Thursday, January 10, 2008

Some Excitement Is Good!

I just finished a report to be handed in tomorrow. Thanks be to God for allowing me to complete it though initially I forsaw some obstacles which was eventually cleared with the assistance of my team members.

I just realised one of the articles I wrote to the Forum page of the Straits Times has been published - not the print version but on the Straits Times Online Forum instead. It was one of those times when I got frustrated with certain things and felt that I needed to sound off my concerns to the press and hopefully the relevant authorities.

It was about the NETS facility available at many of the retail shops in this island-nation. Singapore is striving to be a cashless society but due to the fees imposed by the very authority providing this service, many shops prefer cash payment. There were many occasions where I was directed by the shops to an ATM machine to withdraw money so that I can do my purchases by cash. Can you imagine that? They have the NETS service but because the purchase amount was low, it was not worth it for these shops to pay the charges for each NETS transaction.

This is really a one-step-forward-two-steps-back case. The relevant body has made things difficult for both the customers and retailers. Both have to carry large amount of cash - one to make payments for purchases made; and the other had to go to the banks to deposit the money because their receipts for the day were mostly by cash.

This is a lesson that I have never put to practice - ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR DATAS! Please do not take it for granted that all computers last for eternity. They can just die on you, like mine. No warning whatsoever and it went bonkers.

Well, I am glad that so far there were a few responses to the article and many shared the same sadness and frustration.

A colleague asked me how come I was so brave as to make such comments. Well, what has to be said, has to be said! If my one comment can change things for the better, not just for me but for all, why not? Moreover if my remarks are factual, there is nothing to be afraid of when I write to a public forum.

Yes! My old computer has been revived! I am now transferring datas from my old hard-disks to my back-up external hard-drive. As I know the old system is unstable, I pray the Lord will sustain it, at least till I am done with the transfer.

This is a lesson that I hardly put to practice - ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR DATAS!!! Do not take for granted that all computers will last for eternity. Sometimes it will suddenly die on you, just like mine. No warning whatsoever and it breathed its last!

Thanks be to God it has come back from the dead - hope it can last long enough for me to do what I need to do.

Well, that's my life for the past few days - trying to salvage my datas; fixing up a new computer and at the same time, rushing reports. Haha. Thrilling and exciting but I hope this experience will be once in a blue moon. :)

So far, the old computer is behaving itself. I have instructed every one in the family not to touch anything on the table where the computer is sitting on; not to go near the table and to pray.

I am mad! I have to. Haha.

I shall write again tomorrow.

Good night to one and all!

"Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." Psalms 145:3


Talion said...

There is an old joke. Jesus and Satan were having a competition, and wanted to know who would win in this computer age.So God tested them both by assigning them to create a computer program. Satan started out really fast, typing a mile a min. In the middle of the race, there was a sudden blackout and satan lost all his data! He rushed to complete the work but lost to Jesus, who managed to complete the program first.
Satan accused Jesus of cheating, not believing Jesus could type faster than him.
God explained,
"Jesus saves"

lol, hope you are get better soon Andy!

Pilgrim's Progress said...

That was funny. I had a good laugh. :) Hey, I still have not a clue as to your identity - care to tell me? :) God bless!

Pilgrim's Progress said...

Hi Sean.

That should be you. :)

Hope you are doing well in Canada.

Take care.