Saturday, October 06, 2007

Be A Keeper Of Your Words

I am that close to blasting a few people for being irresponsible and not being keepers of their words. Sadly it is always the same individuals involved. I have decided to blog this as it had happened a few times and I think I want to address this for all to reflect.

Ever had this experience in which you put in so much effort in planning a gathering where everyone you invited agreed to come initially but at the last minute played out on you? It happened to a dear brother-in-Christ just now where a gathering of 8 persons have now dwindled to three. How sad can this be? Ever considered the feelings of the person who is planning it?

I believe in the course of coordinating, several smses have been sent and perhaps a couple of calls made. Some may not think much of these but the brother made an effort on a weekend to do the contacting just so that a few friends could come for an OktoberFest gathering. In the end, all came to naught.

Are we taking each other for granted? I may seem to be blowing this matter out of proportion but let us look at the principle of it all - you gave your word, you jolly well keep it. If you are unsure, then say so at the beginning. Of course if there are valid reasons, I cannot fault the person.

Well, I told the brother not to cancel the gathering even though there are only three left. I would rather have a smaller group of friends who are genuine in meeting up than have a bigger group who are not.

I may have offended some people as a result of this blog. So be it. I guess every one has feelings after all, aye?

Anyway, I was looking forward to a great time of fellowship with a big group of friends. Well, I am still looking forward to it but now with a smaller group, of course.

If I still do not make sense in what I have written so far or my reasonings are unacceptable, just remember this, "Let us be keepers of our words and spare a thought for others at all times!"

Here's to the Ozzies and Kiwis when they play their Rugby World Cup Quarter-Finals later!

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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