Saturday, April 28, 2007

We Know Ourselves Better By The Day

I attended the Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School's (PLMGS') Kaleidoscope Concert in their new auditorium this afternoon at 3:30pm. It was one of the best school concerts I have ever attended. If there are any PLMGS girls reading this blog, well done! I could see the effort and pride in all the performers.

I enjoyed, most, the tribal dance segment performed by the Dance Club. It was energetic, full of colours and very well-choreographed movements.

I have never enjoyed Chinese Orchestra before but the Guzheng Duan performance was also great - such intensity! They have changed my impression of Chinese classical music.

I also learnt a couple of things about harps when another group of girls did a rendition. I realised it is not just about plucking the strings but having to adjust certain levers as well while playing. Wow!

I was there with a dear friend and two other youths. I must thank them for the invitation - if not, my Saturday would have been uneventful.

After the concert, I had dinner with my dear friend at a Japanese restaurant in a hotel near town. It was fun as we fellowshipped over food. The time spent also allowed us to understand each other better though we have been friends for a couple of years already.

I learnt from our conversation that one should not stereotype another in a relationship or take for granted that once you know a person, the knowledge of him stops there. I think developing a relationship is always ongoing. One may be surprised to know more about another friend as time goes by. Be it good or bad traits, both parties should affirm and correct one another along the journey.

I got to know my friend better tonight and I am grateful to her for telling me more about her impression of me. I cherish that because it allows me to know myself better and to overcome any shortcomings.

Anyway, I am not ashamed to share this - Andy Chew talks too much and I am learning when I should talk less and be sensitive to the people I am in contact with. I was telling my friend that when I was with her, I knew at certain times she wanted to be quiet and I managed to get myself to shut up. There were occasions when I failed though. Hee. :)

Since I am on the topic of relationship, I do regret those broken friendships I have experienced in my pilgrim's journey. I have shared this before in my previous blogs - I long for reconciliation but the other party must be willing to allow me to seek forgiveness from him or her and give me a chance to learn and change. Every day I pray about this and I hope in God's time, He will make them happen. I really do not wish to die one day and realise that I have unsettled business with my friends. It is regretful and painful and I guess this is one thorn I have to bear as I experience the adventures of life.

Okie, time to stop. Praise the Lord for this day. I pray my dear friend will feel better physically when she wakes up tomorrow. She was unwell during the meal.

Long day for me tomorrow but everything is going to be alright in Christ.

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29

"Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise." Proverbs 19:20

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