Saturday, March 31, 2007

Marriage - A Commitment; Not An Accomplishment

I just reached home. The whole morning and early afternoon I have been involved in my friends' wedding as a photographer. I am downloading them (all 517) onto my computer now. I hope all will turn out fine.

I am actually very tired now. I could not sleep again last night. Tossed and turned till passed 3am. I had to wake up at 5:30am. In the end I think I only had about 2 1/2 hours of rest. I do not know why lately I just cannot have peaceful sleep.

Anyway, I am very happy my friends tied the knot today. Attending their service was a joy. It is wonderful to see them take the wedding vows and also the smiles on their faces as they go through each segment of the service. Praise the Lord.

Well, a couple of the older church members approached and nudged me as to when will be my turn. I used to be very scared of them when attending weddings in church. Now I will just give them a smile and told them it is up to the Lord whether He wants me to share my life with someone I love. It has to take two hands to clap for it to happen. Well, if that day comes, thanks be to God; if it does not, I will still give thanks to Him.

To me, marriage is not just about getting any girl, start a relationship and after that set a date for the wedding. I feel it should not be taken too lightly or subjected to pressure from people (parents, relatives and friends) just so that I can fulfill their expectations.

Since the first day I thought of marriage I had many to choose from in my circle of friends but till date, I could only see three (of course they came in different stages) in whom I can share my life with. Tried but was not successful.

Well, the Lord knows the desires of my heart and why I want to get married and the kind of lady I have in mind... if He so wills it to happen, praise and glory to Him!

For now, it will always be my pleasure and honour to serve my friends when they decide to be husband and wife. This year there are a couple of them - looking forward to serving them and God in the tasks they entrusted to me.

Just now another member of the church suggested that I change job and be a professional wedding planner. It ever crossed my mind - maybe one day I will.

Alright I shall end here. I need to prepare now for tomorrow's praise and worship session for the 11:15am service. I am not confident at all but I will still go through it by faith that God will still use me despite of my inadequacy.

I may write more later should there be any other thoughts or insights from God.

"You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:13-14

"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

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