Friday, November 18, 2011

Celebrate Both Life And Death

I am blogging now at Island Creamery after doing a recce at Botanic Gardens for the mission team retreat tomorrow. It rained when I arrived but decided to go ahead with the recce. A little drenched but I am contented that I now know the ground. I am also relieved that there are big fields for the team to do their activities and also shelters which are large enough to accommodate all 16 of us should the weather turn against us.

I ordered two scoops of ice-cream as I had a sudden craving for it.

It has been a very busy day for me. In the morning, I attended a funeral of my church's assistant pastor's mother. In a short message given by a Chinese-speaking pastor, I learnt from him that death is to be celebrated as it would mean leaving this world to another place more glorious; where there is no more suffering.

I am reminded too that whilst I am still here that I should also celebrate life even in the midst of the struggles which no one can escape from. I was also challenged to cherish my loved ones while they are still around. There will be times when we get on each other's nerves or step on each other's toes but they are nothing compared to this special relationship God has given us. This then reminded me that if I am an imperfect being, why should I hold a grudge against another who is also the same as me? I guess by having this in mind, it would help me to be more tolerant of others because surely I would want them to do the same of my shortcomings - bearing with me while I learn to change.

Well, praise God for the above-mentioned.

I had lunch with my senior pastor and two other siblings-in-Christ after the funeral. We went to have Indian food at Casuarina Road. I ordered a plate of maggi mee goreng and a cup of iced milk tea but both were below average. Anyway, bad or not, I still thank God that I still have food to eat each day. :)

It was to church next as I need to print out the retreat materials. Well, it did not take me long to do that and I am glad I was able to finish preparing them. I have been praying for God to provide for me the necessary materials and it was only yesterday that all the inspiration came. Phew!

My router died on me when I came back from London. The technical staff tried to help me salvage it but to no avail. In the end I had to buy a new one but praise God I got a good deal as I was given a discounted price by the same staff mentioned above. I shall install it when I head home later.

Yesterday was the first time I cycled after more than two weeks. I enjoyed the time thoroughly with five other friends. We met at East Coast Park and it was then off to Changi Village and back. I am looking forward to another ride this weekend with a dear friend. As much as I can, I will try to ride more before I start work on 2 January 2012. I hope I will still have time to cycle after that. Even if I do not, I will make time as I cannot let work govern my life as it is only a mean to meet my daily needs and that of my loved ones and perhaps save a little for rainy days. :)

On the second day of my return from the United Kingdom, I met a dear friend for lunch at a restaurant in Chinatown. The food was good and I also enjoyed the time of catching up and passing her some stuff I bought during the trip. :)

With all these shared, I am glad to be back home with my family especially grandma. I am grateful to God for making her well again though she is still recuperating. There are many check-ups to bring her to but so long as they would aid in her recovery, it would be worth the effort.

Okie, I guess I should stop here and head home.

Praise God for everything and above all, this life He has given me. There are joy and pain I am and will be experiencing but I shall take heart that He will see me through them all! :)

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