Friday, August 17, 2007

Friends Do Not Exploit

Last night I was discouraged over something that a colleague of mine did to me. She asked for a favour last week to write an article for her. Though I was not really that keen as I was quite anxious over mum's medical report, I agreed anyway since she told me it was urgent.

She gave me a deadline and it was to be submitted by today. I quickly rushed the research, stayed up late and also cancelled a couple of appointments just so that I could complete the assignment.

Then came a call from her yesterday at around 10pm. She basically told me that she does not need the article anymore as she felt that the one she did was more suitable. I was quite puzzled when I heard that. I asked her how come she was also working on an article when she told me last week that she would not have the time to do so? She was stumped for a moment and gave the reason that she wanted to choose between the two when both are completed. That was the last straw - I shared with her my disappointment as in her approach towards the whole matter. Though she apologised, I felt I was being made use of.

When I was spending some time praying about the above-mentioned, I was just asking myself how many times have I been exploited by some of my friends? Why is it that I spared some thoughts for them and yet they are not doing the same for me? Am I being stupid? Am I too nice? These questions I asked were not meant to boast about the sacrifices I make for others even when I do not feel like it. They were more of an evaluation for me as to what I should do next time should another call for help come.

I was already towards the last segment of the 25-page article - now they are but of no use anymore. Though some may say preparing them did help in my knowledge of the topic written but that is not the point. The point is why are others being exploited by the very people whom they regard as friends?

The thoughts I have shared so far are also a chance for me to reflect on how I treat my own friends.

So what is my conclusion to this whole incident after praying about it? Well, I will still do what I can for my friends but with the motive of glorying God and not to win the favours of man. Though I cannot deny I will question the motive the next time a favour is being asked, I will not let this stop me from helping others.

I decided to blog this basically for all of us to think about the way we treat others. A simple question for us to consider - do we want to do to others what we do not want others to do to us? The answer will reveal a lot about us. Spare a thought for our friends. They have feelings too.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Colossians 3:23-24

"An unfriendly man pursues selfish ends; he defies all sound judgment." Proverbs 18:1

"For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice." James 3:16

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