Monday, February 05, 2007

Taking Stock Of Life

I went to the airport very early in the morning to pick up my God-parents who are based in New York. They are here for the Lunar New Year break. It has been a couple of years since I last saw them and I'm glad they are back, even though it is just going to be for about two weeks or so. I cannot wait to catch up with them further.

Their flight arrived at around 7am but I went earlier as I thought of spending time with the Lord at the viewing gallery.

I communed with Him for about an hour plus and it was truly a time of refreshing as I reflect on what had happened the past one month or so. I usually do a monthly evaluation of my life somewhere away from the crowd - sometimes I go to the breakwaters by the beach of East Coast Parkway, Bedok Jetty, Changi Beach (where the big birds land), MacRitchie Reservoir, etc.

I was reading my journal and my blogs (nowadays with blogging, my journal-entry interspersed with it). I have been doing this monthly evaluation for many years already but every month it is still all so refreshing, reading about God's goodness in my life and also the many struggles I had gone through or still experiencing.

Just reading the pages of my life's accounts allow me to understand myself better. Sometimes I must admit they puzzle me too because I could not believe myself doing certain things, either brave or stupid. Sometimes I also feel angry with myself for not being able to let go of some of the pet-sins or weaknesses in my life. I hope I will continue to press on in allowing God to help me overcome my shortcomings.

One month of the new year has already come to pass. Time really flies. January has not been a particular good month for me mainly because of my health issues - basically my stomach ulcer and my left knee injury. They have been the thorns of my flesh and many times I questioned God why they have to be there.

Though I have been quite bothered by these two conditions, I have to constantly remind myself that I have to move on with my life. If God allows something to happen, there must be a reason for it. As His child, I have to trust that He is doing this for my good and I will let Him deal with me accordingly and to guide me as I continue trotting this pilgrim's journey.

I believe God is a Father who only give good gifts to His children - good can sometimes mean certain trials one has to face. But it is not the trials that matter but the outcome of it because the lessons learnt from them will always make an individual stronger. It is also character-building - though some will take many years to develop.

As I was reading on, I think there is one character flaw that I need the Lord to help me overcome - PRIDE. I think many times I have put people off because of this and I need to be careful as I do not wish to stumble others. The scary part is I occasionally do this without even knowing I have stumbled someone.

So in this new month of February, I will be more cautious especially in the words I use or certain comments I make. May the Lord be my help.

I also reflected on my role as a brother-in-Christ or friend to the people around me. I think I have to go beyond the superficial level and hit deeper when I interact with my siblings-in-Christ and friends. Many times I just take every one for granted till I forget that some may be going through struggles but are not showing them.

When I knew about a very dear sister who shared about her intention to let go of her faith, it was a wake-up call. If only I was more conscious, I could have been there for her earlier than later.

In the many years as a Christian, I have seen some of my friends giving up on God and I did not do much about it. I will try as much as I can not to let another leave God and I pray God will use me to be a blessing to these my brothers and sisters.

After my evaluation, I prayed. Never knew there were so many things I had to talk to Him about. Some were thanksgivings; others were petitions made on behalf of my friends; and there were a few issues that I need God's counsel and guidance. Well, I know eventually in His time, He will answer all my prayers. :)

I spent the day with Ma and Pa - I had lunch with them after they checked in at the hotel. Pa had to go meet some of his friends so I was with Ma for the rest of the afternoon, basically shopping around Orchard area and having tea with her.

Well, time for me to start work. I am doing the night shift.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." Ephesians 4:29-30

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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