Saturday, October 13, 2007

Blest Abundantly!

I am having a pounding headache right now, it is around the forehead area. I had a brain-freeze while dining with the running gang. I was having a bowl of ice-kacang (red beans with ice). I think I ate too fast and the nerves just could not take the extreme cold.

I just had two panadols - hopefully the pain will subside after a while. I have been out since noon where I went to some Muslim friends' houses for a time of feasting. I was fed to the brim and by the time I left the last home, I just could not walk anymore. The button holding my jeans almost burst. :)

Anyway, I left for Sim Lim Square to meet a dear sister-in-Christ and her family to buy a notebook. In the end, they decided on a Toshiba Portege series which was a real good deal - it was priced at $1999 and they gave super-good freebies like the new 4GB Nano MP3 player, a Microsoft wireless laser mouse, a 2GB thumb-drive; an extra GB of RAM, 3 years of international warranty including parts and labour and a Targus backpack. Man! If the school had not bought me a new computer, I would probably go for this model.

Anyway, thanks be to God for what I have. I guess I cannot always covet the newer models of notebooks as I can never catch up with the rapid changes of technology. :)

I praise the Lord my sister and her family are satisfied with the purchase. Just as much as I assured them that Toshiba is a reliable brand, sometimes one cannot tell whether the machine would break down due to faulty parts. I prayed for the machine that it would serve the family well and that it will not give them any problems at all.

I used to have this brand of notebook and for three years, it has been working fine. I was very pleased with the performance and quality of the product. It is now still being put to good use and I pray the machine will continue to work fine for a few more years.

I went to a designer furniture store in Millennia Walk to visit a friend who is working there. This is the first time I visited the place and I was appalled when I saw the prices tagged on each of the furniture. For a simple chair, the price is almost S$1000. I almost fainted. A bookshelf cost around $46,500. I can buy a small car with that amount. I shan't write further the rest of the prices. I dared not even touch the products for fear that I might just damage them. I do not mean to speak ill of the company bringing in these furniture pieces but I really felt that it was too extravagant, even if a person could well afford to buy them.

Anyway, it was an eye-opener for me. In fact, they almost popped out of the sockets when I saw the first price-tag. Haha. :)

I am tempted to watch the England-France rugby semi-final match at 3am but I shall give it a miss as I am leading worship at the 11:15am service. I think that is more important than the match itself. I am excited and looking forward to the church coming together to worship God.

Well, I guess the team has done as much as we could to prepare for the session. The rest now we leave them to God to lead and guide us accordingly. It is my prayer that His name will be glorified in all that we do and say.

Okie, I shall sleep now. I am very exhausted. I guess the energy was used up for chomping all the delicious food and also taking care and playing with a couple's son from the running gang.

It has been a foodful day. Thanks be to God for His abundance blessings!

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." 1 Timothy 6:17-19

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