Friday, November 04, 2011

Goodbye Singapore, Hello UK!

I am shivering as I am typing. It is very cold in my hotel room. I just turned up the heater and hopefully it would be warmer soon. Time flies that it is already my fourth day here in London.

Eversince I touched down, it has been helping a dear brother-in-Christ settle into his hostel as he prepares for his PHD programme. We went to do the necessary paper work and also buying of all the items needed for his accommodation. Well, we have settled most of the stuff and it is now for him to unpack and to arrange the room as he deems appropriate.

I just moved to another hotel. I was initially at Earl's Court but I am now in Hammersmith. There will be a couple of commuting to do the next few days. I will be in Liverpool on Saturday, attempting to buy a ticket for the Liverpool - Swansea match. On Monday I will probably be in Cambridge to visit my supervisor. I am considering visiting Ireland but I am not sure yet.

I was supposed to go hunting with an ex-coursemate but he just informed me that it may not be possible due to the cold spell.

Though I mentioned that I have been helping my brother-in-Christ with his lodging matters, I have also been visiting various bike shops to check out some wheels for my bike and also shades for a dear friend. I am basically just making price comparisons before I decide when and where to buy them.

As much as I am enjoying myself so far, my heart has been burdened by grandma's health. I called home earlier and was told that she is not feeling well. I spoke to her and she sounded weak. I pray that God will heal her as soon as possible.

Though I am on holidays, I cannot just simply tell myself that I do not care about matters at home. Hence I still keep in touch with my family and friends via WhatsApp, sms or phone-calls. It also helps me to know what I can pray for them when I spend time with God here.

Anyway, praise God that He has taken care of all matters so far and I shall continue to trust that He will do so till I go back on 15 November 2011.

Well, nothing much to share for now but will write more in the next few days. :)

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