Monday, March 05, 2007

One Set Of Footprints

I came back not too long ago from some time of solitude with the Lord. I was with him by the beach along East Coast Parkway. I brought along my brother's rollerblades and bladed for a while before I found a quiet spot on a breakwater.

I basically poured out my woes to God. I sought the Lord for His forgiveness, first of all, for trying to handle things with my own abilities and strength; for being impatient; frustrated; and angry.

Then I shared with Him in details my burdens: for some people whom I hold dear to my heart; for my health; for the hurts I am experiencing; for being tired emotionally and mentally.

Sometimes I wonder whether God is really there listening to me. Yes, I did question God when I was speaking to Him. It is not that I am doubting Him because I know in my heart He has heard me several times and have already answered many of my cries.

I just needed some assurance at that point of time because I was hoping God has heard my prayers and is already in the process of answering them especially for the spiritual well-being of my siblings-in-Christ. I cried to the Lord that they will not let go of their faith just because they are experiencing some difficult times now. I pleaded with the Lord to remind them of those times when they have experienced Him and also the verses from the Bible that they have read before - that He will assure them He is still ever-present in their lives.

After I spoke to God, I basically kept quiet and allowed Him to speak. I was reminded of today's sermon on the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God - that it is living; renews life; active; sharp and piercing. God's Word also imparts wisdom which will then help and equip Christians; sow peace; bring stability in one's life; and inspire solutions to life's challenges.

I also recalled Pastor Dianna sharing about how she was working as a counsellor in school and after 8 years or so, she was drained. While searching for the Lord to help her, she remembered these five words, "It will come to pass."

Just as those words brought comfort and peace to her, they also assured me that all the woes I have poured out to God will one day come to pass.

I was hungry by the time God was done with me at the beach. I bladed to the East Coast Hawker Centre and had my dinner. As it was very late already, I did not want to eat much. I basically had 5 sticks of satays and a bowl of green bean soup.

While I was on my way out to flag a cab - could not take the bus as it was passed midnight - I bummed into an ex-army friend who just finished supper with some friends and was on his way home. He offered me a ride home. I accepted his offer after much insistence from him.

As I was typing the above paragraph, it suddenly dawned upon me that God had provided me this friend so that I can have a ride home. Praise Him for His providence.

In my time of quiet with God earlier, I was reminded of a familiar poem that I first heard about when I was a young Christian and then read it again when I was struggling with my faith a couple of years back. It came at the right time for me and I hope as I share it on this blog, all of us will be reminded that God is never too far away.

Footprints In The Sand

One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Scenes from his life flashed across the sky
and he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
one belonging to him and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of his life had flashed before him,
he recalled that at the lowest and saddest times of his life
there was only one set of footprints.
Dismayed, he asked, "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you'd walk with me all the way.
I don't understand why, when I needed you most,
you would leave me."

The Lord replied, "My precious child.
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering
when you saw only one set of footprints...
that was when I carried you."

"Let me understand the teaching of your precepts; then I will meditate on your wonders. My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word." Psalm 119:27-28

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