Sunday, July 08, 2007

Practising The Right Things

It has been two days since I last blog. I did a wedding photography assignment for two of my siblings-in-Christ who tied the knot yesterday (at the wedding service) and celebrated their marriage in feasting today (at the wedding banquet). In all I took more than 600 pictures. I just finished editing them and will pass the photo-CD to the couple soon. I hope they will like them. It has been a joy serving them on their big day. I am exhausted but I shall finish this blog first before I go to bed.

I think I might have offended someone. I pray my friend is not too angry with my indecisiveness or any of my other shortcomings. I did not mean to agitate but I guess I might just have done so.

Yesterday I had another unpleasant encounter in the midst of my photography session. I learnt something from there that I asked the Lord to help me not commit the same mistake. Anyway, this incident has no relation to the wedding of my two siblings-in-Christ.

I hope as a brother-in-Christ to my other siblings in church, I will not lay obstacles or make things difficult for them that it becomes a stumbling block. Sometimes we let rules or policies (which are necessary to have for the sake of orderliness) get the better of us to the point where we become inflexible and in turn kills the excitement of a brother or sister who is eager to share God's goodness to others. Why be so rigid when we know by going an extra mile to accommodate this sibling, the larger body of Christ will be edified? I think it is okay occasionally to break or bend some rules made by man for the sake of being supportive to someone else's ministry.

Today I have been reminded of something which I am sometimes guilty of - never get personal or show prejudices against someone when there is something that you do not like or cannot accept about that individual. Many times we let the flaws of someone get the better of us that it is tough to accept that person. Have we ever realised that we too have our shortcomings and surely we do not want our friends or others to use that as a weapon to put us down, right? If that is so, then why are we doing it against others?

I have a confession to make. I went out with a few younger siblings-in-Christ last night to spend some time with a sister who will be leaving us very soon for overseas studies. While in the car, we were talking about a few people and suddenly I joined in and started saying a couple of negative things against a sibling-in-Christ which I now feel I should not have done so. What do I gain by making those remarks? I was the oldest in the group and yet I set such a lousy example to the younger ones which in my heart I wish others will not do it to me.

Gossips are to be thrown out of our lives. If the negative things we say about someone are not for the correction or building of that person, then just keep the comments to ourselves and not let this cause us to sin against God.

Mere talk about someone without resolution is gossip; but constructive talk about someone with the desire to build him up is edification.

I am very sleepy now. I shall end here. May the Lord and all whom I have offended forgive me - I am still "Work in Progress."

To God be the glory for guiding me in the photography task.

"A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much." Proverbs 20:19

"A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret." Proverbs 11:13

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