Sunday, November 13, 2011

Getting To Know Strangers

I just finished packing all the items which I do not need to use in the remaining two days of my stay here in London. Surprisingly I am able to pack everything in my luggage. The only concern I have is that it may have exceeded the weight limit. Well, I shall pray that the check-in staff will close an eye to it. :)

I have bought most of the things I need except for an item or two which I will purchase tomorrow. I will probably spend some time with God reading the Bible and praying in my favourite park - Hyde Park. I love reading in the parks, be it in Cambridge or in London, as the weather is so conducive to do so.

Anyway, this afternoon while I was in Debenhams window-shopping, I saw two of the staff rushing to a section where there was a crowd around this elderly gentleman lying on one of the sofas. I asked the staff what happened and she told me that the man was experiencing chest pain. I told them that I am trained in first aid and also in using the defibrillator.

I kept talking to the man as I did not want him to lose consciousness. While doing so, I got to know his name as Mr. Paul Cawthorne. He is 81 years of age. We had small talks as I did not want to strain him too much. Not long after, the medics came and took over from there.

They suspect it is a heart-attack and quickly brought him to the hospital after running some checks on him. Well, as they wheeled him away, I prayed for him that God will protect and heal him.

After that I went to Covent Garden as I needed to buy some stuff from there. As I walked past one of the street entertainers who was taking a break, I decided to speak to him. I have seen his performance - he dressed himself like a Roman soldier and he has such a rubber face that one cannot stop laughing as he teases the passers-by.

I told him he was good. He smiled and thanked me. He has been doing this day in and day out for more than 10 years already. Anyway, I wished him well and went on my way.

After everything was done, I went to meet a dear brother-in-Christ for dinner and we had fish and chips near Victoria Station at this restaurant named SeaFresh. The meal was not bad.

Anyway, before I leave, I am going to visit the Italian restaurant next to where I have been living. I have bought pizzas a couple of times from this elderly gentleman named Pannier. When I first visited his restaurant he dawned upon me as a grouchy old man but after buying from him regularly, he has been more friendly.

He has his business for more than 10 years but it has not been doing well with only about 10 customers daily. Anyway, I affirmed him that his pizzas are one of the better ones I have tried and he smiled. His son is a pilot for a private Swiss airline.

Well, I guess that is all.

I feel a little sad that I will be leaving London in two days but at the same time I am also looking forward to going home though with a heavy heart as I know there are a couple of matters to attend to. The main one being grandma. Well, I have been praying for God to use me to encourage grandma and I shall see how He can do that. One step at a time, I guess.

Good night, all, in this part of the world and good morning to the rest of you at the other side. :)

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