Friday, August 03, 2007

Why Puff Our Lives Away?

I got to know of a Warrant Officer in my army unit who is now suffering from the advance stage of lung cancer. I was quite close to him when I was serving my National Service. I remembered him as a non-commissioned officer who smokes non-stop. I also recalled a time when I was talking to him - basically took the opportunity to encourage him to stop this harmful habit. He said it is impossible as he has been puffing since he was in his early twenties.

It saddens my heart how one would want to destroy his life by doing something he knows is harmful to the body. The ironic thing is this particular individual is paying to have his life snuffed out - basically buying packs upon packs of cigarettes daily. Those laughing to the banks are the manufacturers of these tobacco products. So what if they put the warning and picture of how harmful smoking is on the packaging - to them it is nothing difficult. By doing so, they are in a way telling people they are doing their part for the society when in actual fact, they do not care at all whether one would be dead tomorrow so long as the profits still roll in.

Well, if they want to show that they really care for mankind, then stop the production completely! It is something unimaginable but I do pray occasionally that one day authorities will stand up against these heartless people and put a stop to this nonsense.

Of course these companies would reason that it is the choice of the individuals whether to smoke or not. True but if they care enough and still have a heart, they should stop this trade once and for all so that individuals do not even have a choice to make.

My aunty died of lung cancer in 1996 because she was a victim of secondary smoke from all the smokers she was surrounded with in the factory she was working in. I was very bitter about it and still is, I must admit. She basically needed to work to earn a living and to help support her family. What she got on top of that is death. I am learning not to judge smokers but whenever I get the chance I will tell them to try to stop.

"If possible, try to smoke less. Stop smoking completely is the best." This is the phrase I always use when I see people puffing their lives away.

Well, I know some people reading this blog may hate me for it or may disagree but the above-mentioned are my views. I guess I have the right to share them.

The Warrant Officer I mentioned above is a very nice gentleman - always there to give support or guidance in training. That is why I am even angrier that he is a victim of this society where we just do not have the guts to stand against what is not beneficial to the well-being of every human being on this earth.

That aside, I do know of Christians who smoke as well and I hope they will overcome and kick this habit as they jolly well know that the individual's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are to be good stewards in what we have been given and I hope we are responsible enough to look after these blessings bestowed upon us. We can choose to ignore this responsibility but I do want to remind us that we are answerable to God for our actions when we meet Him eventually.

Wow, I sure sound very negative and sour over this issue. I hope by sharing these thoughts, it would spark in us to do something at least. Tell our smoking friends to stop is one way. It may not always work but at least we are doing something about it.

This morning my dear friend called to inform me that she has arrived safely in the country she is studying in. Praise the Lord for His journey mercies upon her.

Well, time to stop for now. My apologies if I had offended anyone in what I have written.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


Anonymous said...

Sorry but I think your are wrong, if your friend had been a "Singaporean" all his life then its the Gar'ment that "..laughing to the banks.."

I was like your friend, started smoking at 18yrs old, just into NS and was really "hardcore". After about 5 yrs was doing like 40 sticks a day average.When drinking , gambling or playing golf or darts, it was more.

But nothing is ever impossible, if you put your mind to it and with a little help from HIM .After 15yrs of smoking I quit - cold turkey .

The white of my eyes will never be white again and my teeth always stained, these are reminders of the sins of your past everytime you look in a mirror.

But today, its been 15yrs since I stopped, would I be alive today if I did not? Only HE knows but I thank Him for that.

Good one...

Pilgrim's Progress said...

Hi Sengkangman. I know who you are but I shall not reveal your identity. :)

Whoever is laughing to the banks now I do not really care - what matters is let us, as much as we can, help those who are smoking. It is not to put them down but to let them know the harmful effect of this habit.

It may be a losing battle but if we can just save one, it is already an accomplishment. :)

Take care and glad you have given up smoking totally!
