600 Dedicated Graphics Card; a Western Digital 320GB Hard-Disk; and 2GB of RAM.

Haha. I am mad to have blogged all the above details. I may sound like a computer-pro but I am actually quite the opposite. I thank God for a few brothers-in-Christ who advised and helped me do the setting up.

Along the way there were frustrating moments where certain hardwares and softwares did not work. I have to confess that I did blow my top a couple of times (hair even lesser now after the eruptions) but God was good to help me overcome the glitches.

I got to know the names of a few shop assistants when I was doing all the purchases. Thank God for providing them as well.

Well, this evening when I was on my way home from Sim Lim Square after buying a video creator device for church and also an external hard-disk case for myself, I met an elderly lady, probably in her 90s, while boarding the bus.

As she was having problems getting into the bus, I helped her and a kind passenger gave up her seat for the aunty. I also helped her tapped her stored-value card. Throughout the trip we spoke. It is amazing how, at this age, that the lady is still travelling around - she basically goes to her grand-children's homes to visit them.

I alighted before the lady and as I was doing so, I prayed for her as I do not know whether I will ever get to see the aunty again.

I shall stop here. For those whom I have bored to death by the above account especially in the earlier paragraphs, please forgive me. I thought having so much time and money on this new machine that I should reserve more lines on this. Hee. :)

Anyway, good night, every one and good bye, Acer! Haha.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Tea-Bag Test

This morning's sermon is so true of what I am going through at the moment and I thank God for the reminder of how I should deal with my situation.

Last week, my digital SLR camera that I have been using for the past four years stopped working altogether when I changed the lens; last night when I turned on my computer after coming home from dinner with two siblings-in-Christ and their child, it did not boot up; I am still unwell - my nose so blocked that I have to breathe through my mouth; my throat hurts each time I swallow something; my chest is so congested with my constant coughing and it is just so hard to remove the phlegm.

When my computer refused to work, thankfully and surprisingly I was calm. Over the past four years or so, I have changed two motherboards and I guess I have learnt not to let all these glitches get the better of me. If it does not work, then so be it. Why be bothered by it? Yes, I probably will have to spend a considerable amount of money to replace the set but that is part and parcel of owning a technology. Breakdown will bound to happen and I must not let this inconvenience affect me.

Anyway, I tinkled with the parts last night - initially it worked for a while and after that, died again. The fact that I can blog now is because earlier I scrutinised the whole computer again and it seems to be functioning fine. I shall see how long it will last. I suspect the silicon compound protecting the processor from overheating has dried up. Well, I shall see tomorrow whether the computer shop in campus sells the cooling substance. Hopefully it does so that I need not make a trip to Sim Lim Square or Funan Centre to buy that one small tube of coolant.

Though the sick machine did not really bother me, I must confess that my sick body does. The fact that I have to lead the 11:15am service this coming Sunday is causing me to worry whether I am able to sing by Friday.

As mentioned earlier, my Senior Pastor reminded the congregation that trials faced by Christians should not be something bad. Every child of God should accept struggles as a building process and that we should always be thankful for them. Yes, the experience is not totally something that one would look forward to but if dealt with properly, the character of the person will be strengthened.

She said that a Christian going through trials is like a tea-bag - one will never know what is in the bag until it is placed in hot water. How true that is! Trial is a time for Christians to understand themselves better.

Well, so far so good for the computer.

I shall end here for now before something happens to it again. Haha.

Let us, during this new year, welcome trials with open arms. Allow God to work in and through us as we struggle through our pilgrim's journey. If God is for us, who can be against us? A big AMEN to that! :)

Have a blessed week everyone!

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Life Of Worship, Not Strife

I had an interesting conversation with a friend, who called to ask how I was doing, after she found out from the blog that I was unwell. In the course of our conversation, she made a couple of frank remarks in relation to what I blogged this morning while I was at the airport.

She asked me three questions: first one was "Andy, why is it that you do not want to take credit for yourself about the successful request in the approval of the excess baggage for your friend but instead you thank God for it? The second and third questions were "Why is it, even in things like excess baggage, that you prayed and asked God to help you? Couldn't you have just done it yourself without even asking God to help?

