Monday, January 14, 2008

Remember: No One Is Beyond Hope!

My heart is burdened for a few siblings-in-Christ. I just prayed for them and trust that God has heard my cries. I pray He will intervene in the struggles of these inidividuals and that He will make good of the circumstances. It is my desire that all of them will learn from their situations and grow to be a better person especially in the area of character-building and also being sure of their identity in Christ.

I am not at liberty to share in details the above-mentioned but it just affected me.

I was reminded of one of the main challenges in Christian ministry - the area of affirmation. Many times we put people down or take people for granted. We are quick to judge and slow to affirm. We always look at the weaknesses of an individual and use them as weapons to shoot that person down. Though we also see his or her strengths, we always seem to have this inertia to affirm.

Many times we give up on an individual because every one has done so but we so often forgot that the God whom we worship and who created everything can actually transform this one precious soul. There is no such thing as a person being beyond hope. Who are we to conclude that when God Himself did not give up hope on us? In fact, He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to take our place of death on the cross so that we might have hope for the future.

If we can just grasp this very fact, then we will not give up on someone, who has been branded for damnation by the majority, so easily.

Allow me to push this a little further... if we are too quick to judge someone as hopeless, it is evident that we, ourselves, have not fully understand our very identity in Christ - that of being redeemed people!

Well, this is one area where we, as Christians, need to be mindful of - we always open ourselves for the devil to attack when we are not careful. How to touch lives and win souls when there is condemnation in the body of Christ?

I received another call from a representative of NETS Pte Ltd to follow up on what I wrote in the forum last week. Well, I stand by my decision not to name the retailers whom I encountered as I still believe they were victims of circumstances. The reason why NETS wanted the details is so that these shops will be advised accordingly but in my opinion it does not solve the bigger issue of helping all retailers understand certain decisions taken by the authority.

Anyway, today has been quite easy-going at work. Praise the Lord for that. Tomorrow onwards will be manic as I have several meetings held in the day and night and this will go on till Friday.

I have yet to choose the songs for the praise and worship session on Sunday. I hope I will have some time tomorrow and on Wednesday to prepare.

Time to go! Good night and have a blessed week ahead! :)

“If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.” 1 John 4:20-21

"If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:26-27

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