Monday, May 28, 2007

Putting Away Childish Things

I came back not too long ago from a two-hour walk-a-jog with my doggy. We covered a few places and just before we headed home, I went to a quiet place by a private estate to spend some time with the Lord.

In my communion with God by one of the stairways, this word "childish" came to my mind. I may be a 35-year old man but I must confess some of my actions and views towards certain circumstances in my life are just not mature at all. I guess it is time to grow up and not be so petty and wilful. It is funny to write this down but it is something that I have to learn. I praise God that He is teaching me to overcome this shortcoming of mine.

I felt a sense of peace when I told the Lord to help me change some views of mine towards people and things. I know I cannot fight this alone and only He can help me along this path of learning and transformation.

When I was on my way home from the interview, I was standing in the train. In front of me was this lady probably in her late 40s and she was in a wheelchair. Her face is slightly deformed. When I looked at her, she turned her face away. I was prompted to speak to her but I could not find the chance to as she was not looking at my direction. I basically said a prayer for her. When the train was about two stops away from mine, the lady managed to turn her head. I smiled at her and wished her a very good afternoon in Mandarin. She smiled. We did not talk at all but I was glad she smiled. I hope that made her day.

Yesterday after the 11:15am service, while I was walking out of the Worship Hall, I saw some siblings-in-Christ surrounding a brother-in-Christ. He was experiencing some discomfort around his chest area. Initially we thought that he might be suffering from a bad gastritis attack. But after giving him some food and drinks, he was still shivering and feeling weak.

His wife suggested sending him to the Accident & Emergency Department to have his chest checked. I agreed with her decision as we did not know then whether it was really just a gastritis attack.

This morning I was told by the church office that the brother-in-Christ is in the High Dependency Ward as it has been diagnosed he has an infection of the liver. I pray the Lord will heal him soon. It broke my heart when I saw his wife crying yesterday when her hubby was wheeled into the ambulance.

Anyway, I know healing is already in the process and in God's time, the brother-in-Christ will recover.

It has been a long day for me - to God be the glory for everything!

"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." 1 Corinthians 13:11

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