Well, my answer to her was this - since the day I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, this life I live, I do not go through it alone anymore but instead I see it as the Lord walking alongside me. As I know my human ability would fail me, the only source of help I can truly depend on is God Himself. Hence, even in small things like asking Him to help my friend in overcoming the excess baggage issue is a natural thing I would now do.

I could have done it myself, that's true, but the results may be different from that of God helping me. Even if I did not pray and the results turned out to be the same, credit would still go to my God Almighty as I believe He will always be there to help me even when I do not ask. The fact that I asked is basically an affirmation and assurance of my trust in the Lord. It has become a relationship that it is now natural that I speak to Him about anything and everything concerning my life and around it.

That is why at the end of the day all glory and thanks be to God because He knows what is best for me and He will provide for me accordingly in all that I asked for.

In some of the Christmas cards I wrote to my friends last year, I remembered this phrase - "Always put God first in all you do so that your life is one filled with worship and not strife." Really, if God is omni-present (always present), why not tap on this resource instead of putting our lives through hell by using our wisdom to deal with the everyday issues of life.

I have learnt over the years and still need reminders at times about this one vital point of life - many of our frustrations, anger and disappointments could have been avoided if we could just trust God a little more. Many times we find life unfair or cruel because we deal with the issues according to our understanding and wisdom. And when that happens, instead of blaming ourselves, we accuse God of being a lousy Friend.

Let us make Jesus our companion in our pilgrim's journey - it makes our lives all the more exciting and our burdens lighter.

To God be the glory!

"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does." James 1:5-8

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." James 3:13-18

Friday, January 04, 2008

Leaving A Legacy

I am blogging this now at the airport. I just sent a friend off. I am thankful to God for having provided for her accordingly. While I was in the cab, I asked the Lord to prepare the way for my friend as I knew her luggages were overweight. When we were queueing up to check in, I saw one of the staff walking around to assist the passengers in the processing of their boarding passes. I basically went to her and requested for her assistance.

The baggage allowance was 20kg but the airline was willing to give an extra 5kg. When we weighed the luggage, the total was 28kg. She also had two hand luggages which exceeded the 7kg allowance but the check-in staff assured my friend that it should be fine.

Thanks be to God it was. My friend just messaged to say that she has successfully passed through the custom and security screening at the holding area. God is good indeed! :)

Anyway, I have been unwell since yesterday. I am having a flu and sore throat. My tummy is not feeling too well either. My immune system has indeed weakened because in the span of two months I have fallen sick three times. I guess all these boil down to the fact that I have not been sleeping well for a while.

I pray the Lord will heal me soon.

I did not blog yesterday as I was actually very tired when I got home from an outing with some of the older youths. We had lunch together at a Sushi restaurant, offering a buffet spread. After that we had a couple of games of bowling. It has been a while since I did this and it was pretty fun. We are doing it again later. I had better enjoy it since semester is commencing next week and probably for the next few months I may not have the time to bowl.

Yesterday I also took delivery of a LCD TV and a DVD-Recorder that were given to me as perks when I renewed my Cable, Internet and Mobile services for another 24 months. After I napped, I installed the new gadgets and praise the Lord all went well. I also did some cleaning up of my room and the hall area. I guess that kind of aggravated my flu due to the dust and all.

Just now before my friend entered the gate to the immigration counter, she gave her parents and sister a hug and her mum started to cry. I guess it is not easy to see her daughter leave for a distant land over a period of time. Though it was painful for my friend's mum, I know deep down in her heart, there is this assurance that she will see her daughter again.

I guess I can parallel this to those who have gone before me (as in death) but deep down in my heart, I know I will see them again one day in heaven. It was never a feeling of loss but an anticipation of a reunion.

I long for the day when I will meet my late aunty who died of cancer 12 years ago; for the two persons from my church who were the ones who brought me to the saving grace of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ; for those who have supported me when I was struggling with my kidney ailment.

Well, this world is not our home and we are just passing through - as mentioned in my previous blog, this is just a transit.

I am a bit emo now because yesterday I was thinking of those who have impacted my life and how some of them are now no more with me. They left a legacy in my life and I shall endeavour to follow their shoes.

