Thursday, February 08, 2007

God Will Always Love You And Me

I encountered two persons with a similar condition today. One in real life; the other in reel life (based on a true account). The condition is that of Down Syndrome.

I was at the eastern side of Singapore this afternoon. I needed to check out for a friend some bicycle information and prices and also to buy some Nonya kuehs for my grandma who has cravings for them recently.

I had lunch at a coffee shop opposite a Catholic Church named Church of the Holy Family. The table next to me seated a mother with two children. Her younger daughter is a normal 5 or 6-year old girl. Her son, who is about 8 years of age, has Down Syndrome.

My heart went out to the mother who had to handle her son having difficulty eating his rice. A couple of times he dropped his spoon on the floor. Each time it happened, I helped the mother to pick it up for him. She smiled and thanked me every time I assisted.

Throughout my meal, I observed that the mother did not lose her cool even once. Instead she would patiently feed her son, wipe his mouth and also the perspiration on his forehead and giving him water to drink regularly. When the boy successfully fed himself, she would give him a hug or a peck on the cheek.

Just a while ago I was watching this TV programme called "Against All Odds" and today's focus was on this Malay couple who has a son suffering from Down Syndrome too. The boy's name is Hakim. Initially the parents were saddened when the doctor told them of Hakim's condition but as years went by when they knew their son better, they affirmed him of his strength, like playing soccer and dancing. They loved Hakim as would all parents.

The above-mentioned basically reminded me of God's love for His children. Some are more difficult to handle than the others but still He loves us equally and abundantly. When we are down, God is there to comfort us and to cry with us; when we are happy, He laughs with us; when we are in trouble, He is there to provide a way out for us. The Lord is truly our Emmanuel (God with Us).

Despite of His goodness and faithfulness, many times I forget His love for me. Sometimes I even get angry with Him when things do not turn out well. There were other times when I just asked Him for things like He was my genie. After that when I have got what I wanted, I just cast Him aside and went on with my life.

Did God forsake me when I failed Him? Not once. Many times I thought He did but in actual fact He has always been there. I have always been the one who has forsaken Him and hurt His heart. Regardless of the disappointments I have caused Him, He was there all the time to see me through to where I am now. Who else can compare to this Almighty God I have come to know since 1985? No one, I can confidently say.

Every one of us definitely has something to testify about God's love. I pray in our pilgrim's journey we will always remember it in our heart so that when we are going through trying times, we will recall what He has done for us before and assure ourselves that He will do it again. God is same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

My prayers go out to the lady and the Malay parents with their Down Syndrome kids. May they themselves experience God's love in their lives.

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8

"I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands." Psalm 63:2-4

"The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." Psalm 145:8-9

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