Sunday, June 24, 2007

Being God's Instrument

I am beginning to feel the strain from the lack of sleep for the past 72 hours. I will try my very best to go to bed early tonight. Hopefully I can because I am not really in the habit of doing that.

Anyway, I came back not too long ago from a birthday gathering where the running gang celebrated three persons' birthdays - I was one of the three. We had a simple meal in Swensen's at Thomson Plaza after the run.

This morning I led the last session of my teaching stint in the Youth Ministry. When I was asked to teach many months ago by my dear friend, I was telling myself what did I get myself into and seven sessions felt too much then. But now, looking back, they were all worth it. Thanks be to God!

To a certain extent, God affirmed in me through a few people about this area of gifting which I can use to serve Him and minister to His people. I am praying He will continue to teach me so that I can be more effective in delivering God's message. My dear friend has also helped in giving me some critics, not to put me down but to allow me to learn and improve. It is precisely through people like her that I learn more about myself and also to overcome my shortcomings. Praise the Lord!

In all the preparations for the lessons, I give thanks to God for His guidance all these while; for the many lessons I have learnt in preparing for these sessions and putting them to practice first in my life before telling others to do likewise; for the many ways in which He encouraged and spurred me on when I found it hard to prepare due to the struggles I was going through; for changing my approach at the last minute for some of the sessions and instructing me to do something else - it was trying when I received such notifications but I learnt that when I follow what He tells me to do, He will also guide me in how to do it; for allowing me to wait upon Him when my human understanding cried out for me to just get the preparations over and done with. I learnt that when I take an effort to listen to Him and then know exactly what He wants to do, there is less strife in the planning because everything will just flow so smoothly.

I also praise the Lord for the rapport and relationships built with these my younger siblings-in-Christ. I am very happy I got to know many of them better especially now being able to put names to their faces when before they were just known to me as youths and nothing more.

Funnily, I feel a tinge of sadness that my teaching commitment has now come to an end. May the Lord in future continue to give me more of such opportunities so that I can continue to be a blessing to others for all that He has blest me with.

This morning I covered on the topic of giving and as I have challenged the youths to give 100% of their lives, relationships, material possessions and time to God, I also would like to practise these in my walk.

It was quite interesting that prior to going forward to deliver the Word of God, I got a prompting from Him to lead a game which I was totally unprepared for but I praise Him that it turned out pretty well. It was encouraging to see the youths being so participative and giving.

Well, I will continue to fellowship with them every Sunday as I felt the Lord directing me to be there for my brothers and sisters. May He continue to use me to run alongside them in this pilgrim's journey that every Christian has to experience.

All glory and thanks be to my God Almighty who has always been faithful and true in all I do!

Mum's rashes seem to be getting worse. Sometimes the itch can be quite irritating - I pray the Lord will lay His healing hands and remove them away from her body. Well, I can only pray for her in this area and in God's time I know all these discomfort will disappear.

I shall end here though I have some more things to share. Another day perhaps. Oh yah, I got another Liverpool memorabilia added to my collection this morning from my dear friend. It was a nice solar-powered key-chain where the display screen keeps flashing the club emblem every few seconds. Interesting souvenir. I like it lots. Thanks be to my friend!

"Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:19-25

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