Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Standing By One Another

I just finished writing my journal. As I was reflecting and jotting my thoughts, my heart felt heavy and sad. A dear brother-in-Christ corresponded with me over the MSN - he asked me whether I was okay during the dinner appointment we had with a few other siblings-in-Christ.

We were sharing about how superficial we can be sometimes when in the presence of one another; how we fail to help one another when we see something not right in another person's life; how sometimes we make use of one another and take each other for granted; how when we see someone struggling in their faith and yet not confronting the issue but instead closing an eye to the whole matter; how we place other areas of our lives above God. We were burdened that these are happening amongst Christians.

We acknowledged that Christians are humans too but the difference we can make in another person's life is the need for us to take an effort to help one another in our struggles with sins and our shortcomings. If we are not doing that, then who else would? If we feel the nudge from God to help a brother or a sister and chose not to respond to that prompting, how then will we help one another grow in the Lord and in maturity?

It is tiring having to deal with the above-mentioned but the both of us reminded each other that we cannot avoid our responsibility and obligation to spur one another on. We challenged each other to do something about it though it can be drag and we have decided to begin with prayer for one another.

Well, I pray God can use the both of us. I also hope God will bring others into my life to help me in my struggles and desire to be a better person for Him and the people around me.

I went out to run some errands for myself and others in the afternoon. I thank God I managed to get most of the things done but along the way I was also disappointed I could not get a discounted deal which initially I thought I could.

Anyway, thanks be to God for guiding me through the running around!

I am leading worship this Sunday and I have yet to sit down and seek the Lord in what songs to sing and what to do for the service. I hope I can do that tomorrow when I spend the day in church. I pray God will give me the discernment and that I will obey His promptings.

Lately I feel a little dryness in my walk - I hope the Lord will refresh me soon and bring me out of this rut.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25

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