Friday, May 18, 2007

A Day Filled With Adventure

I have been trying to get my notebook to work since morning but to no avail. When I booted it up after arriving in church at around 9am, there was a weird sound from the hard-drive. I have this feeling it has died on me. The sad part was I have not done a back-up of all the data to an external drive. I just hope I will be able to retrieve them when I ask one of my brothers-in-Christ to check for me later in the evening.

I had wanted to do a lot of things today but it seems like it is impossible now. Anyway, I shall give thanks for this experience.

One main thing I am grateful to God for was this - yesterday I finished preparing for Sunday's Youth Ministry (YM) lesson and it was saved in my notebook. I thought initially I was unable to retrieve it but after some attempts, I was able to do so. Guess what? It was the one and only file that I was able to transfer to my thumb-drive before the hard-drive stopped reading altogether. Thanks be to God for that.

Okie, I wrote the above three paragraphs at 3:35pm and it is now 7:20pm. the four-hour lapse was due to the fact that I had to make a hospital visit to the Institute of Mental Health (IMH). I went there to see an elderly church member who was admitted last week when she fell and now she is unable to control herself. She is basically mentally and emotionally unstable.

As she is a Peranakan, I decided to converse with her in Malay and I was glad she was able to respond. What saddened me was this - I believe this dear sister-in-Christ needs healing of past emotions. I believe she has a lot of things in the past that had affected her - hurts, disappointments, grudges, anger, unforgiveness, etc. It is my prayer that the Lord will deliver her from all these so that they do not weigh upon her.

I guess there are many individuals in this world who have the same struggles as this lady and there is a need for us to release our past emotions so that they do not become a bondage now. If not, they will accumulate and eventually cause one to blow up and break down when he or she cannot handle the pressures of hurts and disappointments anymore. Let us be reminded that God is always by our sides and we need to release anything that we do not feel right to Him so that He can carry our burdens with us.

I am reminding myself too because I have past emotions that I have not fully surrendered to God. Sometimes they do bug me and I guess I will have to let God take care of these struggles.

Anyway, time now is 10pm. As I was writing the last paragraph in the church office, I was called upon by the Worship Team to help them in the drumming aspect. The drummer who was supposed to be rostered just came back from Bangkok from a business trip and could not play. The youth drummer was unsure of some of the songs. I had to help them out and thank God all went well eventually.

I am actually home now. I am very tired. All that I had planned to do I did not do. The breakdown of my notebook caused a lot of inconveniences but thank God He allowed me to get over it pretty quickly. Then I was planning to do the powerpoint slides for this Sunday's lesson but in the end I had to assist in the hospital visitation which I did not regret going. Then when I came back from IMH, I had wanted to finish this blog and do the powerpoint slides but was asked to help in the band. I would like to do them now but I do not really have the energy to do so.

I guess this is one of those days that almost every schedule went haywire but I guess God has His reasons for making all these happened.

I actually have one confession that I intially planned to share but I shall leave that to tomorrow now. I managed to gather the courage to do so after sharing with the accountability group. I guess I want to write it down on this blog so as to be as real as I can about this pilgrim's journey that I am on.

I shall stop here. I have not eaten my dinner yet - shall see what the fridge has.

To God be the glory for this day full of adventure!

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

"... give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

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