Monday, July 16, 2007

Winning Life's Race Together

Have you ever wondered how time flies so fast that you do not even know where it went to? Lately I have been feeling this way though I know time moves at a constant pace. Sometimes I wish it would move slower so that I could catch up with it but obviously it does not work that way. Sometimes I wish time would stop completely especially during those moments when I cherish them most - again those were just wishful thinking. Of course there were occasions when I wish I could turn back time (as written in my previous blog) and live my life differently or hope certain parts of my life would be changed but as I have mentioned, it would never happen.

Well, I guess I have to be grateful for the present, thankful for the past and hopeful for the future. Time is, afterall, in God's hand.

It has been a rather long day - I brought mum to the hospital for her diabetes check-up. Because of that I could not go for my accountability group meeting with three of my brothers-in-Christ. I had wanted to go because I have a couple of things that I would like to share with them but I guess that has got to wait for now. Well, just as much as I am disappointed not being able to attend the session, I guess I have my obligation to take care of mum's physical well-being. No dispute that family matters come first. Anyway, mum's sugar level is high - I hope the medication will help stabilise it.

After sending mum home, I went out to run some errands for myself and also for some friends. I also needed to settle some banking matters which was a headache but thanks be to God, it was resolved. I also went to buy a couple of things. When I was in town I met a dear brother by coincidence. As he needed to buy an electrical item, I brought him to Lucky Plaza where I know some shops carry the product and could offer a reasonable price. He managed to find it in the first shop we stepped into. The price was also good.

As my brother was not feeling well, he headed home to rest while I carried on with my errands. Well, it is always fun to shop with friends especially when looking for things and purchasing them at a satisfactory price.

Anyway, so much for that. I went to join some siblings-in-Christ to play touch-rugby at Tavistock Park at 5:30pm. As my left knee is still recovering and my body not up to par, I did not play but instead I took the role of a referee and guided the game along. Every one had fun. I wish in the next game, more will participate.

I learnt one spiritual lesson from the game. Touch-rugby basically requires the cooperation of the team members to manoeuvre the ball around each other so that one of the members will go for a try at the touch-line to win a point for the team. It is basically a concerted effort and not an individual one. One of the rules is that there should not be a foreward pass of the ball from one team member to another. Every one must be behind the member who has the ball.

I guess the above-mentioned serves as a reminder for me that in the race I am running in my pilgrim's journey, I cannot do it on my own. Instead I need my siblings-in-Christ to always be behind me to support and ready to help me when I am in dire straits. They are also there to help me when the opponents (the devil) try to bring me down. The one thing that humbled me when I was reflecting on this game is basically this - when I succeed in going for a try, the glory is not my own but it has to be shared with my spiritual family members who were there to hold me. Of course, God receives the highest praise as He is always there to push us on and to supply anything that we lack in.

Well, I shall end here. Praise the Lord for the thoughts given to me as written above.

"You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other." Galatians 5:13-15

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