Saturday, June 23, 2007

Taking Things For Granted


I am very sleepy now. I went to bed this morning at 4:45am as I was finishing up the lesson preparation for tomorrow's Youth Ministry (YM) teaching session. After that, a dear friend came online and we tried corresponding using MSN with the webcam (that both of us just acquired) and also speaking to each other using the built-in microphone.

It was fun especially being able to view each other. I like this method as you can then see the expressions of the person. I feel it is better this way as you do not need then to guess what they might be gesturing just by mere words. Sometimes by typing out words, misunderstandings may arise when you guess wrongly how the person is actually feeling at that point of the conversation.

I never thought of getting this gadget but now that I have it I guess I will use it often with my dear friend (when she leaves for her studies) and also with my other friends who have a webcam as well.

We need to fine-tune some of the problems we face like the lagging effect and also to make the sound quality better. I have yet to find out how - should not be a problem doing so.

Well, both of us slept really late - I wanted to sleep in much later but realised I have to be in church for a debrief with a mission team that came back from Cambodia recently. I had only 3 1/2 hours of sleep as I was awoken at around 7:30am by my doggy's barking when she saw mum walking past the hall. Anyway, since I could not sleep anymore, I went to wash up and left for church. Doing this blogging now in the office.

Anyway, I want to share something which kind of showed me how sometimes I take things for granted. Last night, I went out for supper with two sisters-in-Christ. They went to church first to observe the Worship Team rehearsal - one of them is interested to serve in that ministry as a keyboardist.

Anyway, after we finished our meal, we were walking back to the car and one of the sisters pointed out a coin on the floor. I saw it but basically did give too much of an attention to it and walked on.

When I reached home, after having a bath, I spent some time in prayer first before preparing the lesson. It was here I received a rebuke from the Lord about that coin. The amount might not be a lot but this shows how sometimes I do not cherish things that are of low value when actually I should. That amount which may seem small to me may be big in other people's eyes because they may not be as blest as I am. If I do not learn to be a good steward to this small thing then how will God trust me with the bigger things in life.

Some may see what I have written as making a mountain out of a molehill. Maybe I am but there is a lesson to be learnt here which I am thankful to the Lord for. I must learn not to take things for granted.


I had to stop blogging after writing the above paragraph - needed to attend the Mission Team debrief which was edifying and affirming when I heard my siblings-in-Christ sharing about how God used them to touch the lives of the Khmer people whom they were ministering to.

After that I had to go for a briefing at Marina Bay for the National Day Parade. Well, it did not take long and I left after that.

I am now in Gloria Jean's Coffees at Vivocity finishing up this blog and also checking out some shops here. After this I will be going for the Youth Ministry (YM) Spiritual Retreat Thanksgiving Get-Together.

I am trying to keep my eyes open and just bought myself a cup of coffee, hopefully to perk me up a little.

Well, I guess that is all I have to write for now.

"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?" Luke 16:10-11

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