Sunday, November 06, 2011

Prompted To Pray

After lunch today I decided to go to Hyde Park to spend some time in reflection and prayer. I could have gone to shop or check out more bike shops but I felt the need to put that aside for a moment.

I sat on one of the benches and prayed for my family and other loved ones. I specifically prayed for healing for grandma as I have been burdened for her health since a few days ago when I was informed that she has been unwell.

Then came the message from my brother informing me that grandma has been admitted into hospital. She apparently blacked out while in the kitchen. Thank God my brother was there to catch her before she fell. She was unconscious for a while.

She was sent to the Accident and Emergency Department and is now admitted for observation. The doctors will also be running some tests to ascertain the cause of the black-out. I just pray that there is nothing serious and that the medical staff will know how to help grandma.

My brother will update me accordingly and he assured me that everything is in control and there is no need for me to go home.

Anyway, I went for a walk along River Thames. Again I prayed for grandma. I was supposed to watch some fireworks display but I had no mood to do so. I headed back to the hotel after spending some time in quiet and also feeling super cold from the sudden drop of temperature.

Other than the shock I received back home, I had a great breakfast at this cafe called Latana Cafe where they serve very very delicious English Breakfast. After that I followed a dear brother-in-Christ to buy some computer stuff and also a new backpack. We headed next to Portobello Market and then for lunch at Bayswater.

After Hyde Park, I went to Greenwich to check out a bike shop and it was here when I receive the message from my brother about grandma.

Well, I am tired. I will share more about my reflection soon.

Praise God that He has everything under His control and I know He will make all things beautiful in His time.

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