Wednesday, May 30, 2007

God Is My Refuge And Strength

I brought mum to see the gynaecologist and from the prognosis, it is 80% confirmed that the growth on her womb is cancerous. A biopsy was taken. Results will be released next Tuesday. The test is also to determine the severity of the cancer. The specialist discussed with mum and dad about the option of removing the womb. They are open to the idea. It is very much dependent on what stage the cancer is at. If it is Stage Two and above then other treatments will also be needed since the cells have spread to other parts of the body.

Mum and dad went home after the consultation. I am now at Coffee Bean in Ngee Ann City. I decided to spend some time here to read the books I bought yesterday and also to write some thoughts down in this blog.

Last night after I wrote my blog, I spent some time with dad. I wanted to make sure he was coping well with the news. He said he was worried and never expected a fall would suddenly reveal such an illness. He said he was not prepared at all. I tried to show him another way of looking at the whole incident - I basically told him we should all be thankful to God that it was from the fall that the family got to know about the growth. If not, things would have been as they were and the cancer cells may have spread on. That could have made matters worse.

I could see tears welling up from his eyes because I know dad loves mum tremendously despite of all the quarrels they have had throughout their marriage. I also know he does not want mum to suffer as we have seen how trying it was especially for my late Aunty Grace, who died of cancer 11 years ago.

Anyway, I also shared with him my favourite verses from Philippians 4:6-7. I told him we can only trust God to lead us from here on. I also encouraged him to pray regularly - to focus our eyes on our God Almighty than on the illness itself. We interceded for mum after that. He choked a couple of times while submitting to God his petitions.

I went out for a walk with Sasha after that. I was thinking of grandma. I am struggling whether to break the news to her. I am still seeking the Lord in this - it is tough to let her know that her one and only child left is sick. Her son died when he had an infection in his early twenties; her younger daughter succumbed to cancer when she was in her late 40s. Grandpa died when he was in his 40s too. I do not know how she would cope should she know that another of her loved one is ill. I have a very strong sense that I need to let her know - it is only fair. I just need to have the courage to do so. I am also praying that God will give me the right words to comfort her after that.

Well, I am thankful to God for sustaining me since yesterday. Mentally and emotionally I am feeling rather drained but I will continue to trust that He will help me press on. I also pray that He will give me wisdom to deal with matters as they come in the next few days.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

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