Thursday, March 08, 2007

Whatever Happened To Corporate Prayer?

Just finished submitting all the articles and photographs. Since I have nothing much to do now, I thought I use this time to blog. I have many things to share - may God forgive me if what I will be sharing might stumble a few who will be reading my thoughts below.

Last night I attended a prayer meeting where leaders and members gathered to intercede for the church but only a handful attended. How I wish more would have come. I do not care whether what I am going to say next sounds judgmental or not but sometimes I wonder whether the church, in general, cares about the spiritual welfare of every member.

The leadership have always been talking about revival and the need to change the mindset of the church with regards to the members' walk with God and their worship lifestyle. We always talked about outreach. I just wonder how can all these happen when the majority do not even see the need to come together to pray. There was even a group having a meeting in church when many of them knew that the night has been set aside for prayer. What else is more important than for the people to come and seek the Lord first?

My God-sister and a dear friend have remarked to me before that I should not impose my views on others. To a certain extent, they are right but it does not apply all the time and for the above-mentioned I have to share my disappointment and sadness.

I have heard from some of my fellow leaders before that they have different views towards corporate prayer hence some chose not to attend. If the leadership have split views even on the fundamentals, how then are we to do other things as a body of Christ?

We can plan all we want; talk all we want - at the end of the day if all of us, who are supposedly called by God's name, do not humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turned from our wicked ways (and our human views), how will God hear from heaven and forgive our sin and heal our land (church)?

Next week, the leadership will be meeting up to discuss matters concerning the church - we are very good at doing that (meetings and more meetings; talk and more talks) but I wonder whether it would be a waste of time to do all that when we do not even seek God first as to what He desires for the church. At the end of the day, all will be just human effort. When things fail, we question God why this and that still do not occur in the church? How to when the people are not even serious about the basics?

I hope every one will begin to change our mindset from that of "we plan first and then later ask God to bless" to that of " we seek first and then later begin to plan."

I do not discount the fact that God can still work even if the people do not pray but I think we should give Him due respect and reverence when it comes to running His church. If a secular organisation sees the need to let the top lead the way, all the more the church should let the TOP (God) lead the way and not the bottom (us humans who are of limited understanding and resources). We should let God tell us what to do and not the other way round! He is the Almighty God, just in case if we have forgotten that.

Last night just when the prayer meeting commences, my tummy started giving me problems again. I tried to endure but could not. I found it hard to breathe at one point of time. I went to the toilet to jab myself. It did not work. After a while the pain came again and I had to jab myself again. It was better but by then I was in a dazed already.

I was tempted to call in sick but I decided to go ahead with my work. Praise the Lord till now I am still ok.

I am feeling very empty again today. I do not know why lately I have been feeling this way. In my heart I want to be filled but it does not seem to happen. Sigh.

Am I losing my zeal? Am I burning out along this pilgrim's journey? Am I now in the desert land?

I hope the Lord will replenish and refresh me. I know He will - I guess it is more a matter of when He would do so.

"... if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

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