Time for me to end here. Looking forward to a great day ahead! :)

"Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD." Proverbs 16:20

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

In God We Trust

I just came back from a food-tasting session. It was for another wedding that I am going to be involved in next month. Though I am coordinating just the banquet, it would be quite a task because there are over 60 tables planned. More may be added, I have been warned.

I am also supposed to lead the wedding service and I was told I need to sing a song in Mandarin. Well, it will be a feat for me since my proficiency in this language is not particularly wonderful. Haha.

I guess I will have to trust the Lord to lead and guide me accordingly. Again, I know He will see through this event for my siblings-in-Christ.

This afternoon I had to do something for a dear friend. Though it is my first time attempting the task, I am thankful to God that He was there to guide me. I am also thankful to my friend for having so much trust in me, allowing me to put to practice something that I have learnt many years ago.

The above-mentioned has given me more confidence for future attempts and I guess I will continue to put this skill to good use.

I know the above two paragraphs sound very vague. I shall one day share about it when I am ready to. Very shy now to let too many people know. Haha.

I had to do some work in preparation for the commencement of the new semester next week. It will be a busy period yet again - now having to execute all that my team had researched on last year. Anyway, I shall look forward to it. For now I am going to enjoy the remaining part of this week.

I shall sleep soon - I am still sniffing and I also have diarrhoea. My throat is also a little irritating. I hope after resting, tomorrow I will be well.

"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song." Psalm 28:7

Destination - Heaven; Transit - Earth

I just came back not too long ago from the wedding banquet. Thank God all went well. I was not feeling too well actually. I have been sniffing the whole day. On top of that, I still did not have enough rest. This affected my mood a little - hence I was not really in a talkative mode throughout the day.

I have done many wedding coordinations and I enjoyed every one of them. I cannot deny though that they are physically and mentally draining. Every time I am done with one, I would go home so tired that it would take a while for me to recover. I guess it is the pressure of wanting to execute everything well so that the couple and their families would be happy and enjoy the special day that made me so exhausted.

I am glad there is a one month break before I have two more wedding coordinations to do in the month of February.

Anyway, it is now the second day of the new year, 2008. Wow! Yet another year has come! I attended the Watchnight Service on New Year's Eve to reflect on the old year of 2007 and also took the opportunity to renew my convenant with the Lord - pressing on to live a life of holiness and godliness, pleasing in His eyes.

I will share more about my evaluation for 2007 and my thoughts for 2008 soon in my subsequent blogs. One thing that struck me most at the service was the lyrics of this song by Don Moen which really hit me when I listened to it being played after the service was over. These are the words...

When It's All Been Said And Done

When it's all been said and done,
there is just one thing that matters -
Did I do my best to live the truth?
Did I live my life for You?
When it's all been said and done,
all my treasures will mean nothing.
Only what I've done for Love's reward
will stand the test of time.

Lord, Your mercy is so great
that You look beyond our weakness
and find purest gold in miry clay,
turning sinners into saints.
I will always sing Your praise -
Here on earth and ever after.
For You've shown me Heaven's my true home
when it's all been said and done.
You're my life when life is gone.

Simple words and yet so powerful. This song has one lesson and it should always be the focus of every Christian - that our lives here on earth is but a transit. Our destination is heaven.

If we can all just keep this in mind, then all the worries and pain and disappointments and anger we experience almost everyday - anything at all does not matter. Yes, they do affect us but they should not overtake us! All these will but one day be history and the future will be about spending with God in eternity.

Instead of always being put down by the struggles of life, why not consider what we can do for the Lord while we are in transit? Let us live for the truth and for Christ and through all these, may others see God in us and turn their lives to Him.

Sometimes Christians find it very difficult to share about their faith - I can confidently say that this struggle is simply because we do not live out the kind of lives that God wants us to. Others will naturally be drawn to us when we walk the talk; when we go against the norms of this world; when we stand up for righteousness and stand against what is evil!

I have seen the power of walking consistently with the Lord and also the weakness of stagnating. Between the two I will anytime choose the former and it has been a joy!

Well, when it's all been said and done, the Lord will always be my life when life is done!

"To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21