Sunday, April 01, 2007

Keeper Of One's Words

I want to thank the Lord, first and foremost, for His grace upon me as I led the praise and worship session for this morning's service.

I arrived church early at around 8:00am to spend some time in prayer, to look through the songs and also the things that I wanted to share. There was still this sense of fear in me.

As I was entering into the Worship Hall to join the Worship Team in a time of rehearsal, suddenly there was this peace in my heart that everything would be in order. This assurance came because I realised I was standing on holy ground.

Why must there be fear in me when I know my God Almighty would be the One who would be guiding me? Even if things did not turn out well as I had hoped for and that I know I was doing it for God, who is my audience, then so be it. Sometimes I realised I feel overwhelmed because I wanted acknowledgement from others. If I had that motive, the chances of things falling apart would be higher.

Well, if I continued to use my own ability to deal with the problems faced during Friday's rehearsal, then I know they would continue to persist. That caused me to go down on my knees before the Lord - I lifted my hands to Him and basically asked Him to use me despite of my insecurities. I also surrendered a couple of burdens and sadness in my heart for some people to God.

Well, the Lord did use me and I was glad all went well. Glory and thanks be to Him! A dear friend affirmed in me that all was well during the service when she saw me outside the church office. I smiled and told her to read this blog as to why I was more confident today. I also want to thank her and a few others who have been praying for me - that made a difference for me because I know I was not going through the whole thing alone.

During the time of praise I was so immersed in the Lord's presence that I found it so hard to open my eyes as there was this sense of awe. There was this one point where I remembered I said these words, "Let us sing loud, loud, loudly to the Lord." That sentence did not sound right. I also felt it was funny. I just laughed to myself and moved on.

Well, I am truly humbled that again the God of the universe and the Lamb of God have been so good to me. Praise the Lord once again!

Earlier I mentioned there was this sadness in me - well, I was discouraged that sometimes promises are broken by the very people whom I cherish close to my heart. For me I share this with all honesty that I will try my utmost best to keep any promises that I have made to my friends and I expect the same from them. That is the whole idea of promises in the first place. It hurts when I realised promises are not kept by some. How to maintain trust when this word is not honoured?

Well, not meant to judge anyone on the above-mentioned but I thought I share this to sound myself and all who read this blog out that we need to be man (or woman) of our words. We need not be a Christian to know this - in fact I would expect my fellow siblings-in-Christ to carry out their promises made to me or others. If they do not, then someone would be stumbled.

Before I end, I want to give thanks to God for bringing a sister back to church after a while. My prayers will always be with her.

"All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD." Proverbs 16:2

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— even as I try to please everybody in every way." 1 Corinthians 10:31-33a

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