Monday, April 30, 2007

When Unsure, Seek God

I just finished ironing a basket-load of clothes. Though very tiring after a while, it felt good seeing all the nicely-pressed shirts and slacks. Coincidentally when I was messaging my dear friend to ask how she is feeling now, she was also doing some ironing. She said she is feeling better and was strong enough to do some housework rather than staring into blank space like yesterday when she was feeling weak. I am glad she went to see the doctor and was prescribed some medications for her tummy.

When I was doing the ironing, I was praying for some people and also the things that I will be doing this week. I am going to teach at the Youth Ministry again this Sunday. I have yet to plan the lesson and the approach to it. As many of the Youth Ministry Mentors will not be around as most of them will be away on holidays, I think I will most probably conduct a mass session instead.

My heart is still burdened for some siblings-in-Christ especially for their walk with God. One of them is specially closed to my heart but for the past few months things are not going well between us. This has been a burden for me but I find comfort each time I leave my dear sibling into God's care through prayer. This is the least I can do.

I also prayed for God's healing on my dear friend and others who are unwell. I know all of them will be healed in no time.

Though God has been teaching me many things this year, there are also areas where I am still seeking Him for counsel, wisdom and understanding. For example, the rift between my dear sibling-in-Christ and me. I still do not know exactly why we have drifted so far and why there is still no reconciliation. It hurts to see us like total strangers now. I desire to know what went wrong so that I can learn from it. I hope I will be given a chance to do so. For now, I cannot do much except to pray daily for God to make it happen one day. It is a heavy burden I am carrying on my shoulders and it will never be off-loaded till it is resolved.

Well, these were some thoughts I had while doing the housework. Time for me to end here as I need to go for my driving lesson.

Till I blog again, have a blessed day ahead!

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

"Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." Psalm 43:5

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