Sunday, February 25, 2007

Trust In The Lord

I planned to wake up at 7am so that I can go to church earlier to prepare for the praise and worship session but by 6am I was already wide awake.

I woke up with a heavy heart – still feel not prepared to lead the worship session and I have to say I am panicking a little. Usually I do not feel this way but I guess I have to live with it and surrender this insecurity into God’s hand and trust that He will lead me accordingly.

How apt that one of the songs I will be singing is “Still”.


Verse 1:
Hide me now, under Your wings.
Cover me, within Your mighty hands.

When the oceans rise and thunders roar,
I will soar with You above the storm.
Father, You are King over the flood.
I will be still and know You are God!

Verse 2:
Find rest, my soul, in Christ alone,
Know His power, in quietness and trust.

I think later I need to find some time to be still and know that God is God and let Him just use me accordingly.

I could not write my blog last night as I was at a wedding banquet in Shangri-La Hotel. By the time I reached home it was already past midnight. Then I had to prepare some last-minute stuff for the worship session.

I was exhausted after that and decided to sleep.

Yesterday morning I was at MacRitchie reservoir just reflecting on how again God has been gracious and merciful to me. I am thankful to Him that my ulcer is benign. God has been good to me all these while whenever I am faced with a health scare. Truly, thanks be to Him for always being there taking care of me.

In two weeks’ time, I may have to go for a surgery. I basically submitted that to Him. I trust that God will guide the hands of the surgeon and allow the procedure to go smoothly.

Well, I shall stop here for now. One of those times in my pilgrim’s journey that I have no confidence in myself whatsoever in leading the praise and worship. Looking at it now again, I do not think it is a bad thing – perhaps God wants me to trust in God alone and basically avail myself as an instrument.

I know everything is going to be alright in Christ!

I will write more in the later part of the day how everything turned out. May God be my help in time of need.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

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