Have you ever wanted to be someone else? Have you ever tried copying someone in terms of his or her dressing/style, accent, likes, dislikes, etc? Yesterday I was at the second night of the Radio Bible Class (RBC) Ministry Bible Conference in St. Andrew's Cathedral and I was reminded to be myself.
I have always wanted to be like Tom Cruise who has got the looks. After watching the movie, "Top Gun," where he acted as a fighter jet pilot, I told myself I am going to be like him. Then I looked in the mirror, I realised it is quite impossible: he's a Caucasian and I am a Chinese; he's got the sharp features and I have the round ones; he's got the six-pack and I have the six-in-one pack; he's tall and I am just an average-height chap.
For a period of time, I felt lousy about the way I look and what I was. Though I have learnt to overcome that, there is no denial that sometimes I still wish I can be someone else. I guess it is a human thing. I also realised that whenever I turn my focus off God, then I become shakey in terms of who and what I am.
I am thankful that I got to know Jesus Christ and over the years in my growing up as a Christian, I learnt to accept myself. In fact, I was reminded last night that I am created unique so that my life can touch those around me when I exercise the gifts and talents God has given me.
At the end of the day, it is not the way I look but what I am inside that can make a difference in the lives of others. At the same time, it is also what is inside that can put people off. I guess I have to always make a conscious effort to watch myself. Wait! Let me add on to that - I think so long as I desire to know God, then my life will naturally become Christ-like and it should bless lives rather than blast lives. Right?
If I can use the uniqueness God has made me to be, why should I want to be someone else? I guess the one and only Person I should want to copy is Jesus Christ Himself. Why should I want to be like another human when I should desire for the Creator who made every human?
Well, it was a good wake-up call for me yesterday. I am Andy Chew. I am given gifts and talents and I will use them to minister to others. I still put people off occasionally because of my weaknesses/shortcomings but I am learning to overcome them bit by bit. Bear with me, every one.
It is quite amazing that a couple of days ago, I was struggling with the issue of my life repelling others more than attracting. I guess God wants to jolt me and not let this affect what I can be and do. May His name be glorified in my words, thoughts and deeds.
Today has been a long day for me. I got a lift to church from a dear brother who came by to pick something up for another friend. Then I had to go to Marina Bay to help set up some stuff for the National Day rehearsal. Then I went to meet a dear brother and sister to plan with them their wedding which will be held at the end of the year. Then it was back to Marina Bay again. When everything was in order, I left before the rehearsal commenced. I shopped alone around town and bought a couple of things. As my left knee was feeling a little painful, I decided to go home.
Well, thanks be to God for sustaining me through this day!
"But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:7-14
I have always wanted to be like Tom Cruise who has got the looks. After watching the movie, "Top Gun," where he acted as a fighter jet pilot, I told myself I am going to be like him. Then I looked in the mirror, I realised it is quite impossible: he's a Caucasian and I am a Chinese; he's got the sharp features and I have the round ones; he's got the six-pack and I have the six-in-one pack; he's tall and I am just an average-height chap.
For a period of time, I felt lousy about the way I look and what I was. Though I have learnt to overcome that, there is no denial that sometimes I still wish I can be someone else. I guess it is a human thing. I also realised that whenever I turn my focus off God, then I become shakey in terms of who and what I am.
I am thankful that I got to know Jesus Christ and over the years in my growing up as a Christian, I learnt to accept myself. In fact, I was reminded last night that I am created unique so that my life can touch those around me when I exercise the gifts and talents God has given me.
At the end of the day, it is not the way I look but what I am inside that can make a difference in the lives of others. At the same time, it is also what is inside that can put people off. I guess I have to always make a conscious effort to watch myself. Wait! Let me add on to that - I think so long as I desire to know God, then my life will naturally become Christ-like and it should bless lives rather than blast lives. Right?
If I can use the uniqueness God has made me to be, why should I want to be someone else? I guess the one and only Person I should want to copy is Jesus Christ Himself. Why should I want to be like another human when I should desire for the Creator who made every human?
Well, it was a good wake-up call for me yesterday. I am Andy Chew. I am given gifts and talents and I will use them to minister to others. I still put people off occasionally because of my weaknesses/shortcomings but I am learning to overcome them bit by bit. Bear with me, every one.
It is quite amazing that a couple of days ago, I was struggling with the issue of my life repelling others more than attracting. I guess God wants to jolt me and not let this affect what I can be and do. May His name be glorified in my words, thoughts and deeds.
Today has been a long day for me. I got a lift to church from a dear brother who came by to pick something up for another friend. Then I had to go to Marina Bay to help set up some stuff for the National Day rehearsal. Then I went to meet a dear brother and sister to plan with them their wedding which will be held at the end of the year. Then it was back to Marina Bay again. When everything was in order, I left before the rehearsal commenced. I shopped alone around town and bought a couple of things. As my left knee was feeling a little painful, I decided to go home.
Well, thanks be to God for sustaining me through this day!
"But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:7-14
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