Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Day Of Madness

I have decided to take a break from what I am doing now though I will be knocking off in about 30 minutes' time. I thought I could endure till then but I just cannot anymore.

Today's workload has been manic. I had two meetings back-to-back and that basically took up the whole day. My team did not even have time to lunch out so we ordered in instead. I did not even complete my food as I was on cruise-control and did not want to let anything disrupt my train of thoughts.

I am in this workaholic mode today because my team needs to hand in our proposal tomorrow. Well, thank God that my part is over and done with. I will now have to wait for the rest of my team members to finish theirs and we will then compile our research notes for the submission.

I did not blog last night because I was too tired to do so. I met my accountability group and when I got home, I watched the Russia vs England match. When that was done, I basically went to bed. My brother told me this morning that he was talking to me when I went to the room but I slept so fast that I could not even remember he was chatting with me. Haha.

Anyway, after the accountability group meeting with my brothers-in-Christ, I left with a heavy heart. I am still gathering my thoughts and will write when I know what exactly I want to say. It was a sad feeling I had basically.

Just now I had another burden after I was on MSN with someone. Anyway, I have committed all of the above-mentioned to the Lord. I guess I will have to off-load them to Him as I cannot handle them on my own.

I am looking forward to dinner with two dear siblings-in-Christ. I am so hungry now that the thought of the food we are going to eat just makes me drool. It is a Japanese restaurant. I guess I shall control myself for now.

This morning when I weighed myself, I realised I have put on quite a bit. I basically need to start exercising and watch what I eat as I do not wish to go back to my previous weight where it was past 90kg. After having not exercised for three months or more, I have to admit there is definitely going to be an inertia. No matter what, I am not going to let that stop me from taking care of my body. I also do not want to waste money buying bigger clothes as it would then encourage me to put on more. My clothes are getting tighter, I have to say. Oops. Hope the buttons will not start bursting. Haha.

Okie, time to pack up my stuff.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

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