Sunday, October 25, 2009

Make Your Blogs Public

I am blogging now at MacRitchie Reservoir while waiting for the running gang to finish their exercise. I am still nursing my knee and ankle injuries of old - still not able to run which I really yearn to do soon.

Anyway, my tummy has been unwell for the past two days or so. I have been having bouts of diarrhoea. I took some medication - hopefully that will solve the problem.

At the Youth Ministry session this morning, the lesson taught was on "Blogging and Facebook." I was asked to share about how and why I started my blog and in the course of the sharing, it served as an evaluation for me.

I was once again reminded of the objectives. Over the months, my blogging has not been as regular as when I first started - not that the interest is waning but more so, I want to give more thoughts to what I write. I still want to share my pilgrim's journey with people especially in testifying to them of God's goodness in my life as I struggle with life as a human who has his shortcomings and struggles.

Up till now, I still have to say my God has not failed me and He has now seen me through 24 years as a Christian. All thanks and praise to Him for that. I can also confidently say that God will still be walking by my side till the day I die. Amen to that!

To those of you (especially if you are a Christian) who are reading this and have a blog of your own, may I challenge you to make your blog public. Not that you want attention to yourself but more so for others to be drawn to Jesus as you share of His goodness and faithfulness. Whether others believe this Jesus as you do, we will leave it to them to decide as forcing someone to believe in Him will never be the same as he experiencing God himself.

Do not be ashamed to share your struggles (but do watch your words used especially when you are in the midst of one) because life is afterall a journey. Do not just dwell in your struggles though but share also how you intend to deal with them, with God as your help. Then when you have overcome the trials, blog again about it so that others who may be going through the same predicament can learn from you.

I guess this is one way we can make God known to the world without even having to force it down someone's throat. :)

Well, that is what I want to share for today.

I will write again soon. My God-son is back from his walk and I shall entertain him now.

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