Saturday, October 27, 2007

Keep Doing What Is Good

I will try to sleep after blogging this but not before I have a bath first. Later there is a leadership meeting in church at 8am all the way till noon. The word "meeting" is scaring me lately because meetings at work are like always back to back and when I am done with work, I have meetings in church.

If I can take a break from meetings for a day, it would be a great bonus and a refreshing feeling. Well, from the look at my schedules, this wish can only come true till mid-December. Though dreadful, I will try to see the good of them and may the Lord continue to sustain me through this period.

Anyway, so much for the blabbing. I went for a blood donation at the Blood Bank just after my team was done with our planning for the day. The medical staff who attended to me did not do a good job in inserting the needle. There is a bruise now on my left arm and it is really sore.

Something unpleasant happened while I was msning someone in the morning. I have not seen this person for quite a while already. When I saw him online I asked him how he has been. The reply I got was rather hostile. Well, I left it as it was and prayed for the person - not knowing how to pray, I asked the Spirit to intercede on my behalf.

Well, when I was lying down while donating my blood, I just wondered whether it is worth the while trying to be a friend to all whom I know. What is the point when I put in so much effort and what I get in return sometimes is like that of the above encounter.

I have learnt not to be too affected by this anymore because so long as I know I am doing out of goodwill and love, I will just leave it as it is even though at times my effort is not appreciated.

I am not sharing this as if I deserved to receive something in return. I am a human too. Treat me like one.

Anyway, time to stop ranting on this as well.

I am almost done with the first draft of the revised Missions Policy. Hopefully by the end of today, I will be able to complete the last bits and email it to the Lay Ministry Staff overseeing Missions whom I am working with for the initial draft. Thanks be to God for guiding me through thus far.

Okie, time to stop and have my bath.

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." Romans 8:26-27

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