Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Affirmation Through Godly Counsel

I came back home from cell group meeting at around 11.00pm. Though tired, I decided to iron some clothes. Praise the Lord that I was able to get that done so that I am free to run other errands tomorrow.

It was great to have met the cell group members after a break of close to a month. Tonight's session was to brainstorm some ideas as to what we want to do in terms of Bible study. We roughly know what we want to do. A member of the group is going to source for the materials before we meet again in two weeks' time. Though I do not know what to expect but I am excited. There were other responsibilities designated to some members and I am glad that they are willing to take up the challenge.

I am initially supposed to assume the leadership responsibility of the group but have asked the members to give me up to end of the year to get some areas of my life in order first. I am glad a dear brother-in-Christ has decided to stand in for me. :)

Next month I will be going on a spiritual retreat to seek God for directions related to my future. I am so looking forward to it as I know God will show me the way and also refresh me in every aspect of my life - spiritual, physical, emotional and mental!

I pray that God will use this cell group to spur one another on in our walk; to be accountable to one another in the way we live our lives; to help each other overcome the struggles of sins; and to cover everyone in prayer as we live out our faith in the marketplace.

The other joy I experienced this evening was during a dinner I had with a dear brother-in-Christ. I shan't go into the details but he was the fourth person in a span of three weeks to tell me the same thing over a matter I am still deliberating. Initially I thought there were only three persons but as I looked back, there are four in total.

With the same message received from four different individuals, I will take that as a confirmation from God that I need to obey His leading in this matter. All thanks and praise to the Lord for the counsel of siblings-in-Christ! It makes my burden easier to bear. Truly there is strength in numbers and in the counsel of godly persons. There is also more peace in my heart now. :)

Oh yah, I spoke to my parents about removing some items associated with idolatry in the home. I have taken them down and tomorrow morning as a family we will throw them away after saying a prayer together. I hope this will remove the oppression the family has been experiencing. I also need to find out from grandma whether she has kept some talismans which she has forgotten to throw away after she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour.

A great day given to me by a great God!

"Folly brings joy to one who has no sense, but whoever has understanding keeps a straight course. Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. A person finds joy in giving an apt reply — and how good is a timely word! Proverbs 15:21-23

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